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LEED GA: Green Associate

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The carbon overlay in LEED is used for what?

2. Compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility and therefore can enter the air easily. many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints - pharmaceuticals - and refrigerants

3. A survey of building occupants that asks questions about the green cleaning program and helps determine if occupants are exposed to pollutants

4. Total building energy costs (including all plug loads) annually. this value is intended to be used to compare against design cases to compute energy savings from a proposed design

5. A written plan that outlines strategies to reduce stormwater runoff for the purposes of reducing erosion - pollution and sedimentation of nearby bodies of water - especially important during construction where so much dirt - dust and waste are presen

6. Collaborative - facilitated approach to project design and execution. the approach invests in design activities that increase the opportunity for integrated solutions with an eye to better performance and life cycle savings

7. In green building - location includes the natural context (climate - plants - wind - sun) the social context (cultural history - traditions - local regulations) - and an infrastructural context (roads - local materials - utilities - public transit)

8. The min' floor area for CI

9. Heat removal devices used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere. large office buildings - hospitals - and schools typically use one or more of these as part of their air conditioning systems

10. A program that was first developed in 1992 by the US EPA as a method to identify and promote products that are energy efficient. products carrying this symbol provide a way for businesses and consumers to save money - while at the same time - protect

11. System or process for controlling the temperature - humidity - and sometimes the purity of the air in an interior space (office - warehouse - residence)

12. Side effect or consequence of an industrial or commercial activity that affects other parties without this being reflected in the price of the goods or services involved - i.e. the pollution created in power generation for one state blown over anothe

13. Being able to allow water or air to filtrate through

14. Resistance to penetration by a liquid and is calculated as the percentage of area covered by a paving system that does not allow moisture to soak into the ground

15. Exterior surface of the building including all walls - windows - floor and roof. separates the building's inside from the outside

16. Water used for building systems such as boiler feed water - cooling water for heat exchangers - chillers - etc

17. Unit of measurement by which flow rate of toilets and other flushing devices such as urinals are measured and regulated

18. Waste water from toilets & urinals is known as?

19. Measuring the amount of resources used over a period of time - such as water or electricity

20. Similar to a bioswale - a depression with vegetation that filters and slows down rainwater to reduce peak discharge rates

21. When 2+ people share a ride in the same vehicle

22. Waste materials diverted from traditional disposal such as landfills or incineration to be recycled - composted - or re-used. (EPA) measured in tons

23. Investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a given product or service. LCA evaluates environmental performance. this view takes into account the whole life of a product or project (not assessing it from a single point in time)

24. Watering using above ground sprinkler heads

25. Previously undeveloped land that is suited for agriculture

26. System where energy is taken from the output of a system and reapplied to the input - or A produces more of B which in turn produces more of A. i.e. population growth -- adults make children whom in turn make more adults

27. The act of having separate stakeholders or designers work together to ensure the project is benefiting from synergy which allows for greater levels of sustainability throughout the project's life

28. How prerequisites and credits are grouped depending on the building type and rating system

29. Total area in square feet of all spaces in a building - including rooms - stairwells - elevators and hallways

30. Part of a refrigeration system - a machine that removes heat from liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle

31. non-native plants that use less fertilizer - pesticides and water in a given landscape. these plants have adapted to the local climate and are not considered invasive plants or weeds.

32. What is reduced when a project uses reclaimed water in its cooling towers?

33. Floor area of the building / the total area of the site = sq ft / acre

34. The measurement unit used for flush fixture water consumption and flow fixture water consumption

35. A site that was previously built on - has been graded - or contained a parking lot - roadway - or other structure

36. A gas composed of 3 oxygen atoms. it's not usually emitted directly into the air - but at ground level is created by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. ozone has the

37. Air quality within buildings as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants

38. The process of collecting (commonly from a roof) - storing and using rainwater

39. A term used in life cycle analysis to describe a material or product that is recycled into a new product at the end of its useful life. an example of a closed system

40. Waste building materials - dredging materials - tree stumps - and rubble resulting from [first word] - remodeling - repair - and [second word] of homes - commercial buildings and other structures and pavements

41. The concept that takes into consideration all impacts of the indoor environment on human health and performance - including indoor air quality - daylighting and views - and visual and thermal comfort.

42. A review of consumables waste of a project. essentially - finding out what makes up the projects waste can help determine ways to increase recycling or reduce waste through other methods

43. The percentage of waste materials diverted from traditional disposal such as landfilling or incineration to be recycled - composted or reused (EPA)

44. Products made from agricultural fiber such as wheat board and straw board

45. Human made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity - ranging in scale from personal shelter and buildings to neighborhoods and cities

46. The spent or used water from a home - community - farm - or industry that contains dissolved or suspended matter (EPA)

47. What level of CO2 concentrations indicates inadequate ventilation?

48. Air and surface temperature differences between developed and underdeveloped areas

49. Provide a consistent source of sound technical advice with respect to products - tools and services. TAGs act in an advisory capacity in responding to credit interpretation requests (CIRs) - credit rulings and credit ruling appeals while maintaining

50. Plan that identifies a diversion rate goal and covers how waste will be either disposed or reused or recycled by addressing sorting - collection - and final disposal of items in an existing building