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FRM Foundations Of Risk Management Quantitative Methods

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Multivariate probability

2. Two assumptions of square root rule

3. Inverse transform method

4. Adjusted R^2

5. Reliability

6. Homoskedastic only F - stat

7. Mean reversion in variance


9. Mean reversion

10. Overall F - statistic

11. Least squares estimator(m)

12. Mean(expected value)

13. Covariance

14. Persistence

15. Efficiency

16. EWMA

17. Covariance calculations using weight sums (lambda)

18. Simulation models

19. Conditional probability functions

20. LFHS

21. Panel data (longitudinal or micropanel)

22. Pooled data

23. WLS

24. Poisson Distribution

25. K - th moment

26. Control variates technique

27. Statistical (or empirical) model

28. Antithetic variable technique

29. Confidence interval (from t)

30. Limitations of R^2 (what an increase doesn't necessarily imply)

31. Two drawbacks of moving average series

32. Economical(elegant)

33. Difference between population and sample variance

34. Test for unbiasedness

35. Standard normal distribution

36. Implied standard deviation for options

37. P - value

38. Beta distribution

39. Regime - switching volatility model

40. Variance of X - Y assuming dependence

41. Confidence interval for sample mean

42. SER

43. Test for statistical independence

44. Non - parametric vs parametric calculation of VaR

45. Confidence ellipse

46. ESS

47. Two ways to calculate historical volatility

48. Extending the HS approach for computing value of a portfolio

49. Expected future variance rate (t periods forward)

50. Continuous representation of the GBM