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Introduction To The Cisco IOS

Subjects : cisco, it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Sh int e0; config t; int e0; ip address; no shut; sh int e0

2. Provides basic configuration for the system hardware as well as the software version - the names and sources of configuration files - and the boot images

3. Indicates that the line has been scrolled to the left

4. Exit from the EXEC

5. Part of the command is missing.

6. RJ-45 (8-pin modular) port; no password by default

7. Cisco CLI that exists in user mode and privileged mode

8. 5

9. Terminal controller

10. Interface configuration mode

11. Delete the start-up config

12. Sh int ehternet0; config t; int ethernet0; no shut; sh int ehternet0

13. To configure user-mode passwords

14. Cisco Internetwork Operating System

15. Displays information about the physical interface itself. It'll also give you the type of serial cable plugged into a serial port. Usually - this will only be a DTE cable that plugs into a type of data service unit (DSU)

16. The administrator has the interface shut down.

17. Interface s0/0

18. Setup mode

19. CTunnel interface

20. Show info for ethernet0

21. View the config that will run when the router is reloaded; tells us how much NVRAM is being used

22. Manually save the file from DRAM to NVRAM

23. The command service password-encryption - from global configuration mode - will encrypt the passwords.

24. Config t - line vty 0 4 - no login

25. Gives a message to every person dialing into or connecting to the router via Telnet or auxiliary port - or even through a console port

26. Provide information once connected to the device

27. Sets the description of an interface; use it to keep track of circuit numbers - locations - etc.

28. Lock the terminal

29. Global configuration mode and changes what's known as the running-config

30. Change a router configuration stored on a TFTP host

31. Configure fastethernet slot0/port0

32. Show controllers int

33. Config t - int e0 - no shut

34. Dialer interface

35. Configure serial port 5

36. The command show ip protocols will actually show you the broadcast address for each interface—too bad it isn't a possible answer. Your best answer is show interfaces - which will provide the IP address and mask for each interface. You can then determ

37. Shows terminal configurations and history buffer size

38. Config t - enable secret cisco

39. Sets a console user-mode password

40. Multiple commands that begin with the string you entered and it's not unique - use the '?'

41. Sh run

42. Exit the console

43. If no commands have been typed in 1 minute and 44 seconds - the console connection will be closed

44. Open a terminal connection

45. Show terminal

46. Create a temporary Access-List entry

47. A line-activation (exec) banner to be displayed when an EXEC process is created

48. Async interface

49. Exit the console

50. Description of the interactive help system