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GRE Psychology: Physiological/behavioral Neuroscience 1

Subjects : gre, psychology
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1. Aka cell body. largest central portion - and make up gray matter - has a nucleus that directs neuron'S activity

2. Decrease effects of a neurotransmitter (e.g. botox is an acetylecholine antagonist that decreases muscle activity)

3. Outer half-inch of cerebral hemispheres; - sensory and intellectual functions; - split into frontal - occipital - parietal - temporal lobes; - 90% is neocortex (new in evolution - 6 layers cortex) - 10% < 6 layers and more primitive

4. Stage 0 & 1 non-REM sleep - low-amplitude and fast-frequency waves

5. Changes in a nerve cell'S charge as the result of stimulation - 2 forms: excitatory postsynaptic potential and inhibitory postsynaptic potential

6. Used to implant electrodes into animals' brains in experiments

7. PNS - interacts with external environment by controlling voluntary movements of striated muscles

8. Of cerebral cortex - responsible for vision

9. 4-6 complete ones - each about 90 minutes - early in the night most time in stage 3 and 4 - 2 and REM sleep predominate later

10. Fatty - insulating sheath on some axons for faster conduction of axon impulses

11. Made up of somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system

12. Bumps on the brainstem - controls visual reflexes

13. Of telencephalon - structures around the brainstem involved in 4Fs (fleeing - feeding - fighting - and fornicating)

14. Of cerebral cortex - responsible for hearing - also Wernicke'S area (related to speech)

15. Released from the pituitary and facilitates birth and breast feeding - also involved in pair bonding (mother to child or romantic partners) -

16. REM-sleep - low-amplitude and fast-frequency waves that characterize waking states

17. Bumps seen on cortex surface

18. Measures oxygen flow in different brain areas - used most in cognitive psych to measure activity in different brain regions during certain tasks

19. Of Hindbrain - aka medulla; Mainly controls for reflexes - but also controls sleep - attention - movement

20. Stage 3 (less sleep spindles) & 4 non-REM sleep - high-amplitude and low-frequency - deepest level of sleep

21. Comprise two classes of neurotransmitters - indolamines and catecholamines

22. Of pituitary - regulate water levels in body and therefore BP

23. Present in fast-acting - directed synapses

24. Increase effects of a neurotransmitter (e.g. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [for depression] increase serotonin activity)

25. Depolarization - + from outside allowed into cell - increase firing

26. Pathway that runs to and from CNS

27. Fast frequency bursts of brain activity - inhibits processing to keep tranquil state

28. Of telencephalon - involves in memory- transfer STM into LTM - - new neurons can form in adult mammalian brain

29. Chemicals that stimulate nearby cells

30. (1) resting potential - neuron negatively charged - cell membrane does not let ions in; (2) presynaptic cell releases neurotransmitters from terminal buttons; (3) postsynaptic receptors in postsynaptic cells detects neurotransmitter and open ion chan

31. Protects the brain by making it difficult for toxic substances to pass from the blood into the brain - since blood vessel cells in the brain are tightly packed

32. Process in which neural pathways are connected and then some die out (children go through these process)

33. Dysfunction in certain cortical association area - inability to organize movement

34. Measures brain wave patterns and have made it possible to study waking and sleeping states

35. Tough connective tissues that cover/protect brain and spinal cord

36. PNS fibers that run towards CNS

37. Like neurotransmitters but cause long-term changes in postsynaptic cell

38. Consists of myelencephalon - metencephalon - and reticular formation

39. Linked to pleasure and analgesia; can be endogenous (opioid peptides) or exogenous (morphine or heroin) - Exogenous endorphine are highly addictive

40. Where soma and axon connect

41. Connections between brain and spine

42. Presence during development causes a fetus to develop into a male (absence cause the fetus to develop into a female)

43. Fissures seen on cortex surface

44. Of diencephalon - channels sensory information to cerebral cortex

45. Inactivated state of a neuron

46. Dysfunction in certain cortical association area - language disorder from damage to Broca'S area - in left frontal lobe; can understand speech but has difficulty speaking (slow - laborious - omits words)

47. Chambers filled with cerebrospinal fluid that insulate brain from shock

48. Anytime during adulthood - short periods - often transient or reversible (current/recent circulation); - menstrual cycle (estradiol - progesterone - luteinizing hormone (LH) - follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)); - LH and FSH in females regulate ovum

49. Bumps on the brainstem - controls auditory reflexes

50. 16 hours of sleep a day - 6 hours