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iOS 5 App Development Objective C
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1. In general - in Objective-C - a reference to an instance is a _ - and the name of the data type of what's at the far end of that pointer is the name of the instances's _.
pointer - class
has one root view controller
Object wrapper around primitive types like int - float - double - BOOl
2. An instance is a device for maintaining state. It's a box for _ of data.
define it in the implemenation file
is called every time the event occurs
3. When a view controller presents a modal view controller - the _ of the modal view controller is set to be the parent of the presenting controller
references to objects
4. Never access a view controller's view in that...
5. NSSet...
is called every time the event occurs
Object wrapper around primitive types like int - float - double - BOOl
has one root view controller
unordered collection of objects - objects must be unique
6. A view is an...
instance of UIView or one of its subclasses
C Functionn
the instance variables
7. The root view controller typically creates the next view controller - and the next _ creates the one after that
you must import the header file of that class
view controller
a single-array can contain objects of different types
8. Defining variables - three parts...
attributes - behavior
type - name and value
class methods - initializers
9. Delegation is an object oriented approach to
You take ownership for an object you want to keep a pointer to
Ready-Made Instance
10. if you implemented both the setter and getter - the @synthesize method...
will be ignored
You take ownership for an object you want to keep a pointer to
11. All objects are accessed using...
wait until the loop finishes processing the event - at the end release it
creating an initializer
12. @property - is using methods...
to get and set variables
cannot be added to an array
reuse your cells
Object wrapper around primitive types like int - float - double - BOOl
13. Class methods do not operate on an _ or have any access to _ variables....
Maintenance of state
the instance variables
14. To get the full path for a directory in the sandbox - you use the _ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.
C Functionn
will be ignored
for inheritance - adopting the superclasses implementation
instance of UIView or one of its subclasses
15. Inside a method - _ is an implicit local variable. Typically - _ is used so that an object can send a message to itself....
pointer to an object
accessors - individually we call them 'getters' and 'setters'
16. A view represents a _ area
C Functionn
creates an instance of NSString that holds the character string
17. How do I implement my drawRect?
Is a placeholder object
Core Graphics Framework
copy - retain
Generic object wrapper for other non-object data types
18. Why properties?
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
unordered collection of objects - objects must be unique
is an instance of that class
19. A delegate is a pointer to an object with a set of methods the delegate-holder knows how to call. In other words - it's _ from a later created object
Ready-Made Instance
a mechanism to enable specific callbacks
instance variables
its dataSource
20. A callback is a function that is supplied in advance of an event - and...
is called every time the event occurs
an object's property
21. Proceed through the loop - jump back to the top and check again
calling code that does the instantiation for you
variable scope - if defined within a block
22. To load a Xib file manually - you use _
alloc - singleton - informational utility method?
ready-made instances - instantiation from scratch - and nib based instantiation
C Functionn
23. Keep view and model objects in sync - control the 'flow' of the application - and save the model objects out to the filesystem
CGRect bounds
Model Objects[Factory Worker]
Controller Objects[Managers]
in the dealloc - or when a Controller's view is 'unloaded'
24. Variable names tend to start with a _ letter; class names tend to start with an _ letter.
NSLog routine
lowercase - uppercase
ready-made instances - instantiation from scratch - and nib based instantiation
25. Hold data and know nothing about the user interface
you must import the header file of that class
Model Objects[Factory Worker]
first responder
26. Each individual instance is a bundle of data that it maintains. Typically that data is private - which means that it's encapsulated as well; no other object knows what that data is or in what form it is kept. The only way to discover from outside wha
Maintenance of state
wait until the loop finishes processing the event - at the end release it
causes the program to immediately exit from the loop it is executing - whether its for - while or do
27. Whenever a UINavigationController is about to swap views - it sends out two messages
Model Objects[Factory Worker]
copy - retain
create a XIB file
viewWillDissapear: and viewWillAppear:
28. super - is used...
super - self
for inheritance - adopting the superclasses implementation
29. It's class is sent the message alloc - which creates an instance of that class and returns a pointer to it - and then that instance is sent the message init - which gives its instance variables initial values.
creating an initializer
delegates and dataSources
instance of UIView or one of its subclasses
30. Classes describe two things...
will be ignored
attributes - behavior
view controller
wait until the loop finishes processing the event - at the end release it
31. A command directed to an object is called an...
pointer to an object
Instantiation from scratch
draw images
32. At the top of any implementation file...
only the class and subclasses can access
viewWillDissapear: and viewWillAppear:
you must import the header file of that class
33. Property List...
collection of collections - NSArray of an NSArray
CGRect bounds
class methods - initializers
34. A UITableView usually needs three different pieces...
data source - delegate and view controller
ready-made instances - instantiation from scratch - and nib based instantiation
Ready-Made Instance
calling code that does the instantiation for you
35. For view controllers that are closely related - like a table view controller and its detail view controller - you can simply give them _ that point to each other.
you must import the header file of that class
Instantiation from scratch
instance variables
viewWillDissapear: and viewWillAppear:
36. Each object does its own job - and presents to the rest of the world - to other objects - and indeed in a sense to the programmer - an opaque wall whose only entrances are the methods to which it promises to respond and the actions it promises to per
size and position
references to objects
Encapsulation of functionality
37. Prefixing a character string with an @ symbol [specific - NSString class]...
to get and set variables
new instances of the class or retrieve some global property of the class.
creates an instance of NSString that holds the character string
38. In the last line of an init method...
@interface ClassName:SuperClassName
you always return the newly initialized object(return self)
39. After accessors have been defined in the header file...
collection of collections - NSArray of an NSArray
they need to be defined in the implementation file
methods for generating an instance
40. A collection object - an ordered list of objects that can be accesed by an index
do so in viewDidLoad
array[class - NSMutableArray]
CGRect bounds
41. Any other initializer a class has calls the _ designated initializer....
42. If a class declares a _ that is different from its superclass - you must override the superclass' _ to call the new _...
Is a placeholder object
designated initializer
data source - view controller and delegate
43. When do we need to release our outlets?
44. NSString *s = @'Hello - World'; is an example of...
Controller Objects[Managers]
declaration and initialization of a variable
in the dealloc - or when a Controller's view is 'unloaded'
Is a placeholder object
45. In Cocoa Touch - the table view asks another object _ what it should display...
calling code that does the instantiation for you
its dataSource
46. Ready-made instances...
calling code that does the instantiation for you
reuse your cells
data source - delegate and view controller
47. Also if you send the NSObject the _ message - you own that object.
you always return the newly initialized object(return self)
safety - subclassability and makes code look more consistent with C structs
48. Reducing details to focus on the core concepts
cannot be added to an array
49. A view is a subclass of _
Core Graphics Framework
50. What happens when the last owner calls release?