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1. SRI surfaces need to be cleaned how Frequently to maintain good reflectance - as required by LEED?
80% of students live within no more than 3/4 mile walking distance for grades 8 and below - and 1 1/2 mile walking distance for grades 9 and above & provide dedicated walking or biking lanes to the transit lines
At least every two years.
Provide preferred parking for low emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles for 5% fo the total vehicle parking capacity of the site.
The highest form of wastewater treatment and includes removal or organics - solids - and nutrients as well as biological or chemical polishing is it the highest?
2. For SCC1 Site Selection - what should you not build on?
3. What is the exemplary percentage for process water reduction?
80% of students live within no more than 3/4 mile walking distance for grades 8 and below - and 1 1/2 mile walking distance for grades 9 and above & provide dedicated walking or biking lanes to the transit lines
5 points
1/2 mile walking distance to a rail line OR 1/4 mile to 2 or more bus lines
40% savings - or greater
4. What bio-fuel systems are NOT eligible for On-Site Renewable Energy?
For a Schools project - if pursuing the Alternative Transportation Credit
Combustion of municipal solid waste - forestry biomass waste other than mill residue - doaded wood - or treated wood.
Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992 and 2005
The Center for Clear Air Policy
5. What are 'Low-Emitting' vehicles?
5 points
Vehicles that are classified as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by the California Air Resources Board
A minimum of 50%
Capture storm-water runoff and clear it of pollutants before its release. Some retention pond designs use gravity only; others use mechanical equipment - such as pipes and pumps - to facilitate transport. Some ponds are dry except during storm events
6. What percentage of dissatisfied occupants would require corrective action under thermal comfort - verification (IEQc7.2)?
An 8 hour occupant has an FTE value of 1.0: a part-time occupant has an FTE value based on work hours per day divided by 8.
Two: Direct line of sight to perimeter glazing for 90% of regularly occupied areas and the horizontal view at seated eye height to access views
At least 1 year of post construction occupancy
20% or more dissatisfied occupants
7. Define 'Residential Area'
4 of 7; SSC1 Site Selection - SSc5.1 Protect/Restore Habitat - SSc5.2 Maximize Open Space - SSc6.1 Stormwater Quantity Control - SSc6.2 Stormwater Quality Control - SSc7.1 Heat Island Effect - Non-roof - or SSc8 Light Pollution Reduction
Land zoned primarily for housing at a density of 10 units per acre or greater. These areas may have single-family and multifamily housing and include building types such as town-homes - apartments - duplexes - condominiums - or mobile homes.
It delivers water at low pressure through buried mains and submains
A minimum of 50%
8. What are the Eligible On-Site renewable energy technologies or systems for (EAc2)?
MERV 13 or Higher
FSC Recycled of FSC Recycled Credit
Photovoltaic systems - wind energy systems - solar thermal systems - biofuel based electrical systems - geothermal heating or electric systems - low impact hydroelectric power systems - wave and tidal power systems
50%=1 pt
9. What Energy related systems must be commissioned?
LZ1 - Dark (Parks - rural areas); LZ2 - Low (residential - light industrial); LZ3 - Medium (commercial - industrial - high density residential); LZ4 - High (metro areas)
Reduced Energy USe - Lower Operating Costs - Reduced Contractor Callbacks - Better Building Documentation - Improved Occupant Productivity - and Verification that Systems perform with OPR
Mechanical Ventilation (Active ventilation) - Natural Ventilation (Passive ventilation) - Mixed-mode Ventilation (both mechanical and natural ventilation)
HVAC - Lighting Controls - DHW - Renewables
10. When an organization/agency is providing space for shared use to students - what should be included?
Auditorium - Gym - Cafeteria - One or more classrooms - Swimming Pool - or Playing Field
HVAC - Lighting Controls - DHW - Renewables
ASHRAE Standard 55-2004
15 minutes - with a min of 1 measurement every 10 seconds
11. What % of materials or products must be harvested within a 10 year or shorter cycle to qualify for rapidly renewable materials (MRc6)?
Steam cookers - dishwashers - ice makers - and clothes waters
Auditorium - Gym - Cafeteria - One or more classrooms - Swimming Pool - or Playing Field
2.5% = 1 point
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
12. What is a Composting toilet?
The postdevelopment rate and quantity must be at least 25% less than the predevelopment values.
Dry plumbing fixtures and fittings that contain and treat human waste via microbiological processes.
Eliminate the potential for condensation - pay special attention to known generators of dondensation - prevent mold during unoccupied periods - address floods and leaky or failed equipemtn - and design for mold prevention
Drawdown rate or drawdown
13. What are some examples of Rapidly Renewable materials?
Eliminate the potential for condensation - pay special attention to known generators of dondensation - prevent mold during unoccupied periods - address floods and leaky or failed equipemtn - and design for mold prevention
At least 1 principal particiapnt of the project team must be a LEED Accredited Professional
Examples are bambo flooring and plywood - cotton batt insulation - linoleum flooring - sunflower seed board panels - wheatboard cabinetry - wool carpeting - cork floring - bio-based paints - geotextile fabrics such as coir and jute - soy-based inluat
30% above rates required by ASHRAE 62.1-2007
14. What are the four elements needed to calculate reverberation time (RT)?
Weight or Volume for Construction waste management (MRc2)
Primary Design Assumptions - Standards - & Narrative Descriptions
Photovoltaic systems - wind energy systems - solar thermal systems - biofuel based electrical systems - geothermal heating or electric systems - low impact hydroelectric power systems - wave and tidal power systems
Volume (cubic feet) - Interior Surface Area (square feet) - sound absorption coefficient - surface area of interior fixed elements
15. What is the Discount Rate required for Parking?
Eliminate the potential for condensation - pay special attention to known generators of dondensation - prevent mold during unoccupied periods - address floods and leaky or failed equipemtn - and design for mold prevention
20% discount
The variety of life in all forms - level and combinations - including ecosystem diversity - species diversity - and genetic diversity.
10% Variation from Design Values
16. How can you earn Exemplary performance for SS Credit Development Density & Community Connectivity?
ISO 14021
4 of 7; SSC1 Site Selection - SSc5.1 Protect/Restore Habitat - SSc5.2 Maximize Open Space - SSc6.1 Stormwater Quantity Control - SSc6.2 Stormwater Quality Control - SSc7.1 Heat Island Effect - Non-roof - or SSc8 Light Pollution Reduction
The average density within an area twice as large as that for the base credit achievement must be at least 120 -000 square feet per acre (or double the average density for the area)
Drawdown rate or drawdown
17. From Where is the transportation distance measured?
4 Points
A main building entrance
Building is within 1/2 mile (with clear pedestrian access) of at least 10 basic services.
18. What is IPM?
A minimum of 90%
Combustion of municipal solid waste - forestry biomass waste other than mill residue - doaded wood - or treated wood.
Integrated Pest Management; The coordinated use of knowledge about pests - the environment - and pest prevention and control methods to minimize pest infestation and damage by the most economical means while minimizing hazards to people - property an
Photovoltaic systems - wind energy systems - solar thermal systems - biofuel based electrical systems - geothermal heating or electric systems - low impact hydroelectric power systems - wave and tidal power systems
19. What are the major compliance standards associated with low emitting materials - paints and coatings (IEQc4.2)?
15% = 1 ID point or 8 total points for on site renewable energy
Wetlands or naturally designed ponds may count as open space and the side slope gradients average 1:4 (vertical: horizontal) or less and are vegetate.
Green Seal Standard GS-11 (Architectural Paints and Coatings) - Green Seal Standard GC-03 (Anti-corrosive and Anti-rust Paints) - SCAQMD Rule 1113 (Clear Wood Finishes - Floor Coatings - Stains - Primers - and Shellacs)
A minimum of 90%
20. What distance are important for a Greenfield Site protecting habitat?
21. What qualifies as Existing interior nonstructural elements for bulding reuse - maintain interior nonstructural elements (MRc1.2)?
Carbon Trust 'Good Practice Guide 237'
A measure of light falling on a given surface. One footcandle is defined as the quantity of light falling on a 1-square foot area from a 1 candle light source at a distance of 1 foot (which equals 1 lumen per square foot). Footcandles can be measured
Interior walls - doors - floor coverings - and ceiling systems
Intent of proposed innovation credit - proposed requirement(s) for compliance - proposed submittals - and strategies used to meet requirement(s)
22. How much of your building's roof must be a Vegetated Roof to earn 1 point?
50% or greater
Turf grass
2 year renewable energy contract and 35% of buildings electric from green-e certified source
10% Variation from Design Values
23. What are the site and transportation/pedestrian access requirements for Schools?
EPA's Target Finder rating tool
50% or greater
80% of students live within no more than 3/4 mile walking distance for grades 8 and below - and 1 1/2 mile walking distance for grades 9 and above & provide dedicated walking or biking lanes to the transit lines
Pump-and-treat - bioreactors - land farming - solar detoxification - and in situ remediation
24. What is the maximum number of points a project can earn for achieving exemplary performance?
Steam cookers - dishwashers - ice makers - and clothes waters
Provide vegetated open space area adjacent to the building that is equal in area to the building footprint.
Limit site disturbance to: 40' beyond building perimeter - 10' beyond walkways and parking - 15' beyond primary roadway curbs - and 25' beyond constructed areas with permeable surfaces
3 points
25. What is the minimum background noise level required for HVAC equipment in classrooms required for minimum acoustical performance (IEQp3)
50%=1 pt
45 dBA
Construction Waste MAnagement Plan
Stray light from unshielded light sources and light reflecting off surfaces that then enters the atmosphere and illuminates and reflects off dust - debris and water vapor
26. What are the benefits of Commissioning?
Building envelope - HVAC - Service Water heating - Power - Lighting - Other equipment
Reduced Energy USe - Lower Operating Costs - Reduced Contractor Callbacks - Better Building Documentation - Improved Occupant Productivity - and Verification that Systems perform with OPR
3 to 6 feet above floor to represent the breathing zone
Exceed the local zoning requirements by 25%
27. What percentage of the building occupants must have individual lighitng controls for controllabliity of systems - Lighting (IEQc6.1)?
S12.60-2002 - Acoustical Performance Criteria - Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools
The highest form of wastewater treatment and includes removal or organics - solids - and nutrients as well as biological or chemical polishing is it the highest?
4 points
A minimum of 90%
28. What is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment?
Interior walls - doors - floor coverings - and ceiling systems
Vehicles that are classified as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by the California Air Resources Board
A report prepared for a real estate holding that identifies potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities.
Spots available to particular users - includes designated spaces close to the building (aside from designated handicapped spots) - designated covered spaces - discounted parking passes - and guaranteed passes in a lottery system.
29. What should be included in a sustainable Landscape Plan?
Surfaces that have a perviousness of less than 50% and promote runoff of water instead of infiltration into the subsurface. Examples include parking lots - roads - sidewalks - and plazas.
EA Credit 2: On-site Renewable Energy - EA Credit 6: Green Power
40% savings - or greater
List of all plant species - noting wheter or not they are native/adapted; info about invasive species and pests those plants may harbor; best maintenance practices for the chosen plans - and site maps showing boundaries for the protected habitat area
30. What percentage will earn exemplary performance for Recycled content (MRc4)?
1 to 1; i.e. 50/50 male to female
Provide vegetated open space area adjacent to the building that is equal in area to the building footprint.
30% = 1 ID point
List of all plant species - noting wheter or not they are native/adapted; info about invasive species and pests those plants may harbor; best maintenance practices for the chosen plans - and site maps showing boundaries for the protected habitat area
31. What type of Man-made structure is exempt from Site Selection?
45 dBA
The variety of life in all forms - level and combinations - including ecosystem diversity - species diversity - and genetic diversity.
Small man-made ponds - such as those used in stormwater retention - fire suppression - and recreation - are exempt
32. How many calculations are required for compliance with daylight and views - views (IEQc8.2)?
Two: Direct line of sight to perimeter glazing for 90% of regularly occupied areas and the horizontal view at seated eye height to access views
Pump-and-treat - bioreactors - land farming - solar detoxification - and in situ remediation
Real property whose use may be complicated by the presence or possible presence of a hazardous substance - pollutant - or contaminant
100% of non-roof impervious surfaces are high-albedo or open-grid paving - or will be shaded within 5 years; OR 100% of parking is under cover.
33. When selecting natural ventialtion what two ways demonstrate credit compliance?
2:12 slope; > means steeped slope and requires SRI of 29 or greater <= means low sloped and requires an SRI of 78 or greater.
CIBSE Applications Manual 10-2005 (AM10) or Macroscopic - Multizone - Analytical Moded Predicting Room-by-Room Air Flow Rates
The postdevelopment rate and quantity must be at least 25% less than the predevelopment values.
10 Hours
34. How many hours of classrooms instruction per year - per full time student are needed for schools to earn The School As A Teaching Tool (IDc3)?
CIBSE Applications Manual 10-2005 (AM10) or Macroscopic - Multizone - Analytical Moded Predicting Room-by-Room Air Flow Rates
Prime Farmland - Land in Flood Plain - Endangered Species Habitat - Land with 100' of Wetlands - Land withing 50' of a body of water - or Public Parkland
10 Hours
Particleboard - Medium density fiberboard (MDF) - Plywood - Wheatboard - Strawboard - Panel Substrates - and Door Cores.
35. What SLOPE is important for heat island effect - roof?
Provide vegetated open space area adjacent to the building that is equal in area to the building footprint.
2:12 slope; > means steeped slope and requires SRI of 29 or greater <= means low sloped and requires an SRI of 78 or greater.
HVAC - Lighting Controls - DHW - Renewables
Wastewater from toilets and urinals is always considered blackwater. Graywater - depending on your local jurisdiction - can include sink - shower/bath - and dishwasher water
36. What is the definition of a Brownfield?
50% or greater
Real property whose use may be complicated by the presence or possible presence of a hazardous substance - pollutant - or contaminant
A local - state - or federal government agency
Turf grass
37. For Schools - what additional lighting calculations are required?
38. If you treat storm water to Tertiary Standards - what can you then use the water for?
Any added Urea-Formaldehyde Resins
ISO 14021
Process water - irrigation - fire suppression - etc.
4 of 7; SSC1 Site Selection - SSc5.1 Protect/Restore Habitat - SSc5.2 Maximize Open Space - SSc6.1 Stormwater Quantity Control - SSc6.2 Stormwater Quality Control - SSc7.1 Heat Island Effect - Non-roof - or SSc8 Light Pollution Reduction
39. What four fundamental strategies can increase Energy Performance?
25 feet
An economizer
Orientation - Site Energy Sources - Efficient Envelope - Energy Recovery System
40. What are Transient Users?
WEc4 - Process Water Reduction
15% = 1 ID point or 8 total points for on site renewable energy
Primary Design Assumptions - Standards - & Narrative Descriptions
Occupants who do not use a facility on a consistent - regular - daily basis. Examples include students in higher education settings - customers in retail settings - and visitors in institutional settings.
41. How is Drip Irrigation effective in saving water?
For a Schools project - if pursuing the Alternative Transportation Credit
Orientation - Site Energy Sources - Efficient Envelope - Energy Recovery System
It delivers water at low pressure through buried mains and submains
CIBSE Applications Manual 10-2005 (AM10) or Macroscopic - Multizone - Analytical Moded Predicting Room-by-Room Air Flow Rates
42. For Schools - what do you have to do to show Pedestrian Access?
A main building entrance
Show that the project school has an attendance boundary such that at least 80% of students live within no more than 3/4 mile walking distance for grades 8 and below - and 1 1/2 mile walking distance for grades 9 and above.
2 Modes: General and A/V
80% of students live within no more than 3/4 mile walking distance for grades 8 and below - and 1 1/2 mile walking distance for grades 9 and above & provide dedicated walking or biking lanes to the transit lines
43. If a company is willing to provide FEV;s for a Share Program - what percentage is required?
A minimum of 90%
Primary Design Assumptions - Standards - & Narrative Descriptions
One low-emitting or fuel-efficient vehicle must be provided per 3% of FTE occupants.
Option 1. Whole building energy simulation. Option 2. Prescriptive compliance path: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide. Option 3. Prescriptive Compliance Path: Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide.
44. How do you calculate an FTE?
An 8 hour occupant has an FTE value of 1.0: a part-time occupant has an FTE value based on work hours per day divided by 8.
List of all plant species - noting wheter or not they are native/adapted; info about invasive species and pests those plants may harbor; best maintenance practices for the chosen plans - and site maps showing boundaries for the protected habitat area
Orientation - Site Energy Sources - Efficient Envelope - Energy Recovery System
MERV 13 or Higher
45. What is the maximum number of points a project can earn under innovation in design?
30% = 1 ID point
5 points
Provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage within 200 yards of a building entrance for 5% or more of all building users. Don't forget - you also have to provide a shower & changing facility for .5% of FTE occupants.
2 year renewable energy contract and 35% of buildings electric from green-e certified source
46. What program deals with Ridership?
Auditorium - Gym - Cafeteria - One or more classrooms - Swimming Pool - or Playing Field
The Center for Clear Air Policy
Reduced Energy USe - Lower Operating Costs - Reduced Contractor Callbacks - Better Building Documentation - Improved Occupant Productivity - and Verification that Systems perform with OPR
ISO 14021
47. What MERV rating must mechanically ventilated buildings design HVAC systems to filter supply air prior to occupancy?
4 points
Provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage within 200 yards of a building entrance for 5% or more of all building users. Don't forget - you also have to provide a shower & changing facility for .5% of FTE occupants.
MERV 13 or Higher
Paper - corrugated cardboard - glass - plastics - and metals
48. What two primary areas must designers need to consider for acoutical performance?
Low Background Noise Inside Core Learning Spaces & Reverberation Time for Core Learning Spaces
Pump-and-treat - bioreactors - land farming - solar detoxification - and in situ remediation
2003 EPA Construction General Permit (or local standards - whichever is more stringent)
40 dBA
49. When verifying performance of smoking rooms/ deferential air pressure - what time period and how often are measurement intervals?
15 minutes - with a min of 1 measurement every 10 seconds
Wastewater from toilets and urinals is always considered blackwater. Graywater - depending on your local jurisdiction - can include sink - shower/bath - and dishwasher water
11 PM (between 11 PM and 5 AM)
Orientation - Site Energy Sources - Efficient Envelope - Energy Recovery System
50. What standards define/qualify both preconsumer and postconsumer recycled content?
Green Seal Standard GS-11 (Architectural Paints and Coatings) - Green Seal Standard GC-03 (Anti-corrosive and Anti-rust Paints) - SCAQMD Rule 1113 (Clear Wood Finishes - Floor Coatings - Stains - Primers - and Shellacs)
Cannot build on land lower than 5' above the 100 year flood as determined by FEMA
EA Credit 2: On-site Renewable Energy - EA Credit 6: Green Power
ISO 14021