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Global Warming

Subjects : literacy, science
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Number of days when temperatures climb above average by a fixed amount.

2. A climate forcing agent formed through the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels - biofuel - and biomass; emitted both anthropogenic:ally and naturally.

3. Closed talik can develop when lakes fill in with sediment and become deposits of dead plant material (bog).

4. A process whereby slabs of ice at the glacier margin mechanically fracture and detach from the main ice mass -

5. 78% nitrogen - 28% oxygen - Greenhouse gases: Have a more complex molecular structure and can absorb and re:radiate heat in all directions.

6. Ice sheets have a very ____ Albedo

7. The past climate...for this reason - both keep good records of climate change.

8. Occurs when there is not enough water available for a particular crop to grow at a particular time.Typically seen after!meteorological drought (when rainfall decreases) but before a hydrological drought

9. Mass balance due to processes that affect the surface of the ice sheet. Precipitation-evapotranspiration-runoff-blowing snow etc...

10. Sea ice extent in Antarctica is rapidly reducing. Seasonal variability. People - Animals and Ice

11. Pockets of ice in the topmost permafrost caused by thawing which create an underground lake.

12. 1. Land usage changes 2. Seasonal timing 3. Rising CO2 levels may be a factor

13. CO2 ____ in winter in the NH and ____ decreases during the 'greening season'

14. If the Earth is warmer - are we going to have the Hadley cell stronger or weaker? Hotter = heat rises which increases the circulation.

15. By contrast reflects only about 7% of solar radiation (Albedo~7%) - absorbing 93%.

16. Greenhouse gases are mixed in the ____

17. Like weighing oneself on the scale.

18. The Earth emits this.

19. Floating extensions are ice shelves - rivers of ice are ice streams or outlet glaciers - the junctions with the ocean are called the grounding line.

20. High clouds are a ____ feedback; larger greenhouse warming - Clouds reflect shortwave radiation but also absorb longwave radiation

21. Wet gets _____ - dry gets ____ - Wet - 50ON (sub polar) Canada - N Europe - Russia - Tropical area- monsoon (rainforest) - Drier - Subtropics - Australia - S. Africa - Mediterranean - Caribbean - Mexico - SW US

22. Troposphere - Stratosphere (Ozone Layer) - Mesosphere - Ionosphere

23. 1. Altimetry survey 2. Time-variable gravity 3. Ice motion + Regional Climate Modeling

24. On a clear cold day - the thin layer of air hugging the ground is called inversion. This layer is much cooler than the air a few hundred meters above it.

25. Pollution: heat and sunlight cook the air and the chemical compounds which are in it. This combines with the nitrogen oxide and creates 'smog'. This makes breathing difficult for those with respiratory ailments.

26. Set up in 1988 by WMO and UNEP.

27. CO2 GHG forcing - H2O - dominant/major GHG

28. Amount of light absorbed by atmosphere

29. 20% human produced CO2 emissions. Tropical forests hold around 50% of the carbon present in vegetation on Earth.

30. Changes over time in the highest and lowest single temperature observed during a given month of the year.

31. The air can hold less water vapor - Consequently - less water can be evaporated in the air - and only a small portion of energy is used in this process - Most of the energy that reaches the Arctic goes directly into warming the air

32. Arctic warms faster than other parts of the globe in response to a given increase in greenhouse gasses - More direct route to warming - In the Arctic a greater fraction of any increase in radiation absorbed by the surface goes directly into warming t

33. Top layer of soil that thaws during the summer and freezes again during autumn. - Between 1 and 3 m thick.

34. Radiation that comes from the Sun - Visible light - 'near infrared' - ultraviolet radiation.

35. When inversion breaks up _______________. - Consequently - anything that breaks inversions or makes them form less often could produce major ground level warming.

36. Sea ice and continental ice. This is caused by Atmospheric warming triggers.

37. High vs low

38. Same as heating an apartment v home - Thinner atmosphere than tropics; warms faster.

39. 10 : 1 - grounding ; surface

40. Prolonged period of excessively hot weather - Which may be accompanied by high humidity.

41. In troposphere = greenhouse warming gas - However - most of it is in the stratosphere.

42. 85%

43. Where do greenhouse gases warm up the Earth?

44. The amount of light reflected by an object.

45. Reduction of Summer Sea- will increase the warming because less energy will be reflected back to the atmosphere by the ice and more will be absorbed by the ocean - Snow and snow covered ice absorb 15% of incident solar energy - Ice absorbs 10% of inc

46. High cloud has a _____ effect and cool cloud has a ____ effect

47. Is not an externally imposed perturbation to the climate system.

48. Melting Point decreases

49. Grace - Tells us how much mass change we have - M - This is the measure of gravity (gives us the mass) - Directly measure mass change - Poor resolution

50. Over the Northern Hemisphere than the tropics.