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Introduction To English Major

Subject : english
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. (Author and period)

2. Culmination of Enlightenment

3. Symbolic landscape

4. Experiences of disintegration and disillusionment

5. Example of the metaphysical poem

6. (Author and period)

7. Invasion of Celtic Britain to the printing press

8. Impact of Cold War and Baby Boom Era

9. Some revive medieval ideas - some stress freedom from all constraints - some support escapist fancy

10. Story of the Trojan War (Title - author and period)

11. What is the setting of 'Dover Beach'?

12. Detachment from moral bearings

13. Lorna Goodison (Title and period)

14. Problem/struggle of British Romantic literature's content?

15. Ishmael Reed (Title and period)

16. (Period and definiton)

17. Similarities between 'The Indian Burying Ground' and 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard'

18. (Period and definiton)

19. Supernatural is special way to arouse wonder by violating logic or reason; folklore - superstition - demons create for reader the occult and unknown

20. How is Whitman's 'When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer' a romantic poem?

21. Each person is innately divine

22. Personal experience > learned knowledge

23. From death of Pope to death of Samuel Johnson

24. Celebration of common people

25. Satire becomes popular

26. Form of Iroquois prayer-song

27. Example of the country house poem

28. American Romanticism's emphasis on (4): _____ > _____

29. Example of the politicized sonnet

30. Focus on feelings and moments of heightened awareness

31. Religious controversy and persecution

32. Age of Transcendentalism

33. (Period and types)

34. Growth of public education and literacy

35. Legacy of European colonialism

36. American Romanticism's emphasis on (4): _____ > _____

37. Theme of the Kiowa tale

38. (Author and period)

39. Awareness of horrors of empire and industrialism

40. From the Jacksonian period to the Civil War

41. (Period and definition)

42. Contrast between court culture and lingering Puritan culture

43. Monarchy and episcopacy restored

44. Includes a lot of repressed stuff

45. Realistic details of 'Richard Cory'

46. 'This poem has had up to here; this poem is the reader and the reader the poem'

47. Empirically based scientific beliefs

48. What was the unifying theme of Romantic literature in Britain?

49. Collapse of distinctions between elite culture and popular culture

50. A spiritual biography (Title and period)