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Inductive Reasoning
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1. The variation between the values derived from a sample and the true values of the whole target group.
causal argument
Causal claim
Margin of Error
2. Argument intended to give probable support for its conclusion.
Inductive Argument
Relevant Property
Necessary Condition
Biased Sample
3. (or target population) In enumerative induction - the whole collection of individuals under study.
causal argument
Necessary Condition
Target Group
Margin of Error
4. A form of inductive reasoning in which we reason from premises about a state of affairs to an explanation for that state of affairs:
Inference to the best explanation
Representative Sample
Margin of Error
Random Sample
5. Enumerative inductive arguments - or the basis of enumerative inductive arguments - and must be judged by the same general criteria used to judge any other enumerative induction.
Opinion polls
Sufficient Condition
Method of Agreement
hasty generalization
6. Argue from premises about some members of a group to a generalization about the entire group. The entire group is called the target group; the observed members of the group - the sample; and the group characteristics we're interested in - the relevan
Target Group
Margin of Error
Enumerative Argument
causal argument
7. (or property in question) In enumerative induction - a property - or characteristic - that is of interest in the target group.
Relevant Property
analogical induction
Inductive Argument
8. In enumerative induction - a sample that resembles the target group in all relevant ways.
Representative Sample
Opinion polls
Inductive Argument
Method of Difference
9. A statement about the cause of things.
Necessary Condition
3 Forms of Inductive Argument
Sufficient Condition
Causal claim
10. An enumerative induction can fail to be strong by having a sample that's too small or not representative. When we draw a conclusion about a target group based on an inadequate sample size
hasty generalization
Representative Sample
3 Forms of Inductive Argument
Method of Difference
11. A sample that does not properly represent the target group.
Biased Sample
Random Sample
hasty generalization
Sufficient Condition
12. (after that - therefore because of that). The fallacy of reasoning that just because B followed A - A must have caused B.
post hoc - ergo propter hoc
Target Group
Method of Concomitant Variation
analogical induction
13. A condition for the occurrence of an event without which the event cannot occur.
analogical induction
Necessary Condition
Confidence Level
Target Group
14. The relevant factor present when a phenomenon occurs - and absent when the phenomenon does not occur - must be the cause.
Causal claim
Method of Difference
Opinion polls
Inductive Argument
15. If two or more occurrences of a phenomenon have only one relevant factor in common - that factor must be the cause.
Inductive Argument
Necessary Condition
Method of Agreement
Method of Concomitant Variation
16. In statistical theory - the probability that the sample will accurately represent the target group within the margin of error.
Confidence Level
Margin of Error
Enumerative Argument
Causal claim
17. A sample that is selected randomly from a target group in such a way as to ensure that the sample is representative. In a simple random selection - every member of the target group has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.
causal argument
Random Sample
Margin of Error
18. (or sample member) In enumerative induction - the observed members of the target group.
Target Group
analogical induction
Causal claim
19. A comparison of two or more things alike in specific respects.
post hoc - ergo propter hoc
Confidence Level
Inference to the best explanation
20. Inductive argument whose conclusion contains a causal claim. There are several inductive patterns of reasoning used to assess causal connections. These include the Method of Agreement - the Method of Difference - the Method of Agreement and Differenc
Random Sample
Method of Concomitant Variation
causal argument
21. Enumerative - Analogical - & Causal.
post hoc - ergo propter hoc
Inductive Argument
Method of Agreement
3 Forms of Inductive Argument
22. A condition for the occurrence of an event that guarantees that the event occurs.
Enumerative Argument
Inductive Argument
Sufficient Condition
Margin of Error
23. Reason that because two or more things are similar in several respects - they must be similar in some further respect. We evaluate arguments by analogy according to several criteria: (1) the number of relevant similarities between things being compar
post hoc - ergo propter hoc
Enumerative Argument
analogical induction
Representative Sample
24. When two events are correlated--when one varies in close connection w/ the other--they are probably related.
Opinion polls
Method of Concomitant Variation
Representative Sample