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GRE Psychology: Personality

Subjects : gre, psychology
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1. Allport; his version of the ego - believed it acted relatively consistently based on traits developed through experience

2. Somatotypes personality theory

3. Possessing both male and female qualities

4. Sheldon - Somatotypes' short - plump means pleasure-seeking - social

5. Possibility that a person may behave inconsistently - presents problems for labelling people as one internal disposition

6. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and California Personality Inventory (CPI)

7. Suggested females shun masculine-type successes not because of fear or failure or lack of interest - but they fear success and its negative repercussions (i.e. resentment and rejection)

8. Experience can change people'S personalities; after a series of events one feels helpless or out of control - negative or pessimistic explanatory style develops; gives up in general - exhibits helpless disposition; countered with learned optimism

9. Fundamental attribution error; tendency for others to think actions are caused more by personality than situation (e.g. lie because he is a liar - not because of the situation)

10. Originally dominated personality theory (Hippocrates) - many placed into type categories based on physical appearance; including using phrenology and somatotypes

11. The study of why people act the way that they do and why different people act differently

12. Relatively stable characteristics of behavior that a person exhibits (trait is stable - state is more of temporary feeling or characteristics)

13. Sheldon; personality based on body types - three physiques and corresponding personality types: endomorph - mesomorph - ectomorph

14. Conscious ideas about the self - others and situations

15. Androgynous individuals have higher self-esteem - lower anxiety - more adaptability than their highly masculine or feminine counterparts

16. Knowing you are worthwhile and in touch with strengths; 50% perceive selves accurately - 35% narcissistically

17. Many argue that there is no true gender differences - children are reinforced for stereotypical behaviors - prevailing pov -> interactionist

18. Superfactors - 5 dimensions that encompass all of personality; superordinate traits or facets; O-dimension (openness to experience - intellectual curiosity) - C-dimension (conscientiousness) - E-dimension (extroversion - enthusiasm) - A-dimension (ag

19. Only circumstances determine behavior

20. Linked Type A personality to heart disease and other health problems

21. Uses large numbers of people to study commonalities of personality

22. Practice of examining head and skull shape to discern personality

23. In the forefront -a combination of stable - internal factors and situations

24. Ambiguous story cards - people project own 'needs'

25. People who emphasize internal determinants of behavior

26. Organized categorization systems - by statistical techniques for personality

27. Hierarchy of needs

28. Dispositional attribution; tendency for others to think actions are caused more by personality than situation (e.g. lie because he is a liar - not because of the situation)

29. Used factor analysis to identify underlying traits of 2 personality-type dimensions (introversion-extraversion and stable-unstable [neuroticism]); - two dimensions formed a cross and four quadrants of phlegmatic - melancholic - choleric - sanguine

30. Personal constructs determine personality and behaviour

31. Used factor analysis in data reduction of Allport'S 5000 traits; identified 16 bipolar source traits (e.g. relaxed-tense) that seemed to underlie all; 16 personality factors tested in personality questionnaire

32. Self-defeating behaviour that allows one to dismiss or excuse failure

33. Have a great need for arousal

34. To show personality traits exist in a person - show person exhibits those traits in a variety of situations; cognitive behaviour (e.g. formulation of and attention to prototypes) is examined in social situations; - consistency of behaviour is result

35. Personality characteristic - causes one to view events as result of luck or fate; too much breeds helplessness

36. Muscular - athletic means energetic - aggressive

37. Tendency to agree with and accept provided personality interpretations

38. Emphasized idiographic approach to personality theory - as opposed to nomothetic; conscious motives governed by proprium or propriate function; lexical approach (5000 possible traits) - determined trait hierarchy of cardinal - central - secondary tra

39. The disposition to view the world as full of power relationships - measured by the F-scale (Fascism scale); - these individuals are either highly domineering (if top dog of situation) or submissive (as if they are in presence of a more powerfulfigure

40. Found few sex differences existed that could not be explained by simple social learning; - most consistent difference that seems independent of social influence is that females have greater verbal ability and males have greater visual/spatial ability

41. Skinny - fragile means inhibited - intellectual

42. Focuses on individual'S unique self and experiences

43. Critical of personality trait theory

44. Suggested personality typology based on personal activity and social interest; ruling-dominant type (choleric; high-low) - getting-learning type (phlegmatic; low-high) - avoiding type (melancholic; low-low) - and socially useful type (sanguine; high-

45. People often make assumptions about the dispositions of an individual based on the actions of that person

46. Studied Type A personality

47. Shows heritability of personality about 40-50% - identical twins separated at birth; 'Jim' twins had wives and dogs with same name - and same habits; differences shows environmental impact

48. A trait; how often one generally becomes self-aware; very - if you pay a lot of attention to your self

49. A state; temporary condition of being aware of how you are thinking - feeling or doing

50. Found interaction between gender and social status - how easily an individual might be influenced