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Global History Basics

Subjects : literacy, history
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A political system in which the government is under the control of the merchant class.

2. An infectious disease transmitted by fleas. It is characterized by fever - chills - and the formation of swellings. Also known as the Black Plague or Black Death.

3. (1901-1989) Emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989. He is the last Japanese emperor to be considered divine. Led Japan through World War II.

4. In the early 19th century - Great Britain began importing opium - processed from poppy plants grown in the Crown Colony of India - into China. Chinese officials attempted to ban the importation of the highly addictive opium - but ultimately failed. T

5. The complete destruction of a group of people.

6. An economy based on agriculture - with others in society working in simple crafts - such as the manufacturing of cloth or pottery.

7. Term given for the rapid invasion of Africa by the various European powers. This began imperialism in Africa.

8. (1843-1910) German physician who - in the 1880's - discovered that bacteria caused tuberculosis.

9. Concept of John Locke's that states all people have the right to life - liberty - and property.

10. An agent that helps prevent or reduce infection in wounds.

11. An artist who creates three-dimensional works of art - usually in stone or clay.

12. (1451-1506) Italian explorer working for Spain who - in 1492 - crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Americas for Spain.

13. Manufacturing system where work was distributed and retrieved from individuals in their homes.

14. The burning of a dead body until it turns to ash.

15. According to the Hebrew Bible - an anointed king who will lead the Jews back to the land of Israel and establish justice in the world. According to the Christians - the Messiah was Jesus Christ.

16. A system of thought devoted to the examination of ideas such as truth - existence - reality - causality - religion - and freedom

17. The massive air war against Great Britain by the Nazi war machine in Germany. Nearly nightly bombings occurred between summer of 1940 and summer of 1941 before German withdrew. Great Britain fought alone during this year and never gave up.

18. (1476?-1541) Spanish conquistador Who was responsible for the conquest of the Incan Empire.

19. A device used to steer a ship. It is usually shaped like a paddle and is on the back of the boat.

20. (8-4 BCE- 29? CE) Founder of Christianity. Considered by Christians to be the son of God and the Messiah. He is the central figure in the Christian Religion.

21. (1937- ) President of Iraq since 1979. He has led his control into two devastating wars - one against Iran in 1980 to 1988 - and the Persian Gulf War in 1990 - 1991 which started as a result of his invading Kuwait.

22. A person who designs buildings.

23. Ancient Middle Eastern empire comprising modern day Iran. The Perisan Empire dominated the Middle East from the middle of the 6th century BCE to about the end of the 5th century BCE - Its greatest ruler was Dairus I. Persia was later conquered by Ale

24. A political system in which a country is ruled by law - has representative government - and is democratic in nature.

25. A social - political - and economic system that dominated all aspects of medieval European life.

26. (1899-1902) War between Great Britain and the Boers in South Africa over control of rich mining country. Great Britain won and created the Union of South Africa comprised of all the South African colonies.

27. In China - it was an exam based on Confucian teachings that was used to select people for various government service jobs in the bureaucracy.

28. The term given to process in which cultural diffusion occurred between China and Japan though Korean contact with both civilizations.

29. The legal act of ending a marriage.

30. To gain something when someone dies - such as property or money.

31. To gain something when someone dies - such as property or money.

32. (320-550 C.E.)Ruling family in India during its golden age. Responsible for many achievements.

33. Date designation meaning Before Common Era - or more than two thousand years ago.

34. Area of southeast Asia controlled by France during Imperialism. Includes Cambodia - Laos - and Vietnam.

35. (371?-289 BCE) - Chinese philosopher - who studied Confucianism. He later refined many of the ideas and spread them across China. Also known as Mengzi - or Meng-tzu.

36. Japanese city devastated during World War II when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Aug 6th - 1945.

37. April 3rd of 1919. British soldiers killed close to 400 unarmed Indian men - women - and children - and wounded 1 -100 more. People had gathered in the center of town to protest British occupation of their country - and to demand equality. This was a

38. A monarch who retains absolute control of their country while also enacting reform based on Enlightenment ideas.

39. Nationalist Party in China led by Jiang Jieshi - which began a war against the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. Both fought for control of China - with Mao and the Communists ultimately winning in 1949.

40. (1886-1973) First Prime Minister of Israel.

41. An enlightened despot who ruled over Russia. She is responsible for many positive changes in Russia - as well as securing the country a warm water port.

42. Nationalistic movement which emphasized the unity of all Slavic peoples - and sought to end foreign control of various Slavic nations.

43. Italians City-States which were the center of the rebirth of European trade and culture at the end of the Middle Ages.

44. (1929)The steep fall in the prices of stocks due to widespread financial panic. It was caused by stock brokers who called in the loans they had made to stock investors. This caused stock prices to fall - and many people lost their entire life savings

45. A Mesoamerican civilization of Mexico who created a strong empire that flourished between the 14th and 15th century. The arrival of Hernando Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadores ended their empire.

46. Political revolution in the British North American Colonies starting in 1776 that removed the colonies from Great Britain's control - and established an independent nation know as the United States of America.

47. Nationalistic group/army created and led by Guiseppe Garibaldi to end foreign control of Italy during the 19th century.

48. In Hinduism - Brahman is the name given to the oneness of the universe.

49. The killing of all the people from a ethnic group - religious group - or people from a specific nation.

50. Period of North and South American history before the arrival of the Europeans in the late 15th century.