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FRM: Foundations Of Risk Management
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1. Economic Cost of Ruin(ECOR) - Enhancement to probability of ruin where severity of ruin is reflected
EPD or ECOR - Expected Policyholder Deficit (EPD)
Drysdale Securities (Chase Manhattan)
Parametric VaR
Financial Risk
2. Volatility of expected outcomes - Outcomes are random but distribution is known or approximated
Sortino ratio
EPD or ECOR - Expected Policyholder Deficit (EPD)
Effect of heterogeneous expectations on CAPM
3. Volatility of unexpected outcomes
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
Volatility Market risk
Valuation vs. Risk management
4. Capital structure (financial distress) - Taxes - Agency and information asymmetries
Market imperfections that can create value
Carry- backs and carry- forwards
Efficient frontier
Nonmarketable asset impact on CAPM
5. Asset-liability/market-liquidity risk
Traits of ERM
Liquidity risk
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
Risk Management Irrelevance Proposition
6. Equilibrium can still be expressed in returns - covariance - and variance - but they become complex weighted averages
Effect of heterogeneous expectations on CAPM
Risk- adjusted performance measure (RAP)
Formula for covariance
Information ratio
7. Potential amount that can be lost
Effect of heterogeneous expectations on CAPM
Four major types of risk
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
8. Market risk - Liquidity risk - Credit risk - Operational risk
Parametric VaR
Probability of ruin
Importance of communication for risk managers
Four major types of risk
9. Future price is greater than the spot price
Allied Irish Bank
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
RAR = relative return of portfolio (RRp)
10. People risk = fraud - etc. - Model risk = flawed valuation models - Legal risk = exposure to fines and lawsuits
Sovereign risk
3 main types of operational risk
Jensen's alpha
Forms of Market risk
11. IR = (E(Rp) - E(Rb))/(std dev(Rp- Rb)) - Evaluate manager of a benchmark fund
BTR - Below Target Risk
RAR = relative return of portfolio (RRp)
Information ratio
Basis risk
12. Changes in vol - implied or actual
VaR - Value at Risk
What lead to the exponential growth to derivatives mkt?
Three main reasons for financial disasters
Volatility Market risk
13. Hazard - Financial - Operational - Strategic
Operational risk
Information ratio
Liquidity risk
Risk types addressed by ERM
14. Long Term Capital Management - Renowned quants produced great returns with arbitrage- type trades - Unexpected and extreme events resulted in devaluation of Russian Rouble - resulting in a 3.65 billion dollar bailout - Failure to account for illiquid
What lead to the exponential growth to derivatives mkt?
Capital market line (CML)
Ten assumptions underlying CAPM
15. Curve must be concave - Straight line connecting any two points must be under the curve
Shape of portfolio possibilities curve
Carry- backs and carry- forwards
Recovery rate
Standard deviation of two assets
16. Covariance = correlation coefficient std dev(a) std dev(b)
Formula for covariance
Operational risk
Drysdale Securities (Chase Manhattan)
Allied Irish Bank
17. E(Ri) = Rf + beta[(E(Rm)- Rf)- (tax factor)(dividend yield for market - Rf)] + (tax factor)(dividend yield for stock - Rf)
Banker's Trust
CAPM assumption for EMH
CAPM with taxes included (equation)
18. Risk replaced with VaR (Portfolio return - risk free rate)/(portfolio VaR/initial value of portfolio)
Recovery rate
Banker's Trust
VaR- based analysis (formula)
CAPM assumption for EMH
19. Cannot exit position in market due to size of the position
Asset liquidity risk
Risk- adjusted performance measure (RAP)
3 main types of operational risk
Forms of Market risk
20. Difference between forward price and spot price - Should approach zero as the contract approaches maturity
Debt overhang
Security (primary vs secondary)
Four major types of risk
21. Unanticipated movements in relative prices of assets in hedged position
Basic Market risk
Probability of ruin
Valuation vs. Risk management
Risk- adjusted performance measure (RAP)
22. Obtained unsecured borrowing of 300 million by exploiting flaw in computing US government bond collateral - Had only 20 million in capital - Chase absorbed losses since they brokered deal - Called for better process control and more precise methods f
Where is risk coming from
Derivative contract
Drysdale Securities (Chase Manhattan)
Settlement risk
23. CAPM requires the strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis = private information
What lead to the exponential growth to derivatives mkt?
3 main types of operational risk
CAPM (formula)
CAPM assumption for EMH
24. Occurs the day when two parties exchange payments same day
Settlement risk
Options motivation on volatility
Nonparametric VaR
25. Need to assess risk and tell management so they can determine which risks to take on
CAPM assumption for EMH
Importance of communication for risk managers
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
Efficient frontier
26. Firm may ignore known risk - Somebody in firm may know about risk - but it's not captured by models - Realization of a truly unknown risk
Ways firms can fail to account for risks
Source of need for risk management
Information ratio
27. Too much debt - Causes shareholders to seek projects that create short term capital but long term losses
Treynor measure
Tail VaR or TCE - Tail Conditional Expectation(TCE)
Funding liquidity risk
Debt overhang
28. Excess return equated to alpha plus expected systematic return E(Rp) - Rf = alpha + beta(E(Rm) - Rf)
29. Absolute and relative risk - direction and non-directional
Forms of Market risk
Volatility Market risk
Performance- related metrics
Ways risk can be mismeasured
30. Risks that are assumed willingly - to gain a competitive edge or add shareholder value
Volatility Market risk
Business risks
Drysdale Securities (Chase Manhattan)
31. The lower (closer to - 1) - the higher the payoff from diversification
Models used in ERM framework
Parametric VaR
Correlation coefficient effect on diversification
32. Efficient frontier with inclusion of risk free rate - Straight line with formula Rc = Rf + ((Ra - Rf)/std dev(a))*std dev(c) - c is the total portfolio - a is the risky asset
Derivative contract
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
Capital market line (CML)
33. Law of one price - Homogeneous expectations - Security returns process
APT (equation and assumptions)
Information ratio
APT in active portfolio management
34. Country specific - Foreign exchange controls that prohibit counterparty's obligations
Sovereign risk
Efficient frontier
Asset transformers
Business Risk
35. When negative taxable income is moved to a different year to offset future or past taxable income
Information ratio
Shortfall risk
Allied Irish Bank
Carry- backs and carry- forwards
36. (E(Rp) - MAR)/(sqrt((1/T)summation(Rpt- MAR)^2) - MAR - minimum acceptable return
Capital market line (CML)
Financial Risk
Sortino ratio
Ten assumptions underlying CAPM
37. Quantile of a statistical distribution
CAPM (formula)
Valuation vs. Risk management
Parametric VaR
38. Liquidity and maturity transformation - Brokers - Reduces transaction and information costs between households and corporations
Asset transformers
Risks excluded from operational risk
Options motivation on volatility
Liquidity risk
39. John Rusnak - a currency option trader - produced losses of 691 million by using imaginary trades to disguise large naked positions. - Enforced need for back office controls
Allied Irish Bank
Risk- adjusted performance measure (RAP)
(market beta)(Rm - Rf) + (sensitivity to inflation risk)(price of inflation risk)
Carry- backs and carry- forwards
40. 1971: Fixed Exchange rate system broke down and was replaced by more volatile floating rate - 1973: Oil price shocks - - >high inflation - - >interest rate swings - 1987: Black Monday - OCt 19 - mkt fell 23% - 1989: Japanese stock price bubble -
Source of need for risk management
Zero- beta CAPM (two factor model)
Debt overhang
Practical considerations related to ERM implementatio
41. Credit risk that occurs when there is a change in the counterparty's ability to perform its obligations
Sortino ratio
Risk types addressed by ERM
Credit event
Performance- related metrics
42. ex. Human capital - Equilibrium return can be higher or lower than it is under standard CAPM
APT for passive portfolio management
Information ratio
Risk types addressed by ERM
Nonmarketable asset impact on CAPM
43. Risk of loses owing to movements in level or volatility of market prices
Practical considerations related to ERM implementatio
Market risk
Firms becoming more sensitive to changes(bank deregulation)
BTR - Below Target Risk
44. Unanticipated movements in relative prices of assets in a hedged position - All hedges imply some basis risk
Nonmarketable asset impact on CAPM
Correlation coefficient effect on diversification
Basis risk
45. Excess return divided by portfolio beta Tp = (E(Rp) - Rf)/portfolio beta - Better for well diversified portfolios
Financial Risk
Treynor measure
VaR - Value at Risk
CAPM with taxes included (equation)
46. Wrong distribution - Historical sample may not apply
Ways risk can be mismeasured
Kidder Peabody
Recovery rate
Expected return of two assets
47. Leeson took large speculative position in Nikkei 225 disguised as safe transactions by fake customers - Earthquake increased volatility and destroyed short put options - Losses of 1.25 billion and forced bankruptcy - Necessity of an independent tradi
Differences in financial risk management for financial companies vs industrial companies
Asset liquidity risk
Business Risk
48. Percentile of the distribution corresponding to the point which capital is exhausted - Typically - a minimum acceptable probability of ruin is specified - and economic capital is derived from it
Probability of ruin
Four major types of risk
RAR = relative return of portfolio (RRp)
Ri = ai + bi1l1 + bi2l2....+ei
49. Probability that a random variable falls below a specified threshold level
Valuation vs. Risk management
Prices of risk vs sensitivity
Shortfall risk
Business Risk
50. Both probability and cost of tail events are considered
Tail VaR or TCE - Tail Conditional Expectation(TCE)
VaR - Value at Risk
Formula for covariance
Shape of portfolio possibilities curve