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iOS 5 App Development Objective C
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1. Name of the method to be executed
You take ownership for an object you want to keep a pointer to
C Functionn
2. A pointer to the object being asked to execute a method
CF - Ref
super - self
3. A UITableView usually needs three different pieces...
creating an initializer
the message release to all its entries
data source - delegate and view controller
collection of collections - NSArray of an NSArray
4. A class inherits all _ from its superclass and can add as many as it wants for its own purposes....
5. Three ways instances are created...
instance of UIView or one of its subclasses
ready-made instances - instantiation from scratch - and nib based instantiation
6. UITableViewController is a subclass of...
You take ownership for an object you want to keep a pointer to
count - objectAtIndex - makeObjectsPerformSelector - sortedArrayUsingSelector - lastObject
CGRect bounds
7. In Objective C - the name of a setter method is set plus the name of the instance variable it is changing - for example PossessionName would be...
reuse your cells
has one root view controller
8. In object oriented languages - we call methods that get and set instance variables
9. What happens when the last owner calls release?
10. NSString *s = @'Hello - World'; is an example of...
@interface ClassName:SuperClassName
copy - retain
data source - view controller and delegate
declaration and initialization of a variable
11. NSString* s2 = [s uppercase String]; Is an example of what kind of instance?
Ready-Made Instance
Used to find the time right now or to store past or future time/dates
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
12. A _ handles touch events.
dealloc - is called on the object & the object's memory is returned to the heap
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
13. NSDate - class...
Used to find the time right now or to store past or future time/dates
receiving and handling events that are associated with it
pointer to an object
Core Graphics Framework
14. Each object does its own job - and presents to the rest of the world - to other objects - and indeed in a sense to the programmer - an opaque wall whose only entrances are the methods to which it promises to respond and the actions it promises to per
Encapsulation of functionality
receiver - selector - arguments
data source - view controller and delegate
15. Archiving works by creating an instance of _ - which is essentially just a container for data - and placing objects and their data inside it.
receiving and handling events that are associated with it
is called every time the event occurs
they need to be defined in the implementation file
16. When a view controller presents a modal view controller - the _ of the modal view controller is set to be the parent of the presenting controller
is an instance of that class
first responder
17. Reference Counting...
You take ownership for an object you want to keep a pointer to
18. Use of class methods - there are three...
lowercase - uppercase
Object wrapper around primitive types like int - float - double - BOOl
alloc - singleton - informational utility method?
19. Instance Variables by default are called @protected meaning...
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
only the class and subclasses can access
C Functionn
pointer to an object
20. [Instance Variables] The code it gets from its class and in a sense is shared with all other instances of that class - but the _ belong to it alone.
do so in viewDidLoad
view controller's initialization method
21. super - is used...
wait until the loop finishes processing the event - at the end release it
methods for generating an instance
the array becomes an owner of that object and has a pointer to it.
for inheritance - adopting the superclasses implementation
22. Each class picks one _ as it's designated initializer....
header files declare
view controller
23. Reducing details to focus on the core concepts
an object's property
Maintenance of state
unordered collection of objects - objects must be unique
24. When you send a message to _ - you are sending a message to _ - but demanding that the search for the method begin at the superclass....
count - objectAtIndex - makeObjectsPerformSelector - sortedArrayUsingSelector - lastObject
reuse your cells
super - self
25. C struct with a CGPoint origin and a CGSize size - in other words two c structs.
a single-array can contain objects of different types
26. Typically the designated initializer has parameters for the most important and frequently used _ of an object
viewWillAppear - viewDidAppear - viewWillDisappear & viewDidDisappear
instance variables
Is a placeholder object
27. A function in the objective c library that simply displays or logs it's argument
@interface ClassName:SuperClassName
calling code that does the instantiation for you
NSLog routine
28. Whenever a UINavigationController is about to swap views - it sends out two messages
'getters' and 'setters'
size and position
viewWillDissapear: and viewWillAppear:
29. In Objective C arrays can hold only...
Anytime you call a method with new - alloc or copy. You own and must release that object.
Data Encapsulation
references to objects
30. In object oriented languages - we call methods that get and set instance variables accessors - individually we call them...
31. id is a...
pointer to an object
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
Instantiation from scratch
Controller Objects[Managers]
32. Primitives and C Structures...
cannot be added to an array
the instance variables
ready-made instances - instantiation from scratch - and nib based instantiation
33. Also if you send the NSObject the _ message - you own that object.
group of global functions already assigned to this class
view controller's initialization method
only the class and subclasses can access
34. Ready-made instances...
calling code that does the instantiation for you
view controller
35. For view controllers that are closely related - like a table view controller and its detail view controller - you can simply give them _ that point to each other.
accessors - individually we call them 'getters' and 'setters'
its dataSource
first responder
instance variables
36. NSDictionary...
draw images
Hash table - Look up objects using a key to get a value.
view controller's initialization method
37. NSValue - class...
Instantiation from scratch
Is a placeholder object
Generic object wrapper for other non-object data types
unordered collection of objects - objects must be unique
38. It's class is sent the message alloc - which creates an instance of that class and returns a pointer to it - and then that instance is sent the message init - which gives its instance variables initial values.
creating an initializer
39. Objective C only allows for single inheritance - so in regards to class you only ever see the following pattern
calling code that does the instantiation for you
class methods - initializers
@interface ClassName:SuperClassName
40. Prefixing a character string with an @ symbol [specific - NSString class]...
alloc - singleton - informational utility method?
declaration and initialization of a variable
creates an instance of NSString that holds the character string
Object wrapper around primitive types like int - float - double - BOOl
41. if you implemented both the setter and getter - the @synthesize method...
will be ignored
unordered collection of objects - objects must be unique
Ready-Made Instance
42. A command directed to an object is called an...
its dataSource
43. In general - class methods tend to be factory methods - that is...
instance variables
Is a placeholder object
methods for generating an instance
to give it someone else - or another object
44. Dynamic binding means that when we call a certain object's method - and there are several _ of that method - the right one is figured out at runtime.
Generic object wrapper for other non-object data types
receiver - selector - arguments
45. What does autorelease mean?
wait until the loop finishes processing the event - at the end release it
declaration and initialization of a variable
type - name and value
46. Center and frame are used to _ your view
array[class - NSMutableArray]
47. Each individual instance is a bundle of data that it maintains. Typically that data is private - which means that it's encapsulated as well; no other object knows what that data is or in what form it is kept. The only way to discover from outside wha
Maintenance of state
count - objectAtIndex - makeObjectsPerformSelector - sortedArrayUsingSelector - lastObject
48. UIView - designated initializer...
NSLog routine
will be ignored
C Functionn
49. Number one use of protocols in iOS...
for inheritance - adopting the superclasses implementation
delegates and dataSources
50. Execution of the break statement...
the array relinquishes ownership of that object and no longer has a pointer to it
cannot be added to an array
causes the program to immediately exit from the loop it is executing - whether its for - while or do
Is a placeholder object