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German Culture

Subject : culture
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Eisleben is located at the foot of the ___ mts.

2. One river that flows through the cities of Dresden and Hamburg

3. What is another name for the Warehouse Complex?

4. How long is a mile in kilometers?

5. What is the 'Abitur' ?

6. What is the unit of currency in Austria?

7. What would you find in a Tierpark in Germany?

8. Where is the zip code in a German address?

9. What is the Vogelsberg?

10. What do the initials DB stand for?

11. 4th graders take....

12. Lake on the border of two countries

13. What river forms a natural boundary between Germany and Poland?

14. Potsdam is located on the River

15. Rheinland-Pfalz is in the ____

16. What is Minau known for?

17. What city is known ast he city of salt?

18. What is the warehouse complex?

19. Hard school; grades 5-10

20. What year was Liechtenstien founded?

21. Who are the Landsknechte?

22. Magdeburg is located on the ____

23. What is the elementary school called in German?

24. Who is the current chancellor of Germany?

25. What animal is considered a sign of good luck for New Years?

26. Who is Karl Lagerfeld?

27. What do small children receive on their first day of school?

28. Site of the Dahlem Museum

29. What major concentration camp was in Weimar?

30. What mountain chains line Rheinland-Pfalz?

31. What can you find at a Fremdenvehrkehrsamt?

32. At what age can you obtain a driver's license?

33. Who hid at the Wartburg Castle?

34. What is the famous German automobile manufacturer in Stuttgart?

35. City noted for art treasures and china

36. Name two famous people from Hamburg.

37. What drink is popular in East Frisia?

38. Wolfgang Peterson directed

39. Is a liter more or less than an American gallon?

40. Hessen is a ______ state.

41. What is a German sportswear company?

42. Beyreuth is known for...

43. The Brandenburg Gate was a symbol for

44. What is a U-bahn?

45. Two important people from Sachsen-Anhalt are

46. Site of the annual Oktoberfest

47. What major car comopany is based in Niedersachsen?

48. How many feet are in a meter?

49. Lorelei?

50. The Glockenspiel is located in...