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Introduction To Radiology Vocab

Subject : health-sciences
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Inflammation of the diverticulum (pouches in the walls) - especially in the colon that are causing pain and stagnation of feces

2. A branch of a respiratory bronchiole that leads to the alveoli of the lungs

3. Digestive juice secreted by the liver which aids in fat digestion

4. The distal end of the fibula

5. Line drawn between the juction of upper lip/nose and the external auditory meatus - used to adjust the position of the cranium

6. A combo of kyphosis and scoliosis of the thoracic vertebra

7. Beaklike projection on the anterior order of the scapula

8. Presence of blood in the pleural/thorax cavity

9. The area of the duodenum just beyond the pylorus of the stomach

10. Formation of a permanent colonic fistula

11. Bony spur of cartilage in the trachea

12. Instrument powered by electrical current that incises and coagulates

13. Extreme extension of a joint

14. The socket that receives the head of the humerus below the acromion at the juntion of the superior and axillary borders of the scapula

15. Point where the upper and lower eyelids meet

16. Radiography of the bladder after instillation of radiopaque solution

17. Process that extends anteriorly from the superior part of the ulna

18. 10 inch tube that contains the first part of the small intestine and connects the plorus of the stomach to the jejunum

19. Point where the upper lip joins the cease of the nose

20. Classified as hinge type joints - they are found between middle and distal phalanges and between proximal and middle phalanges

21. The forward or front part of the body or body part

22. A freely movable joint

23. Any nearly closed cavity or chamber - particularly in a bone

24. A chronic disease involving the destruction and loss of elasticity of the walls of the alveoli - causing enlargement of the alveolar sacs and interference with an exchange in oxygen

25. Removal of fluid or cells from a mass or thickened by means of a hypodermic syringe; withdrawal of fluid for therapeutic reasons or for testing

26. Twisted - enlarged veins found around the base of the esophagus and often caused by portal hypertension

27. C2 cervical vertebra - easily distinguished by its long body that extends superiorly

28. One half of the diaphragm

29. Chronic - organic - mental disorder; a form of presenile dementia due to atrophy of frontal and occipital lobes

30. Rotation of a limb away from the midline

31. Sacules where gases are exhanged during respiration

32. The bumps/eminence at the articular end of a bone above the condyle - roughened areas of the bone superior to the condyle

33. Abnormal tubelike pasage from a normal cavity or tube to a free surface or to another cavity; may be due to congenital incomplete closure of the parts or ay result from abscesses - injuries - or inflammatory processes

34. A rounded prominence found at the point of articulation of another bone

35. Large body type - constituting about 5% of the population

36. Away from the origin of a part opposite of proximal

37. Line drawn between the pupils - used to adjust the position of the cranium

38. Widening or sac formed by dilation of a blood vessel

39. Food that is chemically and mechanically prepared for digestion by the stomach; mixture of partly digested food and digestive secretions found in the stomach and small intestine during digestion of a meal

40. A precipitation of gall stones - usually from a long term - high fat diet

41. Two lips on either side of the ileocecal valve that create membranous ridges in the cecum

42. A gland that secretes its chemical substances through a duct. The pancreas is also considered an exocrine gland by the virtue of the presence of the pancreatic duct

43. Juncture where the esophogas enters the stomach

44. To straighten a joint - increasing the angle between adjacent bones

45. Area where the primary bronchi enter the lungs

46. Located in the upper airway; prevents food from entering the air passages and permits air through the lungs; also has a role in voice production

47. A prominence or projection - especially of a bone - located between the condyles

48. Posterior to the epiglottis - serves as a passage for food and air

49. Relates to the opposite side of the body or part

50. Failure to menstrate