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GRE Psychology: Language

Subjects : gre, psychology
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Processed in same brain regions as producing and understanding speech - but slight differences suggested by alexia and agraphia while having no speech problems - In other word - people who are unable to read (alexia) or write (agraphia) have no probl

2. Overapplication of grammar rules (e.g. 'I founded my toy' or plural vs. non plural)

3. Gender that learns faster and more accurately in language

4. 'Black' English - Ebonics - has its own complex internal structure - not simply bad English

5. Grammar rules' how to group morphemes

6. Chomsky - differentiates between surface structure (way words are organized; 3 different sentences) and deep structure (what it means; could mean the same thing) - Surface structure: the way that words are organized - Deep structure: underlying meani

7. Made of phonemes - smallest units of meaning in language - words or parts of words (e.g. boy - -ing)

8. Generalizing names for things - often done through chaining characteristics rather than logic (e.g. any furry thing is a 'doggie')

9. 1 year speaks first word(s) - 2 years > 50 spoken words - usually 2 then 3-word phrases - 3 years 1000-word vocabulary but has grammatical errors 4 years grammar errors are random exceptions

10. Chomsky - Human have innate ability to learn language (to adopt generative grammar rules of the language they hear); - children made small errors based on grammar rules rather than large structural errors; - seems they only need exposure to a langua

11. Psycholinguistics; transformational grammar; language acquisition device (LAD)

12. Discrete sounds that make up words but have no meaning (e.g. ee - p - sh); phonics is learning to read by sounding out phonemes

13. (Researcher) Charles Osgood - Allow people to plot meanings of words on graphs - people with similar backgrounds and interests plotted words similarly - indicating words have similar connotations for cultures/subcultures

14. These children learn language slower

15. Social - developmental - linguistic psychology found children'S understanding of grammar rules develops as they make hypotheses about how syntax works and then self-correct with experience

16. Group of words when put together function as a syntactic part of a sentence (e.g. 'walking the dog')

17. Speech without articles or extras like a telegram (e.g. 'Me go')

18. Tone inflections - accents - and other aspects of pronunciation that carry meaning

19. Russian psychologists - - development of word meanings are complex and altered by interpersonal experience (communicating with significant people in their lives to learn cultural habits); - also - language is a tool in developing abstract thinking (n

20. Children use nouns first then verbs - usually one noun and one verb (e.g. 'me want') or two nouns (e.g. 'mommy shirt')

21. Arrangement of words into sentences as prescribed by a particular language

22. Language development begins with onset of active speech rather than during the first year of only listening

23. Young children using one word (holophrases) to convey a whole sentence (e.g. 'me' for 'give that to me')

24. Overall rules of relationship between morphemes and syntax for a certain language

25. Semantics (word meanings) - semantic differential charts

26. Whorfian hypothesis; from studying Hopi - language or how a culture says things influences perspective - used for argument for non-sexist language; however cultures that don'T have certain colors can still recognize them - so unclear the extent langu