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GMAT Verbal Foundations
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1. Past - present - future
Coordinating conjunctions
Verbs Tenses
Quality Noun
2. Can't be intensified -absolute eg: dead - square - essential - universal - immortal - absolute
Indefinite Pronouns
Linking Verb
Compound Verbs
Absolute Adjectives
3. Made from adj. - Clean= cleanliness - Fluid = fluidity
Verb Moods
Quality Noun
Action Verb
4. A verbal that ends in -ing and acts as a noun -can be subjects of a sentence - Skiing is a popular winter sport. (Skiing - Sub)
Possessive Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
5. Substitute the -ing word with a noun - sentence should make sense - eg: Dating is tricky --> Algebra is tricky (dating = gerund)
Helping Verb
Check Gerund
Possessive Adjectives
Indicative Mood
6. Indicative mood - imperative mood - subjunctive mood
Action Verb
Mass Nouns
Verb Moods
7. Countable -preceded by a number - e.g. one book - two books -have a plural form -Use: Number of.... A great number of friends have shown me great amount of kindness. Use: Fewer... This lane is for people with 3 items or fewer.
Count Nouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Proper Adjectives
8. This - that - these - those - none and neither - point out people - places - or things without naming them
Proper Nouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Helping Verb examples
Collective Nouns
9. A noun that requires different modifiers such as 'little' and 'much' -do not have a plural form -Use: Amount of.... -Use: Less... I have less stress
Compound Verbs
Mass Nouns
Indicative Mood
10. End in -self or -selves and refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence - myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves - themselves - Wrong: Bill will be sitting next to Jayne and myself.
Reflexive Pronouns
Action Verb
11. Active - passive
Verb Voices
Possessive pronouns used as Possessive Adjectives
12. Singular/plural Some - any - none - all - many - more - based on 'of construction'
Compound Verbs
Linking Verb
Indefinite Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
13. Can have more than 1 helping verb - an adverb can separate individual verbs in the compound verb - eg: He HAS frequently DEFACED public property. ________________: has defaced
Possessive Adjectives
Linking Verb
Compound Verb
'One' appearing as a pronoun
14. Formed from a proper noun: Roman ruins - Mexican food - Japanese
Personal Pronoun
Compound Adjectives
Proper Adjectives
15. Created by using compound words - hyphenated words or related words. The two words used are combined to create a descriptive adjective. (i.e. broken-hearted - lemon-lime)
Indefinite Pronouns
Absolute Adjectives
Verbs Tenses
Compound Adjectives
16. Used as: -pronoun: One should learn grammar. -noun: One is the loneliest number. -adjective: I have only one pencil.
17. Am - are - is - was - were - will - would - be - being - been - may - might - must.
Helping Verb examples
Imperative Mood
Indefinite Pronouns
Collective Nouns
18. Indefinite pronouns don't usually have one -'you' is often used without one -'it' may not need one if it come at the start of a sentence - eg: It is raining. It is hoped that the taxes will be payed.
Verb Moods
Verbs Tenses
19. His car - its prey - other pronouns as adjectives: whose - which - this - that - these - those - all - both - some
Compound Verb
Collective Nouns
Relative Pronouns
Possessive pronouns used as Possessive Adjectives
20. Adjectives: a - an - the
Indefinite Pronouns
Quality Noun
Relative Pronouns
21. Expresses what the writer believes about - or wants to do with - the action expressed by the verb - indicative mood >> expresses facts - imperative mood >> commands - subjunctive mood: >> unlikely or unreal conditions (usually after if or similar wor
Verb Mood
'One' appearing as a pronoun
Indefinite Pronouns
Helping Verb
22. Joins a dependent clause to an independent clause (who - whom - whose - which - that and all of the W's + ever) -introduce modifiers - introduces an Adjective Clause or a Noun Clause; -eg:That - Which - Who - Whom - Whose - Where - Why - What.
Reflexive Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Mass Nouns
23. Show ownership -sometimes used an adjective -my - mine - your - yours - his - her - hers - its - our - ours - their - theirs
Subjunctive Mood
Object Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
24. Help verbs ending in -ing become complete - helps the main verb show an action. By itself - a _______________ cannot show action -He IS PLANNING to attend.-She Will BE LEAVING shortly. Planning & Leaving not complete verbs
Verbs Tenses
Gerund vs. Verb
Helping Verb
Reflexive Pronouns
25. Used to express a command or a request. - the subject of an imperative sentence is usually understood to be 'you' ex. Come to the library with me.
Imperative Mood
Quality Noun
Intensifying an Adjective
26. A verb that expresses either physical or mental action by subject - can be either transitive or intransitive (or both) -physical: play - swim - jump - punch - run - kick - walk -mental: think - dream - love - rejoice - muse - ponder
Mass Nouns
Action Verb
Compound Verbs
27. Doesn't mix well with other pronouns - eg Wrong: One must be careful to account for all sources of income on your tax return -it is okay to use 'one' as a pronoun in a sentence when the other pronouns refer to different things - eg: Fire is alluring
28. Xomparative & superlative forms -(-er - -est; or -ier - iest; or more- - most-) -smart - smarter - smartest -good - better - best - intelligent - more intelligent - most intelligent
Intensifying an Adjective
Compound Verbs
Action Verb
Mass Nouns
29. Names a person - place - thing - or idea - a word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb
Verb Voices
Indicative Mood
30. Subjunctive Mood used to express ________________________ - I wish you were mine - I suggest that you be on time
Linking Verb
Verbs Tenses
a wish - an emotion - a possibility - or an action that has not yet occurred
31. Made from verbs - remove --> removal - discuss--> discussion - cry --> cry
Action Nouns
Linking Verb
Compound Verbs
32. Require a comma before each in a sentence - (for - and - nor - but - or - yet - so)
Imperative Mood
Coordinating conjunctions
Indicative Mood
33. Word used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun - such as happy - sad - pretty - ten-minute - red - annoying...- answer questions like: What kind is it? Which one? How many are there?
Imperative Mood
Action Verb
Proper Adjectives
34. -an '-ing' word without a helping verb isn't a real verb - CHECK: substitute a noun in the gerunds place - I am boxing (Compound verb: am boxing) I love boxing (Gerund: boxing - verb: love)
Gerund vs. Verb
Possessive Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
35. Singular One - -body - -thing - each
Indefinite Pronouns
Check Gerund
Intensifying an Adjective
Verb Voices
36. Do not point out specific people - places or things -do not usually have antecedents -Always are singular - all - another - any - anybody - anyone - anthything - both - each - either - everybody - everyone - everything - few - many - more - most - m
Verb Moods
Indefinite Pronouns
Collective Nouns
37. Describes action - a state of being - or what is being done to something or someone - critical part of a sentence's predicate - to laugh - to think - to drive - to run - to be - to do - accomplishes - is - went - arose - decided
Count Nouns
Verb Moods
Coordinating conjunctions
38. Shows possession or ownership. They have antecedents. Must agree with its antecedent in person - number - and gender: Jayne has a skateboard. His skateboard is silver. Jo and Luis have bikes. Their bikes are new.
Reflexive Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Compound Verb
39. Refers to the one speaking (first person) - the one spoken to (second person) - or the one spoken about (third person) - takes the place of a noun or nouns; they show number and gender; example: singular: I - me - my - mine - you - your - yours - he
Indefinite Pronouns
Imperative Mood
Helping Verb examples
Personal Pronoun
40. Pronouns that are used after action verbs as direct or indirect objects and as objects of prepositional phrases - Pronoun form used when the word receives the action of the sentence or a preposition: him - her - them - whom - you - it - can be used a
Demonstrative Pronouns
'One' appearing as a pronoun
Reflexive Pronouns
Object Pronouns
41. Do not start with a capital letter; -do not refer to something specific: plane - car - cats - animals; -can be subdivided into countable or uncountable nouns;
Intensifying an Adjective
Proper Nouns
Subjunctive Mood
42. Always needs a clear antecedent - same is true of them - their - it (sometimes) - its
43. 1. does NOT show action 2. shows state-of-being 3. links the subject to a noun or adjective - He SEEMS nice - Otto IS a miniature bulldog
Linking Verb
44. The verb form used to wish - hypothesize - or recommend. It can be used when a clause begins with 'if' and is contrary to fact: 'If I were President'(I am not President) or when a clause begins with 'that' and follows verbs such as 'ask' - 'insist' -
Compound Verbs
Demonstrative Pronouns
Indicative Mood
Subjunctive Mood
45. Used to ask a question - who - whom - whose - what - and which
Intensifying an Adjective
Interrogative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Proper Adjectives
46. Consists of two or more verbs - sometimes are joined by a coordinating conjunction (e.g. FANBOYS) and have the same subject.
Possessive Adjectives
Compound Verbs
47. Cannot be the main verb of a sentence - can be subjects of sentences or objects - another type of verbal that can be used as a noun - adjective - or an adverb (doesn't end in '-ing' - usually has 'to' before a verb; not a prepositional phrase!) - to
Action Verb
'One' appearing as a pronoun
Possessive Adjectives
48. A complete _________ needs a subject and a verb eg: I ran. We left. I do.
Verb Moods
Indefinite Pronouns
49. Refer to groups composed of members; -always singular; -eg: administration - army - society - family - couple
Helping Verb examples
Imperative Mood
Helping Verb
Collective Nouns
50. Nouns cannot be __________ by adding 'er' or 'est' to Absolute Adjectives. Use 'more nearly' or 'most nearly' to compare items using absolute adjectives. -eg: more nearly circular (not: more circular) -eg: more likely fatal (not: more fatal)
Quality Noun
Indicative Mood
Absolute Adjectives