Business Skills
Soft Skills
Basic Literacy
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Html DOM
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1. Represents a hidden field in an HTML form
Textarea object
Input hidden object
Input text object
2. Represents a <textarea> element
Base object
Document object
Input hidden object
Textarea object
3. Represents the state of an event
Style object
Input button object
History object
Event object
4. Represents a <meta> element
Meta object
Input reset object
Window object
5. Represents a password field in an HTML form
Input submit object
Input password object
Link object
TableData object
6. Represents an <img> element
Textarea object
Input submit object
Frame object
Image object
7. Represents a text-input field in an HTML form
Input text object
Link object
TableRow object
Input submit object
8. Contains the visited URLs in the browser window
Option object
TableData object
Input file object
History object
9. Represents a <tr> element
TableRow object
Meta object
Button object
Input hidden object
10. Represents an individual style statement
Base object
Meta object
Style object
Button object
11. Represents an <area> element inside an image-map
Area object
Frameset object
Base object
Navigator object
12. Contains information about the client's browser
Style object
TableData object
Navigator object
Input radio object
13. Represents a button in an HTML form
Body object
Input checkbox object
Document object
Input button object
14. Represents a <td> element
TableData object
Document object model
Form object
Input reset object
15. Represents an <option> element
Image object
Option object
Input submit object
Input hidden object
16. Contains information about the client's display screen
Document object model
Input submit object
Link object
Screen object
17. Represents a <frameset> element
Frameset object
Input radio object
Style object
18. Represents a submit button in an HTML form
Option object
Input submit object
Anchor object
19. Represents a selection list in an HTML form
Input radio object
Style object
Screen object
Select object
20. Represents an <iframe> element
Iframe object
Event object
Input text object
Input checkbox object
21. Javascript DOM objects are: Window -Navigator -screen -________ -location
Button object
Input file object
Anchor object
22. Represents the <body> element
Navigator object
Window object
Body object
Textarea object
23. Represents a radio button in an HTML form
Button object
Frame object
Input radio object
Input password object
24. Represents a <form> element
Textarea object
Navigator object
Frame object
Form object
25. Represents a reset button in an HTML form
Table object
Input button object
Screen object
Input reset object
26. Represents a <base> element
Input hidden object
Base object
Input reset object
Anchor object
27. Represents the entire HTML document and can be used to access all elements in a page
Document object
Link object
Screen object
Input hidden object
28. Represents a <link> element
Frame object
Body object
Link object
Image object
29. Represents a <table> element
Table object
Option object
Navigator object
Style object
30. Contains information about the current URL
Input file object
TableRow object
Location object
Frameset object
31. Represents an <a> element
Input hidden object
Anchor object
Location object
Iframe object
32. Represents a <frame> element
TableRow object
Frame object
Input button object
Navigator object
33. Presents an HTML document as a tree-structure (a node tree) - with elements - attributes - and text.
Document object model
Input file object
TableData object
Event object
34. Represents a checkbox in an HTML form
Event object
TableData object
Input button object
Input checkbox object
35. The top level object in the JavaScript hierarchy. This represents a browser window. This is created automatically with every instance of a <body> or <frameset> tag
TableData object
Window object
Input hidden object
36. Represents a fileupload in an HTML form
Option object
Input file object
Input submit object
Input button object
37. Represents a <button> element
Frameset object
Screen object
Button object