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Introduction To English Major

Subject : english
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. European contact and loss of native cultures

2. Legacy of European colonialism

3. Affluence and consumer culture

4. Growing economic inequality

5. Claude McKay

6. Result of historical context of the Victorian Period

7. Example of the metaphysical poem

8. Development of printing press

9. Discovery of Americas

10. Impact of WWII on postmodernism

11. What period - and what was it?

12. Rejects style of neoclassical period

13. (Title and period)

14. (Period and characteristics)

15. What ideas did the end of the Commonwealth Period give birth to? What were the poetic responses?

16. Postcolonial literature

17. Dates of Modernism

18. Radical break with tradition

19. A spiritual biography (Title and period)

20. Responds to crises of the period

21. Radical break with tradition

22. Avant-garde

23. (Period and definition)

24. Often compared to Thomas Gray's 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard'

25. Protest movements and counterculture

26. Subdivisions of early American literature

27. Discipline - economy - restraint

28. What does the line 'the space between - is but an hour' mean?

29. Rejection of 18th-century emphasis on neoclassical - reason - constraint - order - etc.

30. Modernist alienation from mainstream

31. (Title and period)

32. Dates of Middle Ages/Medieval Period

33. Dates of early American literature

34. Poetry can arouse wonder by creating perspective of ignorance or innocence in the reader - the sense of novelty - freshness of sensation

35. Pagan authors = sources for thinking

36. What type of interpretation is Troy Book? Why?

37. American Renaissance

38. Assumptions of postcolonial/transnational literature

39. (Title and period)

40. (Period and aftermath)

41. 'The Disappointment' - Restoration Period/Neoclassical Period

42. Process of Iroquois prayer-song

43. Impact of WWII

44. (Title and period)

45. Harlem Renaissance features of 'The Weary Blues'

46. Experimentation in 'When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer'

47. Drive for learning and artistic expression

48. Edwin Arlington Robinson

49. Modernist features of 'The Weary Blues'

50. Problem/struggle of British Romantic literature's content?