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Global Words You Should Know

Subjects : literacy, vocabulary
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Devotion and reverence to God

2. (n) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action

3. Worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion

4. The business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

5. Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it

6. Incapable of being solved or untangled

7. Based on or tracing descent through the male line

8. Based on or tracing descent through the male line

9. Having superior power and influence

10. A remote and undeveloped area

11. Multiple ethnic or religious groups existing in the same area

12. Natural - inborn

13. A god or goddess

14. Strength - energy

15. Kept from public knowledge by various means; held back

16. Control of a product or service by one company

17. Someone Who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

18. Relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen

19. Death rate

20. A group - usually a small part of a larger group - united around some cause

21. Relating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother

22. A belief - principle - or teaching

23. A way of life in Which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith; living life as a monk

24. The ceremony of installing a new monarch

25. Lower in rank or position - secondary; one Who is in a lower position or under the orders of someone else;

26. Preach the gospel (to)

27. Any system of persons or things ranked one above another

28. Independence; self-determination - political independence

29. Faithfulness; allegiance; loyalty

30. A person's condition or position in the eyes of the law; relative rank or standing - especially in society ;prestige

31. Very strict in matters of religious or moral conduct

32. Living quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household

33. Faithfulness; allegiance; loyalty

34. Believers - followers

35. Incapable of being solved or untangled

36. Castrated males - originally in charge of protection of the ruler's concubines. Eventually had major roles in government - especially in China.

37. To wipe out; to destroy

38. Following in time or order - following - coming after or later

39. Castrated males - originally in charge of protection of the ruler's concubines. Eventually had major roles in government - especially in China.

40. Motivation based on ideas of right and wrong

41. Someone Who is drafted into military service

42. A person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the those of the Roman Catholic Church

43. The act of being formally connected or joined

44. Sameness; monotony; uniform - the same all over

45. Following in time or order - following - coming after or later

46. A person's condition or position in the eyes of the law; relative rank or standing - especially in society ;prestige

47. A person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the those of the Roman Catholic Church

48. Believers - followers

49. Relating to a social system in which family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother

50. Predicted; foretold