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GRE Psychology: Physiological/behavioral Neuroscience 2

Subjects : gre, psychology
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1. Only the fit survive - at the heart of evolution- it explains the evolution or genetic development of various species over time and explains the concept of genetic drift - favors inclusive fitness over individual fitness

2. The pair up of possible dominant and recessive gene variations for each characteristic

3. Reproductive isolating mechanism - potentially compatible species mate during different seasons

4. Bred 'maze bright' and 'maze full' rats to demonstrate heritability of behaviour

5. present in all normal members of a species - - stereotypic in form throughout members even for the first time - independent of learning or experience

6. Endogenous rhythms that revolve around a 24 hour time period

7. Basic unit of heredity - made of DNA molecules - organized in chromosomes - Human nucleus cells contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosomes in cells act as carriers for genes - and therefore for heredity

8. The internal physiological changes that occur in an organism in response to a perceived threat (increase in HR or respiration)

9. Evolved form of deception - ex: harmless snakes may mimic coloration and pattern of more poisonous ones to escape predation

10. Pigeons and bees have magnetic sensitivity - allows them to use earth`s magnetic forces as navigational cue

11. The total of all genetic material that an offspring received (23 pairs or 46 total chromosomes) - an individual'S complete genetic make up - include both dominant and recessive genes

12. Only one queen bee - which produces a chemical that suppresses ovaries in all other female bees - constantly tended to and fed - lays thousands of eggs in the spring; when eggs mature - scouts finds new site for old queen and her workers - a new quee

13. Internal rhythms that keep animal in sync with environment; circadian - circannual - lunar - tidal rhythms

14. Von Frisch - once a scouting bee locates a promising food source - returns to hive and conveys the location through movements; round or waggle dance - the longer the dance the farther the food - the more vigorous display the better food; performed on

15. E.g. rodents reared in isolation perform instinctual nest-building but much less efficient and successful than those exposed to learning opportunities

16. Researched development with rhesus monkeys in terms of social isolation - maternal stimulation - contact comfort - and learning to learn

17. Lorenz - certain species (often birds) young attach to first moving object they see - displayed by a 'following response' - subjective to sensitive learning period - after that period this would not occur

18. How particular genotypes selected out or eliminated from a population over time

19. Closely related to ethology - different species are compared in order to learn about their similarities and differences. Draw from animal studies to gain insight into human functioning

20. Made the concept of evolution scientifically plausible by asserting that natural selection was at its core

21. Chemicals detected by vomeronasal organ - acts as messengers between animals - primitive form of communication - can transmit states such as fear or sexual receptiveness

22. The study of animal behaviors - especially innate behaviors that occur in a natural habitat

23. Bees when sun is obscured by clouds - bees can use this navigational cue to infer sun positioning

24. Atmospheric pressure - infrasound - magnetic sense - sun compass - star compass - polarized light

25. Harlow - study of attachment. mother-infant attachment - -infants attach to mothers through comforting experience rather than through feeding - infants placed with two surrogate mothers (wire with feeding bottle - and terrycloth with no bottle); infa

26. Prevent interbreeding between two different (but closely related / genetically compatible) species - four types: 1) behavioral isolation - 2) geographic isolation - 3) mechanical isolation - 4) isolation by season

27. The internal regulation of body to main equilibrium (decrease in HR after the perceived threat is no longer present)

28. how one looks and sometimes acts - partially determined by heredity or genotype - but can also be influence by environment

29. Pigeons can hear extremely low-frequency sounds (e.g. emitted by surf) that travel great distances as a navigational cue

30. Bees can see UV light - sees certain markers on flowers (honey guides) that people do not

31. Founder of ethology - imprinting - animal aggression - releasing stimuli - fixed action patterns

32. Times when a developing animal is particularly vulnerable to the effect of learning (e.g. birds learning their species' song - if reared in isolation cannot develop normal song later. and imprinting)

33. Learning happens through trial - error and accidental success - animals then act based on previous successes

34. Experiments that attempt to separate effects of heredity and environment - sibling mice separated at birth and placed with different parents or situations; later differences in aggression attributed to experience rather than genetics

35. Aka releasers or sign stimuli - Lorenz - continued by Tinbergen - elicits fixed action patterns from another individual in the same species

36. Some use map-and-compass navigation (landmarks and sun or stars) - some have true navigational abilities and can point toward their goal with no landmarks and from any position (e.g. captured birds eventually arrive at their usual goal anyway); birds

37. Bees dance to indicate food is extremely nearby

38. Made up of external characteristics (eye color - size - etc)

39. Behaviour that solely benefits another - imilar to group mentality - will help if benefit outweighs cost or expect to be repaid

40. Tinbergen - artificial stimuli that exaggerate naturally occurring sign stimulus or releaser - more effective than natural

41. Period in which a female is sexually receptive (usually used to describe non-human mammals)

42. Breeding within same family - evolutionary controls prevent this (e.g. swan facial markings of same family)

43. Navigate at night but do not use echolocation - like humans localize sound direction and distance by binaural cues (compare intensities - arrival times) - but better at determining elevation of sound source due to asymmetrical ears

44. Harlow - the isolated monkeys --> - the lack of interaction and socialization hampered social development - - once brought together with others - males did not display normal sexual functioning and females lacked maternal behaviours

45. Harlow - monkeys became better at learning tasks as they acquired different learning experiences - eventually learned after only one trial

46. Fertilized egg cell - two separate sets of 23 chromosomes (from each parent) come together for 23 pairs - diploid

47. Sperm or ovum - haploid (23 single chromosomes)

48. Reproductive isolating mechanism - different species have incompatible genital structures

49. Demonstrated the interaction between heredity and environment - bright rats performed better than dull only when both sets raised in normal conditions - both groups performed well in enriched environment (lots of food and activities) - both performed

50. Tinbergen - peck at end of parents' bills which have a red spot on the tip - parents then regurgitates food for chicks; chicks pecked more at a red-tipped model bill than at a plain model bill; the greater the contrast between bill and red spot even