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Grammar Parts Of Speech
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1. Next - last - previous - subsequent
General Ordinals
Future Continuous
Present Continuous
2. Refer to people (including 'it'). can be 1st - 2nd - 3rd person - singular or plural
Count Nouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Posessive Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
3. Ing form - continuous tenses
Indefinite Pronouns
Subject Pronoun
Present Participle
Second Person Singular
4. I - me - my - mine
Comparative Adjective
Posessive Pronouns
Base form
First Person Singular
5. Often -s form - for permanent states or general - repeated - for frequency - spoken actions (I promise)
Present Simple
Present Perfect Continuous
Subject Pronoun
6. Will be +ing
Verbs not used in continuous tenses
First Person Singular
Future Continuous
Second Person Plural
7. Don't need an object - has died
Adverbs of degree
Past Continuous past form of
Intransitive Verbs
8. They - them - their - theirs
Base form
Third Person Plural
Adverbs of frequency
Order of Adjectives
9. Know - want - believe - like
Past Participle
Present Continuous
Third Person Singular
Verbs not used in continuous tenses
10. Introduce a dependant clause - that - which - who - whose - whom - when - where (the car that passed us)
Order of Adjectives
All sentences (apart from imperatives) contain
Relative Pronouns
11. you - your - yours
Absolute Adjective
Non-Count Nouns / Mass Nouns
Adverbs of place and time
Second Person Plural
12. What the subject does
Active Verb
Third Person Singular
All sentences (apart from imperatives) contain
Passive Verb
13. Modifies V - Adj - or Adv - often end in -ly
The Definite Article
Reciprocal Pronouns
14. you - your - yours
Second Person Singular
Posessive Pronouns
Object Pronoun
15. This - that - these - those (that is a fast car)
Demonstrative Pronouns
Third Person Singular
Ordinal Numerals
General Ordinals
16. Names person - place - thing - or concept
Superlative Adjective
Adverbs of manner
17. Perfect 'have' -ed form (reg)
The Definite Article
Transitive Verbs
Past Participle
18. Er
Past Continuous past form of
Comparative Adjective
Posessive Pronouns
19. Most general - most specific
Order of Adjectives
First Person Plural
20. Substitute N - do not take the/a/an - generally cannot follow Adj.s
Auxiliary Verbs
Posessive Pronouns
21. He - him - his - she - her - hers - it - its
General Ordinals
Absolute Adjective
Third Person Singular
Transitive Verbs
22. Answer how was it done - beautifully - quickly etc. Often end in -ly - but also hard - fast
Posessive Pronouns
Second Person Singular
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of frequency
23. Bare Infinitive V
Second Person Plural
Base form
Adverbs of place and time
Present Simple
24. Help a main V - do - have - be
Past Participle
Future Perfect Continuous
Auxiliary Verbs
General Ordinals
25. The determiner 'the' - used for sing or plural Ns
Future Continuous
Future Simple
Demonstrative Pronouns
The Definite Article
26. Describes N or PN - fits into 'a - N'
Modal Verbs / Modal Auxiliary
Base form
Order of Adjectives
27. Est
Interrogative Pronouns
Superlative Adjective
Posessive Pronouns
Present Continuous
28. Will +bare inf
Adverbs of place and time
Personal Pronouns
Future Simple
Future Perfect Continuous
29. Can be counted - take an article 'a' - singular and plural forms
Verbs not used in continuous tenses
Adverbs of degree
Count Nouns
Object Pronoun
30. Ed form (reg). completed in the past. Did +inf - was/were +inf.
Personal Pronouns
Past Tense / Past Simple
Interrogative Pronouns
Future Continuous
31. Happens to the subject
Adverbs of degree
Reflexive Pronouns
Passive Verb
32. Will have been +present participle (-ing)
Adj. position
Future Perfect Continuous
Object Pronoun
Active Verb
33. First - second - third (Determiners when they appear before a N)
General Ordinals
Ordinal Numerals
Comparative Adjective
Personal Pronouns
34. Determiner - a - an - the
Comparative Adjective
35. Preceeds and limits N or N phrase - the - a/an - any - cannot be replaced by N- quantity - all - both - no - numerals when they appear before the N
Order of Adjectives
36. Expresses action or state of being
All sentences (apart from imperatives) contain
Auxiliary Verbs
Second Person Plural
37. Each other - one another
Adverbs of degree
Reciprocal Pronouns
Transitive Verbs
38. Anything - anybody - anyone - something - somebody - someone - nothing - nobody - none - no one
Non-Count Nouns / Mass Nouns
Past Tense / Past Simple
Indefinite Pronouns
Past Perfect
39. Will have +past participle (-ed reg.)
Relative Pronouns
Adverbs of manner
Future Perfect
40. Self and -selves
Reflexive Pronouns
Modal Verbs / Modal Auxiliary
Superlative Adjective
Absolute Adjective
41. Answer where/when - upstairs - somewhere - a year later
Adverbs of place and time
Interrogative Pronouns
Past Participle
Past Continuous
42. Had +past participle (-ed reg.)
Reciprocal Pronouns
Past Perfect
Relative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
43. Present Simple
Adverbs of degree
Past Continuous past form of
Future Simple
Count Nouns
44. Who - what - why - where - when - whatever
Second Person Plural
Reflexive Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
First Person Singular
45. Was/were +present participle (-ing) connection to past
Past Continuous
Past Continuous past form of
Posessive Pronouns
First Person Singular
46. we - us - our - ours
Non-Count Nouns / Mass Nouns
Object Pronoun
Interrogative Pronouns
First Person Plural
47. Tiny - fantastic - can't be used with 'very'
Past Continuous
Absolute Adjective
Present Continuous
48. Before the N
Adj. position
Base form
Past Continuous past form of
Adverbs of degree
49. Answer 'how often'. taught on a cline - always - usually -
Ordinal Numerals
Future Perfect
Adverbs of frequency
Auxiliary Verbs
50. Answer 'how much' - very - extremely - pretty - fairly
Reflexive Pronouns
Third Person Plural
Adverbs of degree
Superlative Adjective