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IT Literacy

Subjects : it-skills, literacy
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Video clip in which one image metamorphoses into another.

2. Component of word-processing software that analyzes each word in context - checking for content errors - common grammatical errors - and stylistic problems

3. License for multiple copies or removing restrictions on software copying and use at a network site

4. Step-by-step procedure for calculating a number

5. Part of the Internet - a collection of multimedia documents created by organizations and users worldwide. Documents are linked in a hypertext Web site that allows users to explore them with simpler mouse clicks.

6. Using multiple processors to divide jobs into pieces and work simultaneously on the pieces (multitasking!)

7. Binary digit; The smallest unit of information. A bit can have two values: 0 or 1

8. Using some combination of text - graphics - animation - video - music - voice and sound effects to communicate.

9. A text file that includes codes that describe the format - layout - and logical structure of a hypermedia document. Most Web pages are created with this code.

10. Programs that use computer hosts to reproduce themselves. Worm programs travel independently over computer networks - seeking out uninfected workstations to occupy. A form of software sabotage

11. 1) Mathematical calculations faster w/ more accuracy; 2) storing vast amounts of data; 3) recall information

12. Software used as an introductory - teaching or transitional tool for user tasks

13. 1) Robot must not injure a human or - by inaction - allow a human to come to harm; 2) must obey orders given by humans (except where the order conflicts w/ first law); 3) must protect its own existence (w/o conflicting w/ first & second law)

14. 1) Saves printing costs after initial software purchase. 2) Saves time traveling back to commercial printer b/c you can use a personal printer. 3) Reduces # of publication errors. 4) Allows more people to publish.

15. The standard technique used to send information over the Internet. A message is broken into packets that travel independently from network to network toward their common destination - where they are reunited.

16. A desktop-published document that uses a wide range of color; contrast with spot color.

17. Worksheets which contain labels and formulas but no data values; instant answers are produced when information is provided

18. 'what you see is what you get' (wizzy-wig); arrangement of words on the screen representing a close approximation to the arrangement of words on the printed page

19. A system of programs that performs a variety of technical operations - providing an additional layer of insulation between the user and the bits-and-bytes world of computer hardware

20. 1) outline your ideas; 2) remember your audience; 3) use large fonts; 4) be 'stingy' with words (bullets - summarize); 5) use a consistent design; 6) be smart with art (use appropriate graphics)

21. The storage of pictures as collections of lines - shapes and other objects.

22. Megabyte; Approximately 1000K or 1 million bytes

23. Communicates with peripherals; Coordinates the concurrent processing of tasks; Manages memory; Keeps track of location of all programs/files of hard drive

24. In desktop publishing - the pages that control the general layout of the document (such as the page borders - numbers - or header).

25. An error in programming

26. Text entry providing information of the contents of a row/column

27. Small files deposited on a user's hard disk by Web sites - enabling sites to remember what they know about their visitors between sessions.

28. User interface that requires the user to type text commands on a command-line to communicate with the operating system

29. The identification of spoken words and sentences by a computer - making it possible for voice input to be converted into text files

30. Allows documents of all types to be stored - viewed - or modified on any Windows or Macintosh computer - making it possible for many organizations to reduce paper flow.

31. A class of Internet addresses indicated by a suffix such as: .com - .gov - .net

32. Rectangular block of selected cells

33. The illegal duplication of copyrighted software

34. Device for accepting input (e.g. a keyboard)

35. A program that eliminates fragmented files by changing the assignment of clusters to files; Easier to find files/programs -> Faster computer

36. A business that provides its customers with connections to the Internet (along with other services).

37. Optical Mark Reader; A reading device that uses reflected light to determine the location of pencil marks on standardized test answer sheets and similar forms

38. Software programs that can ask questions - respond to commands - pay attention to users' work patters - serve as a guide and a coach - take on owner's goals - and use reasoning to fabricate their own goals.

39. A 65 -000-character set for making letters - digits - and special characters fit into the computer's binary circuitry

40. Email discussion groups on special-interest topics. All subscribers receive messages sent to the group's mailing address. (private)

41. Terabyte; Approximately 1 million megabytes

42. ~Adding/configuring new work stations ~Setting up user accounts ~Installing system wide software ~Performing preventative procedures for viruses ~Allocating storage space

43. Intuitive: 1)throw away 2)trash bin; open file ~ folders 3)Consistent: integrated software 4)Forgiving: undo - cancel 5)Protective: double-click on closing 6)Flexible: copy/paste - shortcuts 7)Speech Recognition Software

44. The coming together of two or more disparate disciplines or technologies. (ex: fax machine which combines scanning/printing)

45. Optical Character Recognition; Locating and identifying printed characters embedded in an image - allowing the text to be stored as an editable document. Can be performed by wand readers - pen scanners - and OCR software

46. An agreement allowing the use of a software program on a single machine

47. Using a computer to create - edit and print documents

48. A reading tool that uses light to read universal product codes - inventory codes - and other codes created out of patterns of variable-width bars

49. Software that serves as tools for doing system maintenance and some repairs that are not automatically handled by the operating system;

50. Software that derives logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. ('If... then...' logic)