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Job Hunting And Resumes

Subject : soft-skills
  • Answer 42 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Most realistic type of interview - you actually perform a job related activity during the interview.

2. Sequence of job interviews

3. Follow up with a thank you letter or email thanking the interview for their time and consideration even if you don't have a good chance being hired.

4. Effective resume designs are simple - clean - and professional- not gaudy - clever - or cute.

5. Use the middle section of your letter to expand on your opening - presenting a more complete picture of your strengths which presents your strongest selling points in terms of your potential benefit to the organization.

6. A set of prepared questions - Usually used by behavioral and cognate clinician because it helps to pinpoint behaviors - attitudes - and thinking process.

7. Planning ahead for interviewing questions will help you handle them more confidently and successfully.

8. 1-Learn about the organization 2-thinking ahead about interviewer's questions 3-planning question of your own 4-boosting your confidence 5-polishing your interview style 6-presenting a professional image 7-being ready when you arrive

9. As with business messages - planning a resume means analyzing your purpose and your audience - gathering information - choosing the best medium - and organizing your content

10. Type of interview in which structured questions are spread across a group; individual who is most compentent in the relevant area usually asks the question.

11. Go beyond every company's communication materials; find out what others in their industries and communities think about them.

12. Several applicants interviewing at the same time while being observed by company representatives. This allows them to observe how one behaves in a stressful and competitive environment.

13. The researcher has a particular topic for study - but they allow the conversation to go wherever the researcher participant takes it - and each interview becomes highly individual (low-structure)

14. The last few minutes is a last opportunity to correct any misconceptions

15. This the second round of interviews and you may interview with several people from the company. they are narrowing down applicants and you should show interest in the job - listen attentively - ask questions.

16. Nontraditional does not mean good - Elements to get noticed: -White space -Headings -Changes in type size and font -Shading -Positioning - use straightforward typefaces such as times roman or arial.

17. Should be organized around your strengths

18. Interviewing using a variety of media options - telephone - email - virtual meetings etc...

19. Interview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on applicants to see how they respond to stress enviroments

20. An application letter written in response to an advertised job vacancy

21. A structured interview in which the interviewer describes a situation likely to arise on the job - then asks the candidate what he or she would do in that situation

22. Optical Character Recognition

23. Pay attention - think before you speak - tailor things from the company's point of view

24. The most important because employers make up there minds in the 1st 20 seconds of an interview so keep your guard up.

25. The begining stage when emplyees filters out applicants who are unqualified or not a good fit. best approach is to try to differentiate yourself from other candidates and follow the interviewers lead.

26. 1- Too long or wordy 2- too short or sketchy 3-difficult to read 4-poorly written 5-displaying weak understanding of the business world 6-poor quality printing or cheap paper 7-spelling errors and grammar errors 8-boastful 9-gimmicky

27. For a successful scannable resume - 1- use plain font and simplified design. 2-compile a keword summary that lists all the terms that can help match your resume to the right opening. a scannable resume is formatted to be OCR friendly

28. 1-Printed traditional resume 2-printed scannable resume 3-electrontic plain-text file 4-microsoft word file 5- HTML format 6- PDF file

29. To stimulate an employers interest in learning more about you.

30. Conclude gracefully

31. Resume formatted to look attractive and designed to be mailed or handed to the reviewer - but cannot effectively be scanned by computers or stored electronically - form of life history organized by type of work experience

32. Highlighting specific skills and abilities and follows with a chronological list of jobs and a brief look at education - a resume that summarizes the job skills as well as education and employment history - Utilizes quantities of both the chronologic

33. 1-Structured Interview: Interviewer asks prepared - job related questions and 2-Open-ended interview is when the interviewer adapts his questions based on your responses - 3-panel interview - 4- group interview 5- behavioral interview - 6-situational

34. When you describe past job responsibilities be sure to relate them to the needs of potential employers; identify the skills and knowledge from these previous jobs that you can apply to a future job.

35. Consider a combination resume to highlight your skills while still providing a chronological history of your employment.

36. 1- Build toward career 2-prepare resume and other employment messages 3-understand interview process 4- prepare for interview 5-participate in interview 6-follow up amd accept offer.

37. Multiple times before deciding to make you a job offer. sequence of interviews starts with the screening stage - than you move into the selection stages - and lastly the final stage which the interviewer mauy try to sell you on working for the firm.

38. Interviews that ask applicants to describe specific behaviors or actions they have displayed in the past to demonstrate particular skills - ask job applicants about past behaviors

39. 1-Whether you can handle the responsibilities and 2-whether you are a good fit with the organization and target position.

40. Focuses attention on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment. - reverse the content and titles of the conventional resume - organizing by what the candidate can do or has learned rather than by types of experience

41. An application letter written to an organization that has not advertised a vacancy. Also called a prospective letter

42. Emphasizes the applicant's work experience in chronological order beginning with the most recent - Type of resume used when the applicant wants to emphasize work experience.