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Human Resources Management: Staffing

Subject : business-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Part of an affirmative action plan that compared the percentages of miinorities and women in each job group with the rates of availability for each job group

2. When the interviewer asks every applicant the same questions; aka structured interviews

3. A type of criterion-related validity; the degree to which the predictions made by a test are confirmed by the later behavior of test takers

4. Occurs when a creditor obtains a court order requiring an employer to attack an employee's earning in order to pay back debt

5. People who are covered under a particular federal or state discrimination law; groups protected by EEO designations include but are not limited to women - African-Americans - Hispanics - Native Americans - Asian-Americans - people age 40 or olde

6. Describes the process of managng the way people leave an organization

7. Specifies that an employee is not required to evaluate each component of the selection process individually if the end result of the process is predictive of future job performance

8. Part of an affirmative action plan that provides data on the proportion of current employees in protected classes by job title - from highest to lowest paid - within a department or business group

9. Representations of real situations in abstract from - often referred to as 'what if' scenarios; give organizations the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if certain courses of action were pursued.

10. Typically begin with what - where - why - when - or how

11. When the interviewer asks every applicant the same questions;

12. Act that requires that any federal employee relations legislation enacted by Congress apply to the employees of Congress

13. The degree to which an interview - test - or other selection device measures the knowledge - skills - abilities or other qualifications that are part of the job.

14. Requires that a government entity must have a person' signed release before giving info about that individual to someone else

15. When the interviewer asks each applicant questions that are from the same knowledge - skill or ability area; the questions however are not necessarily the same

16. Type of interview in which the interviewer focuses on how the applicant previously handled real work situations

17. When the interviewer assumes an aggressive posture to see how the candidate responds to stressful situations; used extensively in law enforcement - air traffic control and similar high-stress industries

18. Require federal contractors and subcontractors with contracts in excess of $10 - 000 during any 12-month period to comply with Title VII and to take positive - results-oriented steps to eliminate employment barriers to women and minorities.

19. A projection of future demand based on a past relationship - involves a single variable

20. Court ruling that persons with contagious disesases could be covered by the Rehabilitiation Act of 1973; protection of the act prevents employers from discriminating against ailing persons

21. A type of criterion-related validity determined by relating the test scores of a group of test takers who take a test (Test A) to some other criterion measure (Test B) that is administered at the same time

22. A type of flexible staffing option; highly skilled technical workers (e.g. engineers - data processing specialists) supplied for long-term projects.

23. Genereally describes a situation in which an organization shares joint responsibility and liability for their alternative workers w/ the alternative staffing supplier; aka joint employment

24. Court ruling that heldthat a represenatative of the company invaded privacy by questioning a psychologist (to whom an employee has been referred by the employee assistance program)

25. The degree to which inferences made from an interview or a test are correct and accurate

26. Affirmative action plan term; having a smaller proportion of women or minorities than is indicated by their availabilities

27. Prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities

28. Court ruling that endorsed using gender as a factor in an employment decision if underrepresentation is shown and if the affirmative action plan is not a quota system

29. Fixed hiring and promotion rates based on race - gender - or other protected-class standards that must be met at all costs

30. Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not

31. A blend of marketing communications - and performance technology intended to get an organization's name out to a mass audience fast; a basis for recruiting employees

32. Prohibits discrimination or segregation based on race - color - national origin - religion and gender in all terms and conditions of employment

33. A measure or predictor with a high degree of consistency

34. Attempts to measure a person's social interaction skills and patterns of behavior; report what might be described as traits - temperaments - or dispositions

35. Any part of the selection process that provides an applicant with honest and complete info about a job and the work environment

36. Court ruling in the private sector dealing with reverse discrimination charges; upheld that Title VII allows for voluntary - private - race-conscious programs aimed at eliminating racial imbalance in traditionally segregated job categories

37. Using statistics to determine whether relationships exist btw 2 variables

38. Situation in which gender - religion - or national origin is reasonably necessary to the normal operations of the business or enterprise

39. Case in which the Supreme Court held that evidence of misconduct acquired after the decision to terminate cannot free an employer from liability - even if the misconduct would have justified terminating the employee

40. Designed to prove areas of interest to the interviewer in order to determine how well the candidate meets the needs of the organization

41. A type of flexible staffing option; employees who report to work only when needed

42. Type of sexual harassment that occurs when an employee is forced to choose between giving in to a superior's sexual demands or forfeiting an economic benefit such as a pay increase - promotion - or continued employment

43. Makes the hiring decision official; should immediately follow the final decision to hire a candidate; aka employment offer

44. External recruiting method; firms that provide support and assistance to displaced employees - including career counseling - resume preparation - interviewing workshops - job referral assistance - and retraining

45. OFCCP evaluation that requires an organization to provide details and documentation of its AAP

46. Internal recruiting method; computerized talent or skill inventories that can furnish a list of qualified people.

47. Occurs when the employer make working conditions so intolerable that the employee has no choice but to resign

48. Prohibits discrimination against job applicatns on the basis of national origi or citizenship; establishes penalties for hiring illegal aliens and requries employers to establish each employee's identity and eligitbility to work within 3 days of hire

49. Modifying or adjusting a job application process - a work environment - or the circumstances under which a job is usually performed to enable a qualfied individual with a disability to be considered for the job and perform its essential functions

50. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for oneself - performing manual tasks - seeing - hearing - etc.