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GRE Wordlist: Meanings - Complete Sentences

Subjects : english, vocabulary
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Hypnotize The incessant drone seemed to ________ him and place him in a trance.

2. Mix; work dough Her hands grew strong from ________ing bread.

3. Not easily satisfied; greedy Welty's thirst for knowledge was ________; she was in the library day and night.

4. Modest; shy Given Susan't ________ personality - no one expected her to take up public speaking; surprisingly enough - she became a star of the school debate team.

5. Adequate; deservedly severe The public approved the ________ punishment for the crime.

6. Person who supports or proposes (an idea) After the bill had been amended and re-amended in committee - even its original ________s didn't want to vote in its favor.

7. Soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body He was advised to apply a flaxseed ________ to the inflammation.

8. Conciseness ________ is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.

9. Sleep throughout the winter Bears are one of the many species of animals that ________.

10. Agent; messenger The secretary of State was sent as the President's special ________ to the conference on disarmament.

11. With identity concealed; using an assumed name The monarch enjoyed traveling throughthe town ________ and mingling with the populace.

12. Casual and offhand; arrogant - Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly - Marcia felt insulted by Mark's ________ dismissal of her suggestion.

13. In essence; for practical purposes She is a ________ financial wizard when it comes to money matters.

14. Pertaining to disease As we study the pathological aspects of this disease - we must not overlook the ________ elements.

15. Banish; consign to inferior position If we ________ these experts to minor posts because of their political persuasions - we shall lose their valuable services.

16. Talking to oneself The ________ is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and emotions.

17. Thrift; economy In these economically difficult days businesses must practice ________ or risk bankruptcy.

18. Complete; necessary for completeness Physical education is an ________ part of our curriculum; a sound mind and a sound body are complementary.

19. Small; minute Grass grew there - an ________ outcropping among the rocks.

20. Determined; natural talent or inclination bent on advancing in the business world - the secretary heroine of Working Girl had a true ________ for high finance.

21. One who fits glasses to remedy visual defects Although an ________ is qualified to treat many eye disorders - she may not use medicinesor surgery in her examinations.

22. Self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt Although the commencement speaker had some good things to say - we had to laugh at his ________ and general air of parading his own dignity.

23. Food I am very happy to be able to provide you with these ________; I know you are hungry.

24. Unsupportable I find your theory ________ and must reject it.

25. Blameless and exemplary Her conduct in office was ________ and her record is spotless.

26. Kindly; doing good The overgenerous philanthropist had to curb his ________ impulses before he gave away all his money and left himself with nothing.

27. Roundabout - Because of the traffic congestion on the main highways - she took a ________ route.

28. Social or moral custom; established practice Flying in the face of ________ - George Sand (Amandine Dudevant) shocked her contemporaries by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes.

29. Consider; ponder; unhurried Offered the new job - she asked for time to ________ before she made her decision.

30. Final; not susceptible to further analysis Scientists are searching for the ________ truths.

31. Struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry. The twins briefly ________d - wrestling to see which of them would get the toy. When their big brother yelled - "Let go of my Gameboy!" they scuffled off down the hall.

32. Marshal; draw up in order His actions were bound to ________ public sentiment against him.

33. Study of language The professor of ________ advocated the use of Esperanto as an international language.

34. Customs The ________ of Mexico are those of Spain with some modifications.

35. Wild tumult When the ships collided in the harbor - ________ broke out among the passengers.

36. Praising; eulogistic Some critics believe that his ________ statements about Napoleon were inspired by his desire for material advancement rather than by an honest belief in the Emperor's genius.

37. Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm His ________ nature could not be repressed.

38. Lack of caring; indifference A firm believer in democratic government - she could not understand the ________ of people who never bothered to vote.

39. Loyalty A dog's ________ to its owner is one of the reasons why that animal is a favorite household pet.

40. Lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy Nothing seemed to arouse him from his ________; he had wholly surrendered himself to lethargy.

41. Frugality; thrift; agriculture He accumulated his small fortune by diligence and ________.

42. Inform When he was ________d of the dangerous weather conditions - he decided to postpone his trip.

43. Delicate skill The ________ and adroitness of the surgeon impressed the observers in the operating room.

44. Approach and speak first to a person When the two young men ________ed me - I was frightened because I thought they were going to attack me.

45. Twisting out of shape It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of this event because of the ________s and exaggerations of the reporters.

46. Waver; fluctuate Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry - the princess ________d - saying now one - now the other.

47. Wrong name; incorrect designation His tyrannical conduct proved to all that his nickname - King Eric the Just - was a ________.

48. Able to walk He was described as an ________ patient because he was not confined to his bed.

49. Wrestle; come to grips with He ________d with the burglar and overpowered him.

50. Struggle; compete; assert earnestly In Revolt of the Black Athlete - sociologist Harry Edwards ________ that young black athletes have been exploited by some college recruiters.