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iOS 5 App Development Objective C

Subjects : it-skills, apple
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Name of the method to be executed

2. A pointer to the object being asked to execute a method

3. A UITableView usually needs three different pieces...

4. A class inherits all _ from its superclass and can add as many as it wants for its own purposes....

5. Three ways instances are created...

6. UITableViewController is a subclass of...

7. In Objective C - the name of a setter method is set plus the name of the instance variable it is changing - for example PossessionName would be...

8. In object oriented languages - we call methods that get and set instance variables

9. What happens when the last owner calls release?

10. NSString *s = @'Hello - World'; is an example of...

11. NSString* s2 = [s uppercase String]; Is an example of what kind of instance?

12. A _ handles touch events.

13. NSDate - class...

14. Each object does its own job - and presents to the rest of the world - to other objects - and indeed in a sense to the programmer - an opaque wall whose only entrances are the methods to which it promises to respond and the actions it promises to per

15. Archiving works by creating an instance of _ - which is essentially just a container for data - and placing objects and their data inside it.

16. When a view controller presents a modal view controller - the _ of the modal view controller is set to be the parent of the presenting controller

17. Reference Counting...

18. Use of class methods - there are three...

19. Instance Variables by default are called @protected meaning...

20. [Instance Variables] The code it gets from its class and in a sense is shared with all other instances of that class - but the _ belong to it alone.

21. super - is used...

22. Each class picks one _ as it's designated initializer....

23. Reducing details to focus on the core concepts

24. When you send a message to _ - you are sending a message to _ - but demanding that the search for the method begin at the superclass....

25. C struct with a CGPoint origin and a CGSize size - in other words two c structs.

26. Typically the designated initializer has parameters for the most important and frequently used _ of an object

27. A function in the objective c library that simply displays or logs it's argument

28. Whenever a UINavigationController is about to swap views - it sends out two messages

29. In Objective C arrays can hold only...

30. In object oriented languages - we call methods that get and set instance variables accessors - individually we call them...

31. id is a...

32. Primitives and C Structures...

33. Also if you send the NSObject the _ message - you own that object.

34. Ready-made instances...

35. For view controllers that are closely related - like a table view controller and its detail view controller - you can simply give them _ that point to each other.

36. NSDictionary...

37. NSValue - class...

38. It's class is sent the message alloc - which creates an instance of that class and returns a pointer to it - and then that instance is sent the message init - which gives its instance variables initial values.

39. Objective C only allows for single inheritance - so in regards to class you only ever see the following pattern

40. Prefixing a character string with an @ symbol [specific - NSString class]...

41. if you implemented both the setter and getter - the @synthesize method...

42. A command directed to an object is called an...

43. In general - class methods tend to be factory methods - that is...

44. Dynamic binding means that when we call a certain object's method - and there are several _ of that method - the right one is figured out at runtime.

45. What does autorelease mean?

46. Center and frame are used to _ your view

47. Each individual instance is a bundle of data that it maintains. Typically that data is private - which means that it's encapsulated as well; no other object knows what that data is or in what form it is kept. The only way to discover from outside wha

48. UIView - designated initializer...

49. Number one use of protocols in iOS...

50. Execution of the break statement...