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GRE Psychology: Learning
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1. In classical conditioning - the inability to infer a relationship between a stimulus and response due to the presence of a more prominent stimulus
Perceptual/conceptual learning (+example)
Operant conditioning
Negative transfer
2. Teacher encourages independent learning - only provides assistance when needed
Variable interval schedule
Extinction (operant conditioning)
Scaffolding learning
3. Performance = Drive x Habit; will do what has worked in the past to satisfy drive
Clark Hull
Latent learning
Forward Conditioning (types)
Observational learning
4. Learn 3-20 - constant 20-50 - drops 50+
Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum'S congruity theory
Secondary Reinforcement
Age affects learning
M.E. Olds
5. Neutral stimulus once paired with UCS; no naturally occurring response - only with UCS pairing (e.g. light (CS) eventually produces salivation)
Learning curve
Fixed ratio schedule
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
6. Individuals in the environment are motivated by secondary reinforcers; e.g. tokens in prisons - rehab - etc. - cashed in for more primary reinforcers (e.g. candy - books - privileges)
Token economy
Simultaneous Conditioning
Educational psychology
Positive Reinforcement
7. Teach to performance a desired behaviour to get away from a negative stimulus
Response learning
Escape conditioning
8. Pairing of the CS and the UCS in which the CS is presented before the UCS - delayed conditioning and trace conditioning
Clark Hull
B. F. Skinner
Educational psychology
Forward Conditioning (types)
9. Fritz Heider'S balance theory - Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum'S congruity theory - Leon Festinger'S cognitive dissonance theory; what about individuals who often seek stimulation - novel experience - or self-destruction?
Differential reinforcement of successive approximations
Example theories and problem?
Partial Reinforcement Schedule (+types)
10. Experiment shows that there is electrical stimulation of pleasure centers in the brain used as positive reinforcement - this is evidence against drive-reduction theory
Latent learning
M.E. Olds
11. Not-so-neutral stimulus - elicits response without conditioning (e.g. salivation)
Trace conditioning
Negative Reinforcement
Delayed conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
12. Not all correct responses met with reinforcement; slower but more resistant; fixed ratio - variable ratio - fixed interval - variable interval; variable is best because it is unexpected - ratio gives better response since based on # of correct behavi
Skinner box
Partial Reinforcement Schedule (+types)
13. Credited with writing first educational textbook in 1903 to assess students and teaching
E. L. Thorndike
Thorndike (book)
Conditioned Response (CR)
Secondary Reinforcement
14. Thorndike - precursor of operant conditioning - Cause-and-effect chain of behaviour; continue what rewards - stop what doesn'T
Thorndike (book)
Law of effect
Negative transfer
Victor Vroom
15. Animals strongly and automatically connect nausea and food - especially strong in children; preparedness
Garcia effect
Clark Hull
Fixed ratio schedule
16. Every correct response is met with reinforcement; quickest but most fragile learning - as soon as rewards stop coming - the animal stops performing
Modeling (+example? and researcher)
Donald Hebb
Fritz Heider'S balance theory
Continuous Reinforcement Schedule
17. Performance = Expectation x Value; expectancy-value theory; goals they expect they can meet and how important goal is
Edward Tolman
Fritz Heider'S balance theory
Backward Conditioning
Scaffolding learning
18. Learning curve
John Atkinson
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Edward Tolman
19. Approach-avoidance conflict; state felt when a goal has both pros and cons - typically focus on pros when far from goal - cons when close to goal
Neil Miller
Clark Hull
Simultaneous Conditioning
20. Individuals are motivated by what brings most pleasure and least pain
Variable ratio schedule
Negative transfer
Drive-reduction theory
21. Shaping; Skinner rewarded rats first for being near lever then for touching it - reward for behaviours that brought them closer to the desired one (e.g. pressing lever)
John B. Watson
Continuous motor tasks vs. discrete motor tasks
Observational learning
Differential reinforcement of successive approximations
22. John Garcia - Certain associations are learned more easily than others - Nausea & food can be paired easily - but light and nausea cannot be paired
Social learning theory
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
23. Skinner - instrumental conditioning; behaviour primarily influenced by reinforcement strategies - do what rewards - not what doesn'T
Spontaneous recovery
Delayed conditioning
E. L. Thorndike
Operant conditioning
24. Punishment to decrease likelihood of a behaviour - ex: drug Antabuse to treat alcoholism
Aversive conditioning
Positive Reinforcement
Thorndike (book)
Variable interval schedule
25. Law of effect
Skinner box
Backward Conditioning
John Garcia
E. L. Thorndike
26. Primary/instinctual (hunger or thirst) - secondary/ acquired (money or other learned reinforcers) - exploratory (seek novelty or explore) - We are primarily motivated to maintain physiological or psychological homeostasis.
Donald Hebb
Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum'S congruity theory
Basic types of drives
John Atkinson
27. Removal of a negative event that increases likelihood of a particular response; while punishment introduces a negative event to decrease likelihood of a response
John Atkinson
Second-Order conditioning
Trace conditioning
Negative Reinforcement
28. Set of characteristics indicative of one'S ability to learn
Delayed conditioning
Thorndike (book)
Scaffolding learning
29. Takes place without reinforcement - knowledge not immediately expressed - e.g. learning while watching chess
Latent learning
Positive Reinforcement
Token economy
Observational learning
30. Born with certain physiological needs - will be tension if not satisfied; when it is - return to state of homeostasis and relaxation
Age affects learning
Avoidance conditioning
Drive-reduction theories
31. Disassociate car from vet by taking dog on frequent car trip to the park
Extinction (classical conditioning)
Educational psychology
Theory of association
Partial Reinforcement Schedule (+types)
32. Part of motivation. One must be adequately aroused to learn or perform
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
Hermann Ebbinghaus
B. F. Skinner
33. Accidental learning - unrelated items grouped together; opposite of intentional learning (e.g. dog associates car with vet)
Backward Conditioning
Token economy
Incidental learning
Operant conditioning
34. People learn through their culture. They learn acceptable and unacceptable behaviours through culture
Social learning theory
Classical conditioning
35. Learned reinforce - often through society; money - prestige - rewards
Modeling (+example? and researcher)
Secondary Reinforcement
Thorndike (book)
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
36. Pavlovian conditioning; teaching a response (relationship) to neutral stimulus by pairing with not-so-neutral stimulus
Garcia effect
Classical conditioning
Hermann Ebbinghaus
37. Motivated to do what they do not want to do by rewarding themselves afterwards with something they like to do - Eat dessert after eating unwanted vegetable
Premack principle
Stimulus generalization
38. Previous learning helps learning of another task later
Conditioned Response (CR)
Autonomic conditioning??? (still need example)
Drive-reduction theory
Positive transfer
39. Natural reinforcement - without requirement of learning; food and water
Primary Reinforcement
Conditioned Response (CR)
Leon Festinger'S cognitive dissonance theory
Fixed interval schedule
40. Decreasing responsiveness to a stimulus due to increasing familiarity
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Cooperative learning
41. Continuous motions easier to learn - once started continues naturally - bike; discrete divided into parts and do not facilitate recall of each other - setting up chessboard
Types of classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
Continuous motor tasks vs. discrete motor tasks
Variable ratio schedule
42. Does not produce a specific response on its own (e.g. light or bell)
Delayed conditioning
Educational psychology
Thorndike (book)
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
43. Increased sensitivity to environment after exposure to a strong stimulus - Rubbing arm after pain?
Basic types of drives
Clark Hull
Skinner box
44. Operant conditioning
Thorndike (book)
Response learning
B. F. Skinner
45. Previous CS now a UCS (e.g.*bell > [ light > food > ] salivation)
Higher-Order conditioning
Clark Hull
Learning curve
46. Need for achievement (nAch); need to pursue success or to avoid failure - goal is to feel successful
Backward Conditioning
Henry Murray - David McClelland
Premack principle
47. Ability to discriminate between different but similar stimuli (door bell is different from phone ringing)
Stimulus discrimination
State dependent learning
Law of effect
Theory of association
48. Response that CS elicits after conditioning; UCR and CR will be the same (e.g. salivation)
Conditioned Response (CR)
Operant conditioning
49. How to avoid something undesirable
M.E. Olds
Avoidance conditioning
Fixed interval schedule
Educational psychology
50. Lewin - grouping based on co-occurence in time and space; associate certain behaviours with certain rewards and cues
Theory of association
Skinner box
Clark Hull
Fritz Heider'S balance theory