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GRE Psychology: Important Names
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1. Developed self-perception theory as an alternative to cognitive dissonance theory.
Penfield - W.
Bem - D.
Lerner - M.
Stevens - S. S.
2. Investigated the role of schemata in memory; concluded that memory is largely a reconstructive process.
Craik - F. and Lockhart - R.
Bartlett - F.
Klein - M.
Pavlov - I.
3. Developed opponent process theory of color vision
Hering - E.
Kandel - E.
Darley - J. - Latane - B.
Hubel - D. and Wiesel - T.
4. Studied relationship between anxiety and the need for affiliation
Schachter - S.
Freud - S.
Schachter - S. and Singer - J.
Rotter - J.
5. Studied the norms for interpersonal distance in interpersonal interactions
Sherrington - C.
Newcomb - T.
Kohler - W.
Hall - E.
6. Performed prison simulation and used concept of deindividuation to explain results
James - W. and Lange - C.
Kluver - H. and Bucy - P.
Zimbardo - P.
Wolpe - J.
7. Proposed the law of effect; used puzzle boxes to study problem solving in cats
Mahler - M.
Kandel - E.
Hering - E.
Thorndike - E.
8. Critic of trait theories of personality
Smith - E. -Shoben - E. - and Rips - L.
Mischel - W.
Sherrington - C.
Maslow - A.
9. Object-relations theorist
Mahler - M.
Wever - E. and Bray - C.
Zajonc. R.
Aronson - E. - Linder - D.
10. Studied depth cues (esp. texture gradients) that help us to perceive depths
Allport - G.
Gibson - J.
Wilson - E. O.
Hall - E.
11. Proposed gate theory of pain
Melzack - R. and Wall - P.
Kelly - G.
Sperling - G.
Skinner - B.F.
12. Operant conditioning pioneers worked with pigeons and mice in operant chambers
Skinner - B.F.
Schachter - S. and Singer - J.
Luchins - A.
Chomsky - N.
13. Studied loss of normal fear and rage reactions in monkeys resulting from damage to temporal lobes; also studied in amygdala'S role in emotions
Lerner - M.
von Frisch - K.
Kluver - H. and Bucy - P.
Schachter - S. and Singer - J.
14. Trait theorist who used factor analysis to study personality
Hubel - D. and Wiesel - T.
Kohler - W.
Cattell - R.
Gibson - J.
15. Studied eyewitness memory and concluded that our memories can be altered by presenting new information or by asking misleading questions
Loftus - E.
Milgram - S.
Witkin - H.
Sheldon - W.
16. Proposed filter theory of attention
Dollard - J. and Miller - N.
Sherrington - C.
Whorf - B.
Broadbent - D.
17. French anatomist who identified the part of the brain primarily associated with producing spoken language (_____'S Area)
Sherif - M.
Thorndike - E.
Broca - P.
Cattell - R.
18. Studied conformity by asking subjects to compare the lengths of lines.
Rotter - J.
McClelland - D.
Asch - S.
Freud - A.
19. German neurologist who identified the part of the brain primarily associated with understanding spoken language (_______'S Area)
Kelly - G.
Hering - E.
Wernicke - C.
Adler - A.
20. Developed principles of operant conditioning; _______ Box (rats)
Craik - F. and Lockhart - R.
Kelly - G.
Garcia - J.
Skinner - B.F.
21. Behaviorist theorist who attempted to study psychoanalytic concepts within a behaviorist framework; also known for their work on approach-avoidance conflicts
Adler - A.
Maslow - A.
Dollard - J. and Miller - N.
Rescorla - R.
22. Outlined eight stages of psychosocial development overing the lifespan
Stevens - S. S.
Klein - M.
Sheldon - W.
Erikson - E.
23. Developed the levels-of-processing theory of memory as an alternative to the stage theory of memory
McGuire - W.
Craik - F. and Lockhart - R.
Adler - A.
von Frisch - K.
24. Suggested that the brain processes information using parallel distributed processing (PDP)
Petty - R. - Cacioppo - J.
McClelland - J. and Rumelhart - D.
Festinger - L.
Wolpe - J.
25. Developed cognitive dissonance theory - also developed social comparison theory
Festinger - L.
Sperry - R. and Gazzaniga - M.
Horney - K.
Adler - A.
26. Studied taste aversion learning and proposed that some species are biologically prepared to learn connections between certain stimuli
Janis - I.
Garcia - J.
Horney - K.
Freud - A.
27. Developed ________ Law - which expresses the relationship between the intensity of the stimulus and the intensity of the sensation
Kelly - G.
Fechner - G.
Kohler - W.
Eysenck - H.
28. Discovered and studied instinctual drift
Lewin - K.
Breland - K. and Breland - M.
Watson - J.
Stevens - S. S.
29. Ethologists who studied unlearned - instinctual bxs in the natural environment
Lorenz - K.
Penfield - W.
Breland - K. and Breland - M.
Mischel - W.
30. Suggested that individual differences in intelligence were largely due to differences in amount of a general factor called g
Broca - P.
Festinger - L.
Spearman - C.
Helmholtz - H.
31. Trait theorist who used factor analysis to study personality. Divided intelligence into fluid and crystallized and looked at how they change throughout the lifespan
Rescorla - R.
Cattell - R.
Kluver - H. and Bucy - P.
Allport - G.
32. Object-relations theorist
Watson - J.
Berkeley - G.
Klein - M.
Macoby - E. and Jacklin - C.
33. Studied locus of control
Watson - J.
Petty - R. - Cacioppo - J.
Rotter - J.
Gibson - E. and Walk - R.
34. Psychodynamic theorist who broke with Freud over the concept of libido; suggested that the unconscious should be divided into the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious - with archetypes being in the collective unconscious.
Melzack - R. and Wall - P.
Sheldon - W.
Thurstone - L.
Jung - C.
35. Object-relations theorist
Winnicott - D.W.
Newcomb - T.
Kahneman - D. and Tversky - A.
Yerkes - R. and Dodson - J.
36. Developed Young-_______ trichromatic theory of color vision; developed place-resonance theory of pitch perception
Sperry - R. and Gazzaniga - M.
Helmholtz - H.
Swets - John A.
Hubel - D. and Wiesel - T.
37. Proposed the James-Lange two-factor theory of emotions
James - W. and Lange - C.
Miller - G.
Darley - J. - Latane - B.
Janis - I.
38. Studied feature detection in visual cortex and discovered simple - complex and hypercomplex cells
Schachter - S. and Singer - J.
Dollard - J. and Miller - N.
Newcomb - T.
Hubel - D. and Wiesel - T.
39. Developed method of systematic desensitization to eliminate problems
James - W. and Lange - C.
Wolpe - J.
Cattell - R.
Breland - K. and Breland - M.
40. Object-relations theorist
Kernberg - O.
Cannon - W.
Pavlov - I.
Wernicke - C.
41. Psychodynamic theorist best known for concept of inferiority complex
Olds - J. - and Milner - P.
Kohler - W.
Adler - A.
Darley - J. - Latane - B.
42. Found that the capacity of short-term memory is seven (plus or minus two) items
Miller - G.
Spearman - C.
Broadbent - D.
von Frisch - K.
43. Trait theorist known for concept of functional autonomy; also distinguished between idiographic and nomothetic approaches to personality
Allport - G.
Clark - K. - Clark - M.
Freud - S.
Zimbardo - P.
44. Studied the mere exposure effect; also resolved problems with the social facilitation effect by suggesting that the presence of others enhances the emission of dominant responses and impairs the emission of nondominant responses
Bem - D.
Zajonc. R.
Hubel - D. and Wiesel - T.
Craik - F. and Lockhart - R.
45. Investigated the use of heuristics in decision making ; studied the availability heuristic and the representativeness heuristic
Kahneman - D. and Tversky - A.
Wilson - E. O.
Winnicott - D.W.
Kohler - W.
46. Phenomenological personality theorist who developed field theory
Lewin - K.
Guilford - J.
Penfield - W.
Bandura - A.
47. Phenomenological personality theorist known for developing a hierarchy of needs and for the concept of self-actualization
Dollard - J. and Miller - N.
Premack - D.
Janis - I.
Maslow - A.
48. Developed ______ law as an alternative to Fechner'S Law
Zajonc. R.
Cattell - R.
Pavlov - I.
Stevens - S. S.
49. Investigated functional differences between left and right cerebral hemispheres using 'Split-brain' studies
Sperry - R. and Gazzaniga - M.
Fechner - G.
Kelly - G.
Chomsky - N.
50. Developed theory of isomorphism
Wernicke - C.
Hering - E.
Kohler - W.
James - W. and Lange - C.