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Leadership And Motivation

Subject : soft-skills
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. 1. Communication skills 2. Interpersonal skills 3. Conflict-resolution skills 4. Negotiation skills 5. Motivational skills

2. The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods - suspend judgment - and think before acting

3. To speak and write persuasively

4. The ability to recognize and understand your moods - emotions - and drives as well as their effect on others

5. The quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance - rank - etc.

6. Providing extrensic awards may...

7. First level of management; responsible for the work of a group of employees

8. Discipline and training of oneself - usually for improvement.

9. Obtaining - training - and compensating employees

10. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundless of moral character; honestly.

11. One who includes employees in making decisions

12. To listen and hear what people are saying and react in constructive ways (active listening).

13. This style focuses on personal development. Coaching leaders help people identify their strengths and weaknesses - and tie them to their career aspirations. While this style is highly successful with people who want to change or improve professionall

14. The ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals

15. Internal and external factors that simulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job - role - subject - and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal.

16. The combination of tactical and strategic management

17. This 'people-first' style engenders the creation of emotional bonds and team harmony. It is best used when team coherence is important or in times of low employee morale. But this approach's focus on praise may permit poor performance among employees

18. External Factors: Benefits - working conditions - salary - etc. Internal Factors: Achievement - feedback - responsibility

19. A leader without ethics

20. This style mobilizes people toward a vision. Specifically - it provides an overarching goal - but gives others the freedom to choose their own way of reaching it. This approach is most effective when a business is at sea and needs direction - or duri

21. Used when a leader needs to give direct - clear - and precise orders and makes decision

22. To bring different groups together in order to reach mutually agreeable goals

23. Receiving - Responding - Valuing

24. Directing and leading people

25. This style expects excellence and self-direction. It works best for highly skilled and motivated people who work well on their own. Other people - however - may feel overwhelmed by a pacesetting leader's demands for excellence. Their self-esteem - tr

26. The arrangement of resources in order to meet goals

27. Judgment based on observable experience and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices.

28. This 'do what I say' style demands immediate compliance. It is especially useful in turnaround situations - in a crisis - and with problem employees. However - using this style inhibits your organization's flexibility and can dampen employee motivati

29. The ability to understand people's emotional makeup

30. A spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people

31. Specialists in a specific area of the business

32. Creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefits.

33. To align people who may not report to you toward a goal - 'Get them excited!'

34. A group of people working harmoniously together to effectively achieve a common goal

35. Questions to ask in order to understand the employee and the problem 1. What drives the employee? 2. How are you contributing to the problem? - Consider range of outcomes - Discuss problem and reach resolution - Describe problem from your perspectiv

36. Feature of a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities - experience - knowledge - and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age - background - ethnicity - physical abilities - political and religious beliefs - sex - and other attributes

37. The ability to manage relationships - build networks - and find common ground

38. Vision - Communication - Trust - Self-Management

39. Determining to what extent the business is accomplishing the goals

40. Having the power or quality of deciding; putting an end to controversy.

41. 1. Coercive 2. Authoritative 3. Affiliative 4. Democratic 5. Pacesetting 6. Coaching

42. A manager who gives little or no direction to workers.

43. 1. Self mastery - how you manage/master yourself. 2. You feel chemistry with person

44. 1. Self-awareness 2. Self-regulation 3. Motivation 4. Empathy 5. Social Skill

45. 1. Be consistent 2. Be passionate 3. Provide feedback 4. Make communication two-way 5. Issue calls in action 6. Choose media wisely

46. One who gives little or no direction to employees

47. To handle friction and inevitable tensions - - short-term - 'fighting fires'

48. The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources

49. The way a manager treats and involves employees

50. An introductory act or step; leading action