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iOS 5 App Development Objective C

Subjects : it-skills, apple
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. In general - in Objective-C - a reference to an instance is a _ - and the name of the data type of what's at the far end of that pointer is the name of the instances's _.

2. An instance is a device for maintaining state. It's a box for _ of data.

3. When a view controller presents a modal view controller - the _ of the modal view controller is set to be the parent of the presenting controller

4. Never access a view controller's view in that...

5. NSSet...

6. A view is an...

7. The root view controller typically creates the next view controller - and the next _ creates the one after that

8. Defining variables - three parts...

9. Delegation is an object oriented approach to

10. if you implemented both the setter and getter - the @synthesize method...

11. All objects are accessed using...

12. @property - is using methods...

13. Class methods do not operate on an _ or have any access to _ variables....

14. To get the full path for a directory in the sandbox - you use the _ NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains.

15. Inside a method - _ is an implicit local variable. Typically - _ is used so that an object can send a message to itself....

16. A view represents a _ area

17. How do I implement my drawRect?

18. Why properties?

19. A delegate is a pointer to an object with a set of methods the delegate-holder knows how to call. In other words - it's _ from a later created object

20. A callback is a function that is supplied in advance of an event - and...

21. Proceed through the loop - jump back to the top and check again

22. To load a Xib file manually - you use _

23. Keep view and model objects in sync - control the 'flow' of the application - and save the model objects out to the filesystem

24. Variable names tend to start with a _ letter; class names tend to start with an _ letter.

25. Hold data and know nothing about the user interface

26. Each individual instance is a bundle of data that it maintains. Typically that data is private - which means that it's encapsulated as well; no other object knows what that data is or in what form it is kept. The only way to discover from outside wha

27. Whenever a UINavigationController is about to swap views - it sends out two messages

28. super - is used...

29. It's class is sent the message alloc - which creates an instance of that class and returns a pointer to it - and then that instance is sent the message init - which gives its instance variables initial values.

30. Classes describe two things...

31. A command directed to an object is called an...

32. At the top of any implementation file...

33. Property List...

34. A UITableView usually needs three different pieces...

35. For view controllers that are closely related - like a table view controller and its detail view controller - you can simply give them _ that point to each other.

36. Each object does its own job - and presents to the rest of the world - to other objects - and indeed in a sense to the programmer - an opaque wall whose only entrances are the methods to which it promises to respond and the actions it promises to per

37. Prefixing a character string with an @ symbol [specific - NSString class]...

38. In the last line of an init method...

39. After accessors have been defined in the header file...

40. A collection object - an ordered list of objects that can be accesed by an index

41. Any other initializer a class has calls the _ designated initializer....

42. If a class declares a _ that is different from its superclass - you must override the superclass' _ to call the new _...

43. When do we need to release our outlets?

44. NSString *s = @'Hello - World'; is an example of...

45. In Cocoa Touch - the table view asks another object _ what it should display...

46. Ready-made instances...

47. Also if you send the NSObject the _ message - you own that object.

48. Reducing details to focus on the core concepts

49. A view is a subclass of _

50. What happens when the last owner calls release?