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Html5 Tags

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Puts the core description of the web page in the browser frame - used by search engines - placed in the head of the web page

2. Creates a 'drop-down' list with user options

3. Element used to create 'widgits' that a user can interact with - usually to provide the computer with information

4. Provides the masthead area

5. Element used to connect an external style sheet

6. _____ tags are often (always?) nested in the <map> tag code block

7. The element used for basic text communication

8. Provides 'fodder' for the media player used to open a file

9. An illustration - diagram - photo - code listing or the like that is referred to from the main content of the document

10. Used to create a header cell in a table row or column

11. A description in a 'description list'

12. Defines the scope of the web page

13. Region for a sidebar

14. Attribute defining what an option returns

15. Used to define abbreviations

16. Element used to access an icon

17. Used to declare 'keywords' in a web page

18. Creates choices in a 'drop-down' list

19. Non-breaking space

20. Used to preserve a user's requested format for text - in a monospaced font

21. Used to show strong emphasis

22. Element used to insert a picture into a web page

23. Used to showcase a quote

24. Used to showcase computer code

25. Defines a large region for text input

26. Create a special region a user can 'press' that can contain text - formatted text - images - or other HTML elements

27. Attribute used to merge a group of rows into a single cell

28. A term in a 'description list'

29. Creates a numerical list

30. Defines the dialect of HTML as HTML5

31. Defines the bulk of the region seen by users

32. Used to showcase contact information

33. Groups the rows between the header and footer into a table body

34. Three tags: easiest way to add a video or audio element to your web pages:<video> - <audio> - ________

35. Define a region of computer instructions or references to computer instructions within a web page

36. Used to create a group of one or more rows into a table header

37. A composition like an article in a newspaper

38. Used for definitions

39. Used to show computer variables

40. Used to create a 'description list'

41. Creates a region to identify the type of user input requested

42. Two or more headings that form a composite heading

43. Groups one or more rows into a table footer

44. Generic region in a page that doesn't indicate the type of content

45. Defines a region of styles within the brains area of the web page

46. Used to create a row in a table

47. Attribute used to merge a group of columns into a single cell

48. Embeds a media object in a web page

49. Region for footnotes

50. Creates a bulletted list