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General Surgery Vocab

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Function of omenta

2. Stenosis

3. Modified radical mastectomy

4. Ostomy

5. Otomy

6. Gastrotomy

7. What is the appendix attached to...

8. Beta cells from islets of langerhans to make

9. Recurrence of anal fissure

10. Peristalsis

11. What position would you use to displace abdominal contents

12. Purse string suture used to...

13. What type of incision is used for an appendectomy

14. In what Quadrant is the gallbladder located

15. Function of the liver

16. Docho

17. The xiphoid process is located where on the sternum

18. Moloney dialators used for...

19. The Illiac region of the abdomen is also known as

20. Removal of parathyroid glands leads to...

21. largest organ of abdominal cavity

22. Chyle

23. Position for mcburneys

24. What other instrument set is used during a cholecystectomy

25. Alpha cells of islets of langerhans produces

26. Dysphagia

27. Long - vertical - straplike muscle of the abdomen

28. End illeostomy created from

29. Bile is produced by the...

30. What do you use to insufflate the abdomen

31. Gallstones

32. 3 portions of the small intestine

33. Lysis

34. Ascities

35. Small intestin food and water is controoled by what?

36. Hassan technique to...

37. Function of the colon

38. The inner layer of the digestive tract

39. Kocher type incision

40. What organ is exocrine and endocrine

41. The bilary tract terminates at

42. Prep for laparotomy

43. Necrosis

44. Outer layer of digestive tract

45. Stasis

46. A diaphragmatic hernia is located

47. Single largest mass of lymphatic tissue

48. Parietal

49. The alimentary canal is also known as the

50. Removal of gallbladder