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Javascript Basics

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. To assign the value from a prompt to a non-string variable

2. The events common to most controls: onfocus - onblur - onclick - _______ - onchange - onselect

3. To view the current web address using JavaScript

4. Math object method used to return a given number rounded to the next highest integer value

5. To assign the return value of confirm() to a variable

6. To create a single line comment in JavaScript

7. The valid characters for an identifier in JavaScript: Letters - Numbers - ________ and Dollar Signs

8. What Date object method is used to return the number of milliseconds since the start of GMT

9. String object method used to get the character at a specified index position

10. To create a function in JavaScript

11. The syntax of a conditional operator

12. To create a Date object in JavaScript

13. To create a function that returns a value in JavaScript

14. The ________ tag is used to display the text between the opening and closing tag if JavaScript is disabled or otherwise not available

15. Date object method used to return a string containing the time

16. A function that is called with a certain event occurs - e.g. button.onclick and window.onload.

17. The string escape sequence to insert a carriage return in JavaScript

18. To denote a string in JavaScript

19. The available get methods for a Date object: getTime() - _________ - getMonth() - getDate() - getHours() - getMinutes() - getSeconds() - getMilliseconds()

20. To set the current value of the control for a text area

21. A statement that yields a value

22. To alter the value of the text element in a span tag

23. To display an alert

24. The four attributes of the <script> tag:Type - Src - _____ and Defer

25. What String object method returns a new string containing the value of the original string but in all lower case

26. To code a while statement in JavaScript

27. String object method used to return the position of the first instance of a specified search string starting from the specified index

28. Number object method used to return a number in exponential format with the specified number of decimal places

29. The escape sequence used to insert a Unicode character into a string in JavaScript

30. Command to display a prompt

31. To get the current value for textboxes

32. To declare a variable in JavaScript

33. To test that a variable contains a valid number

34. To get the value or the currently selected item for lists

35. String object method used to return a new string that contains part of the original string from the specified start position and up to but not including the specified stop index

36. Math object method used to return a given number raised to a given power

37. String object method used to return a new string that contains part of the original string from the specified start position

38. The format to create a new Date object from a string

39. The string escape sequence to insert a form feed in JavaScript

40. Number object method used to return a numerical string with the specified number of significant digits

41. The string escape sequence to insert a single quote in JavaScript

42. To assign a default value to a prompt

43. To set the current checked status of the control for checkboxes

44. Number object method used to round numbers to the specified number of decimal places

45. Math object method used to return the lowest value for a set of supplied numbers

46. To create an Array object in JavaScript

47. To get the text value of the control for radio buttons

48. The identity operator for equals

49. The string escape sequence to insert a backslash in JavaScript

50. The two methods common to most controls: ______ //Brings focus to the control blur //Removes focus from the control