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1. To use these you would download the jqueryui and reference it.
jQuery Statement Chaining
Types of Selectors
Event Handler
2. To retrieve cross browser sizing information for elements - use the jQuery size-related CSS functions - height() - height(val) - width() - width(val) - innerHeight() - innerWidth( - outerHeight(margin) - outerWidth(margin)
Sliding Page Elements
Helper Functions - Common Events
Working with CSS Sizing Information
3. jQuery provides several functions for inserting content into the document (DOM) before and after existing elements - append(content) - Appends after content inside - appendTo(selector) - prepend(content) - Appends before content inside - prependTo(se
jQuery Events
Showing / Hiding Elements
Inserting Content (Move stuff around within DOM)
4. jQuery provides a single object with the most important properties - type - Type of the event ("click", e.g.) - target - Element that issued event - data - data passed to bind function - pageX, pageY - result - timestamp - preventDefault() - isDefaul
Advanced selectors
Wrapping - Replacing & Removing Content
DOM Document object model
Event Object
5. $(selector) .one(type, data, handler) - $(selector) .trigger(event, data) - $(selector) .triggerHandler(event, data)
Animation and Effects
Wrapping - Replacing & Removing Content
Event Functions - Specialized Tasks
6. jQuerys CSS functions provide easy - cross browser access for setting properties and working with positioning and sizing information. The css() function allows you to retrieve and set CSS styles for a set of matched elements. - Functions: css(name) -
Working with CSS Information
Working with CSS Sizing Information
7. jQuery provides ways for working with events that is simpler than relying on the DOM. Makes it easy to assign event handlers to groups of elements by using selectors and filters - Binding/Unbinding - Unified Event Object - Convenience Features
Callback Function
Types of Selectors
jQuery Events
8. Basic - Content - Visibility - Attribute - Child - Form.
Event Handler
Callback Function
Working with CSS Positioning
Types of jQuery filters
9. Provides a pre-built set of functionality giving pages a nice look - Interactions: drag - drop - resize - selectable - sortable - Widgets: Accordian - datepicker - progressbar - dialog - slider - tabs - Effects: Add class - remove class - toggle clas
Working with CSS Information
Event Object
jQuery Statement Chaining
jQuery UI Library
10. When an event fires - use (this) to refer to the element that fired it. This provides a nicer way to talk about the element that fired the event - rather having to re-select it.
Callback Function
Working with CSS Information
attr function
11. An instance is an individual example of a generic object.
Event Functions - Specialized Tasks
Animation and Effects
jQuery UI Library
12. Elements can be faded in and out or to a certain opacity. You can also control speed. fadeIn(speed, callback) - fadeOut(speed, callback) - fadeTo(speed, opacity, callback)
jQuery UI Library
Selectors & Filters
Fading Elements In and Out
jQuery Statement Chaining
13. This is the jQuery object. $ ("document").ready(function () { Your Code }); This is where all of jQuery's functionality is accessed from.
Showing / Hiding Elements
jQuery Statement Chaining
14. Handlers are any functions that you write to handle events.
Working with CSS Positioning
15. Elements can be hidden immediately or over a specific period of time - show() - Displays element if they are hidden - show(speed, callback) - hide() - Hides the element - hide(speed,callback) - toggle() - Toggles display of matched element - toggle(s
Showing / Hiding Elements
attr function
jQuery Events
Event Handler
16. Use jQuery's attr functions to inspect or change the value of an attribute on elements: attr(name) - attr(properties) - attr(key, value) - attr(key, fn) - removeAttr(name)
jQuery UI Library
Selectors & Filters
attr function
17. Sliding effects is another way to reveal page elements. You can also toggle the slide animation - slideDown(speed, callback) - slideUp(speed, callback) - slideToggle(speed, callback)
Sliding Page Elements
Event Functions - Specialized Tasks
Event Object
18. jQuery selectors return an array of objects that match the selection criteria. jQuery filters operate on a selector to further refine the results array that the selector returns as jquery objects.
Selectors & Filters
Types of jQuery filters
Sliding Page Elements
19. One of jQuery's most powerful features is its ability to chain multiple functions together to perform several operations in one line of code - $(selector) .fn1() .fn2() .fn3(); functions are executed in order.
Wrapping - Replacing & Removing Content
jQuery Statement Chaining
jQuery Events
20. An object is a self contained collection of data which comes in two forms properties and methods. A property is a variable belonging to an object. A method is a function that the object can invoke. These properties and methods are all combined into o
Types of jQuery filters
Event Handler
Sliding Page Elements
21. Application programming interface. An API is an abstraction that defines and describes an interface for the interaction with a set of functions used by components of a software system. The software providing the functions described by an API is said
Event Object
jQuery Events
Working with CSS Sizing Information
22. To create a custom animation for properties on page elements call the animate() function - animate(params, duration, easing, callback) - animate(params, options) - stop()
Working with CSS Positioning
Event Handler
Inserting Content (Move stuff around within DOM)
Creating Custom Animations
23. jQuery can wrap existing content in the page - replace content - copy content and remove it - wrap(html) - wrap(element) - wrapAll(html) - wrapAll(element) - wrapInner(html) - wrapInner(element) - replaceWith(content) - replaceAll(selector) - empty()
Showing / Hiding Elements
Wrapping - Replacing & Removing Content
Event Object
24. Events are connected and disconnected from elements using the bind() and unbind() functions - bind(event,data,handler) - $(selector) .bind(event, data, handler) - .unbind(event,handler) - $selector .unbind(event,handler)
Event Functions
Wrapping - Replacing & Removing Content
Event Object
25. When you create a web page and load it in a web browser it takes the document you have written and turns it into an object. Each HTML document loaded into a browser window becomes a Document object. So the DOM represents the web page that is currentl
DOM Document object model
jQuery Statement Chaining
jQuery Events
26. Elements - #id tags - .classNames tag.className tag#id.className * all elements
Animation and Effects
Types of Selectors
Callback Function
27. jQuery library supplies basic animation and effects functions that perform common visual effects. ( showing/hiding - Fading in and out - Moving elements around the screen)
attr function
Advanced selectors
Event Handler
Animation and Effects
28. Several "helper" functions can perform common event-related tasks - click(fn) - $(selector) .click(fn) - hover(fnOver, fnOut) - toggle(fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4...)
Selectors & Filters
Fading Elements In and Out
Event Functions - Specialized Tasks
Helper Functions - Common Events
29. Event handlers are used to invoke some code when a certain action happens. When you want some behavior or action to be triggered when a user does something on the page you use an event handler. When an event happens - it has "fired" and when we write
jQuery Statement Chaining
Callback Function
Event Handler
Animation and Effects
30. selector - selector .class1.class2 - parent>child - ancestor descendant - prev+next - prev~siblings.
Types of Selectors
jQuery UI Library
Advanced selectors
31. Callback functions specify code that needs to run after the effect has finished. Not all but many methods accept callbacks. The callback function is called after the animation is 100% finished. The callback parameter is a function to be executed afte
Callback Function
Working with CSS Sizing Information
attr function
Selectors & Filters
32. The CSS positioning functions provide cross-browser way for figuring out the positions of elements - offset() - offsetParent() - position() - scrollTop() - scrollTop(val) - scrollLeft() - scrollLeft(val)
Event Functions - Specialized Tasks
Working with CSS Positioning