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GRE Psychology: Perception Sensation

Subjects : gre, psychology
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Is when two horizontal lines of equal length appear unequal because of two vertical lines that slant inward

2. Where half of all fibers from the optic nerve of each eye cross over and join the optic nerve from the other eye. This insures input from each eye will be put together in a full picture in the brain.

3. humans best hear at

4. Located by the cornea

5. The physical intensity of a sound wave largely determines loudness

6. Why do cones see better than rods?

7. Consists of the bony labyrinth - a hollow cavity in the temporal bone of the skull with a system of passages comprising two main functional parts: The cochlea - dedicated to hearing; converting sound pressure patterns from the outer ear into electroc

8. Defined the Just Noticeable Difference

9. The clear protective coating on the outside of the eye

10. Says that the strength of a stimulus must be significantly increased to produce a slight difference in sensation

11. Refers to the entire span that can be perceived or detected by the eye at a given moment.

12. The eyes are connected to the cerebral cortex by...

13. The physical intensity of light

14. Consists of one optic nerve connection each eye to the brain.

15. Failing to detect a present stimulus

16. Proposed the opponent color/process theory

17. Suggests that subjects detect stimuli not only because they can but also because they want to. TSD factors motivation into the picture.

18. We see objects because of the light they reflect

19. Has been explained as the increasing ability of a child to make finer discriminations among stimuli.

20. Proposed the perceptual development and optic array

21. The way that a single point of light viewed in darkness will appear to shake or move. the reason for this is the movement of our own eyes

22. Found that infants prefer relatively complex and sensational displays

23. A theory for color vision. It suggests that two types of color sensitive cells exist: Cones that respond to blue-yellow colors and cones that respond to red-green. When one color of the cone is stimulated - the other is inhibited.

24. Correctly sensing a stimulus

25. Famous for the theory of color blindness

26. Begins with the tympanic membrane (eardrum) which is stretch across the auditory canal. Behind this membrane are the Ossicles (3 small bones) - the last of which is the stapes. Sound vibrations bump against the tympanic membrane - causing the ossicl

27. Developed the visual cliff to study whether depth perception was innate

28. Rightly stating that no stimulus exists

29. Comes from the complexity of the sound wave

30. Involves both innate/sensory and is partially learned/conceptual

31. Objects that have been drawn and can be perceived but are geometrically impossible

32. Suggests that there are three types of receptors in the retina: cones that respond to red - blue - or green

33. After images are perceived because of fatigued receptors. Because our eyes have a partially oppositional system for seeing colors - such as red-green or black-white - once on side is overstimulated and fatigued - it can no longer respond and is overs

34. After the optic chasm - information travels to the...

35. The moon looks larger when we see it on the horizon than when we see it in the sky. This is because the horizon contains visual cues that make the moon seem more distant than the overhead sky.

36. Are particularly sensitive to dim light and are used for night vision. They are also concentrated along the sides of the retina - making them extremely important for peripheral vision

37. Along the visual pathway is the...

38. Has monocular and binocular cues

39. Asserts that perception is the sum total of sensory input. The world is understood through bottom-up processing

40. Asserts that perception and cognition are largely innate

41. All the things a person sees trains them to perceive

42. Discovered that cells in the visual cortex were so complex and specialized that they respond to certain types of stimuli. For example - some cells only respond to vertical lines - whereas some respond to only right angles.

43. Knowing that an elephant is large no matter how it might appear

44. How movement is perceived though the displacement of objects over time - and how this motion takes place at seemingly different paces for nearby or faraway objects. Ships far away seem to move more slowly than ships moving at the same speed.

45. Electrical impulses travel down these to the brain - where the information is understood

46. Is the tendency to create a whole or detailed figure based on our expectations rather than what is seen

47. 1. closure 2. Proximity 3. Continuation or good continuation 4. Symmetry 5. Constancy 6. Minimum principle

48. Individuals are partly motivated by rewards and costs in detection. The interplay between response bias and stimulus intensity determines responses

49. Also known as color - is the dominant wavelength of light

50. Rods and cones on the retina that are responsible for sensory transduction.