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GRE Psychology: Measurement And Methodology
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1. Tests whether at least 2 groups co-vary - can adjust for preexisting differences between groups
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
Curvilinear relationship
Internal validity
Descriptive statistics (+types)
2. Not IQ - It is unlikely IQ captures all facets of it
Continuous data
ratio variables
Central Tendency (types and distribution differences)
3. Personality measure for 'normal' / less clinical groups than MMPI - by Harrison Gough
Objective tests (+types)
California Personality Inventory (CPI)
Construct validity
Criterion-referenced tests
4. Process in testing concurrent validity
between subject
Cross validation
Demand characteristic
Frequency distributions (+variables)
5. Knowing how to do something
confounding variable
Nonequivalent control group
Face validity
Fluid intelligence
6. Bell curve; larger the sample - greater chance of having a normal distribution
Lie detector tests
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
normal distribution(+characteristic)
Alpha levels
7. 34.13% - 13.59% - 2.02% - 0.26% and - +3 99.74% - +2 97.72% - +1 84.13% - 0 50.00% - -1 15.87% - -2 2.28% - -3 0.26%
Percentages under normal distribution based on SDs (from mean to end)
Selective attrition
Type I and II errors
8. How much variation there is among n number of scores in a distribution
variance and standard deviation
Vocational tests
mental age
Aptitude tests
9. Birth order vs. intelligence; the older - the more intelligent; the more children - the less intelligent; the greater spacing - the more intelligent
Validity (+types)
Lewis Terman
Robert Zajonc
10. Anything that is measured such as height or depression score on a depression scale
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
Continuous data
Learn the shape of different distributions
11. The degree to which the result from an experiment can be applied to the population and the real world
Empirical-keying or criterion-keying approach
Content validity
Continuous data
12. Comparing an individual'S performance on 2 halves of the same test to reveal internal consistency; internal consistency can be increased by item analysis
John Horn and Raymond Cattell
cross-sectional design
Robert Zajonc
Split-half reliability
13. Attitude change in response to feeling that options are limited; e.g. dislike experiment and intentionally behaving unnaturally - or being set on a certain flavour of ice cream as soon as told it is sold out
Inferential statistics
External validity (+types)
Selective attrition
14. Similar to word association - finish incomplete sentences
Continuous data
frequency polygon
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank
15. Mean (standard error of mean) - median mode; normal and platykuric: equal; positively skewed: mode - med - mean; negatively skewed: mean - med - mode; bimodal: equal mean and med - 2 modes
confounding variable
Central Tendency (types and distribution differences)
Illusory correlation
16. Tell you the average extent to which scores were different from the mean - if average standard deviation is large - then scores were highly dispersed
Factorial analysis of variance
standard deviation (calculation)
Longitudinal design
17. I when incorrectly reject null - thought significant but chance; II when incorrectly accept null - thought chance but significant
Concurrent validity
Type I and II errors
research design
frequency polygon
18. Use correlation coefficients in order to predict one variable y from another variable x - let you define a line on graph that describes the relationship between x and y - when the least-square line or regression line is fit to the data - basically: u
Linear regression
variance (calculation)
Hawthorne effect
Pearson r correlation coefficient
19. Aims to match demographic characteristics to population (i.e. 50% female - etc)
Content validity
stratified sampling
confounding variable
Longitudinal design
20. Combines longitudinal and cross-sectional approach
cohort-sequential design
predictive value
Factorial analysis of variance
Aptitude tests
21. Measure the extent to which test measures what it intends to; concurrent - construct - content - face
Reliability (+types)
External validity (+types)
standard deviation (calculation)
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
22. Different subjects of different ages are compared - faster - easier
Face validity
cross-sectional design
F-scale or F-ratio
Nonequivalent control group
23. Revised Binet scale to Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale; also studied gifted children - those with higher IQs better adjusted
Type I and II errors
Lewis Terman
double-blind experiment
24. 31 cards (1 blank and 30 pictures) with interpersonal scenes (2 people facing each other); subject tells story about each which reveals aspects of personality; often measure need for achievement; interpreting terms include needs - press - personology
Rosenthal effect
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Reliability (+types)
Walter Mischel
25. For children 4-6
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
Percentages under normal distribution based on SDs (from mean to end)
Empirical-keying or criterion-keying approach
26. Neither purely descriptive nor purely inferential - can only show relationship - not causality - positive and negative correlation
Cross validation
Illusory correlation
Correlational relationships
27. Originally to determine mental illness - now for personality; more clinical than CPI; 550 T/F/unsure questions (e.g. 'I would like to ride a horse'); discriminates between disorders; high validity because highly discriminatory items and 3 validity sc
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
nominal variables
Selective attrition
Mean IQ
28. Give descriptive names - No order or relationship among the variables other than to separate them into groups - ex: male-female
Learn the shape of different distributions
Fluid intelligence
nominal variables
29. Tests the same person at multiple time points and looks at changes within that person
John Horn and Raymond Cattell
within subject
Charles Spearmen
30. The age level of a person'S functioning according to the IQ test
Graphs (types)
placebo effect
mental age
frequency polygon
31. The hypothesis that no real differences or pattern exist
Null hypothesis
Chi-square test
variance and standard deviation
Two-way ANOVA
32. Not intelligence tests; measure sensory and motor development of infants to identify mental retardation; poor predictors of later intelligence
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
One-way ANOVA
John Horn and Raymond Cattell
33. For even number of values in the set - take the average of the two middle value
random sampling
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
between subject
34. Includes: testable hypothesis - reproducible experiment - operationalized definition (observable and measurable)
Scientific approach
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
Population & related
35. The effect that might result when a group is born and raised in a particular time period
Achievement tests
Word Association Test
cohort effect
Alfred Binet
36. The approach to construct assessment instruments - involves selection of items that can discriminate between various groups; responses determine if he is like a particular group or not; e.g. Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
Empirical-keying or criterion-keying approach
within subject
Graphs (types)
37. Mean of Americans is standardized to 100 - with SD 15 or 16 depending on test; correlates most with IQ of biological parents and socioeconomic status
Mean IQ
Rosenthal effect
Achievement tests
F-scale or F-ratio
38. Sorting cards into a normal distribution; each has a different statement on it about personality; to one end is 'least like self' - other is 'most like self' - and middle is neutral; factor analysis to reduce viewpoints into a few factors
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI)
Vocational tests
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
39. The degree to which an independent variable can predict a dependent variable
Spearman r correlation coefficient
predictive value
Julian Rotter
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
40. Analyses how a large group responded to each item on the measure; weeds out problematic questions with low discriminatory value; increases internal consistency
Item analysis (reliability)
Type I and II errors
41. Measure innate ability to learn (debatable) - to predict later performance
frequency polygon
Aptitude tests
Nonequivalent control group
nominal variables
42. Consist of vertical bars in which the sides of the vertical bars touch - useful for discrete variables that have clear boundaries - interval variables in which there is some order
Crystallized intelligence
research design
Internal-External Locus of Control Scale
43. Rosenthal effect; researchers see what they want to see; minimized in double-blind
Experimenter bias
Objective tests (+types)
Null hypothesis
44. Whether scores on a new measure correlate with other measures known to test the same construct; cross validation process
External validity (+types)
random sampling
predictive value
Concurrent validity
45. Describe what is seen in each of 10 inkblots; scoring is complex; validity questionable
Robert Zajonc
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Construct validity
ANOVA/analysis of variance
46. Takes place in controlled setting must be able to control for: independent variable - dependent variable - and confounding variable
normal distribution(+characteristic)
Robert Zajonc
Rosenthal effect
Experimental design
47. A level of <0.05or <0.01 means that chance that seemingly significant errors are due to random variation rather than to true systematic variance is less than 5% or 1%
Learn the shape of different distributions
confounding variable
Nonequivalent control group
Alpha levels
48. Experimenter bias; researchers see what they want to see; minimized in double-blind
Rosenthal effect
Central Tendency (types and distribution differences)
predictive value
49. Similar to T-test - but can measure more than 2 groups
Graphs (types)
nominal variables
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI)
ANOVA/analysis of variance
50. Whether test really taps abstract concept being measured
Construct validity
double-blind experiment
Split-half reliability