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LEED GA: Green Associate
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1. Prior to submitting CIR - what strategies should be considered?
Review credit intent & self-evaluate - Review past CIR - and Consult LEED reference guide
Thermal Comfort
Project owner - Architect - Engineers - Commissioning authority - General Contractor - Facilities staff - Building users.
2. Concept of integrative design emphasizes
Energy Conservation
Connections & Communication btw professionals & throughout the life of a project
Transportation Demand Management
3. Part of a refrigeration system - a machine that removes heat from liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle
Ambient Temperature
4. The stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way - and at a rate - that maintains their biodiversity - productivity - regeneration capacity - vitality and their potential to fulfill - now and in the future - relevant ecological - economic
Review credit intent & self-evaluate - Review past CIR - and Consult LEED reference guide
Site Disturbance
Sustainable Forestry
Install submeters & Select local plants
5. The relationship btw the total bldg floor area & the allowable land area the bldg can cover.
LEED Online
Gallons per Minute
Development Footprint
6. Meters placed on smaller portions of a larger system - i.e. submeteres monitoring water use on each floor of a project
Street Grid Density
Transportation - Site selection - Site design & management - & Stormwater management
Systems Thinking
7. All the energy used to grow - extract and manufacture a product - transport it to the jobsite - complete the installation - and finally dispose of it at the end of its life cycle
Fossil Fuels
Embodied Energy
GBCI committees that addresses noncompliance in LEED credential
Stormwater Runoff
8. Any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource or the health of humans - animals - or ecosystems (EPA)
Sustainable Purchasing Policy
Community Connectivity
LEED Online
9. Thermal comfort is typically attributed to what env factors?
Natural (or passive) Ventilation
Adaptive Plant
Ventilation Rate
Humidity - Air speed - and Tempt
10. Advertising a product or policy to be more beneficial to the environment than is true
Green Washing
LEED Credit
Photovoltaic Energy (PV)
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
11. Native plants are adapted to local conditions and are easier to grow and maintain. this low-maintenance approach means savings in both time and money. once established - native plants better withstand variations in local climate such as droughts and
Energy Star Rating
Waste Management Plan
Sulfur dioxide & Nitrogen oxide
Native or Indigenous Plants
12. Waste building materials - dredging materials - tree stumps - and rubble resulting from [first word] - remodeling - repair - and [second word] of homes - commercial buildings and other structures and pavements
Street Grid Density
Wet Pond (retention pond)
Construction and Demolition Debris
Nonpoint Source Pollution
13. What's the earliest pt at which a LEED for Schools proejct can be cert?
High Performance Green Building
After bldg completion & once all submittals & clarifications are reviewed.
Sustainable Purchasing Policy
Process Water
14. Mixture of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette - pipe - or cigar and smoke exhaled by the smoker
Volatile Organic Compound
Building Envelope (building shell)
Environmentally Preferable Products
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
15. Major Players in Design & Construction Process are...
Regional Material
Agrifiber Product
Project owner - Architect - Engineers - Commissioning authority - General Contractor - Facilities staff - Building users.
Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)
16. When large amounts of outdoor air are forced through a recently completed building for a period of time so that the majority of pollutant emissions from building materials - finishes and furnishings can be removed from the building before occupancy.
Foot Candle - A ftcandle is equal to 1-lumen/sq-ft
Installing submeters & using ENERGY STAR certified cloths washers
Hybrid Vehicle
17. Resistance to penetration by a liquid and is calculated as the percentage of area covered by a paving system that does not allow moisture to soak into the ground
Light Pollution
Sustainable Forestry
Rapidly Renewable Materials
18. An unwanted airborne constituent that may reduce acceptability of the air (ASHRAE 62.1-2004)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Prime Farmland
19. Excessive or obtrusive artificial light that obscures the stars in the night sky for city dwellers - interferes with astronomical observatories - and like any other form of pollution - disrupts ecosystems and has adverse health effects
Light Pollution
ASHRAE (ash-ray)
LEED Online
20. Building that is energy and resource efficient
Building Codes
Global Warming
Potable Water
High Performance Green Building
21. Properties or patterns that a complex system has - but which the individual members do not have. the end result is that the system now has more than just the sum of its parts. for example - saltiness is a property that neither sodium or chlorine have
Climate Change
Emergent Properties
Underground Parking
Building Commissioning
22. What should take place during Occupancy?
Site Disturbance
Periodic maintenance must occur. Recommissioning along with occupant surveying (via post-occupancy evaluation) at regular interval.
Integrated Process Team
23. The min' floor area for CI
Indoor Environmental Quality
250 square ft
Reduce light transpass
24. How can potable water use for irrigation be reduced or eliminated?
Green Cleaning
Graywater (Greywater)
Street Grid Density
Install submeters & Select local plants
25. Comparison between a standard gage and an actual result. in LEED - the [first part] usually refers to the EPAct 1992 water flow and flush rates while the [second part] would represent an existing building.
Baseline v. Actual Use
Custodial Effectiveness Assessments
Low Impact Development
26. The number of different types of space per acre in an area - think of a mixed-use development - which has both houses and offices
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Integrated Pest Management
Diversity of Uses
% of water delivered by irrigation equipment that is actually used for irrigation & not evaporate/blowaway/fall on hardscape
27. Under building - tuck-under - or a stacked parking structure that minimizes the need for exposed parking and parking lots
Underground Parking
Gallons per Minute
Green Cleaning
Green Power
28. The linear view of the life of a product - from creation to the end of useful life - ie disposal
Mass Transit
CO2 Concentrations/Monitoring
Native or Indigenous Plants
Cradle to Grave
29. Drinking water that is of sufficiently high quality so that it can be consumed or utilized without risk of immediate of long term harm
Potable Water
Credit Interpretation Request
Construction Phases Bidding
30. Achieving net zero emissions by balancing the footprint with an equivalent amount of sequestered or offset green house gases
Carbon Neutrality
Solid Waste Management Policy
Substantial completion
Low Impact Development
31. 4 key issues that help define how location affect project
Major Construction Phases
Previously Developed Site
Transportation - Site selection - Site design & management - & Stormwater management
Drip Irrigation
32. The spent or used water from a home - community - farm - or industry that contains dissolved or suspended matter (EPA)
Indoor Air Quality
33. Plan that covers how waste will be either disposed or reused or recycled by addressing sorting - collection - and final disposal of items used in the construction or renovation process
Indoor Air Quality Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)
Feedback Loop
Construction Waste Management Plan
34. Measuring the amount of resources used over a period of time - such as water or electricity
Graywater (Greywater)
Construction Waste Management Plan
35. The act of having separate stakeholders or designers work together to ensure the project is benefiting from synergy which allows for greater levels of sustainability throughout the project's life
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
Energy Consumption / # of sq ft. Usually in Btus or kWh/sf/yr.
Integrated Process
Indoor Environmental Quality
36. Uses the natural forces of wind and buoyancy to deliver fresh air into buildings through doors - windows or other designed opening (chimneys)
Natural (or passive) Ventilation
Emissivity (of a material)
Street Grid Density
After bldg completion & once all submittals & clarifications are reviewed.
37. A control system capable of monitoring environmental and system loads and adjusting HVAC operations accordingly in order to conserve energy while maintaining comfort (EPA)
Custodial Effectiveness Assessments
Carbon Overlay Tool
Energy Management System
38. Mainly artificial structures--such as pavements (roads - sidewalks - driveways and parking lots) that are covered by impenetrable (impervious) materials such as asphalt - concrete - brick - and stone--and rooftops. soils compacted by urban developmen
Composite Wood (engineered lumber)
Impervious Surfaces
39. Indigenous or exotic plants that spread outside cultivated areas and can damage environmental or economical resources. they grow quickly and aggressively - spreading and displacing other plants
Water Pollution
Invasive Plants
Nested System
Rapidly Renewable Materials
40. During Construction Phases - ________________ is the actual construction - Commissioning take place near the end of construction - once the system have been installed and are operable. Includes Substantial Completion - Final Completion - Certificate
Construction Administration
Potable Water
41. A site that is undeveloped and in a natural state or has been used for agriculture
LEED Rating System
Agrifiber Product
1000 square ft
42. Primary pollutants in Acid Rain are...
Sulfur dioxide & Nitrogen oxide
Credit Interpretation Request
Open System
43. Waste water from toilets & urinals is known as?
Square Footage of a Building
Blackwater (Treatment and definitions vary)
Credit Interpretation Rulings (CIRs)
Acid Rain
44. Part of the LEED rating system - which specifies the environmental goal of each LEED credit
LEED Intent
Baseline Building Performance
45. Ruling process for project applicants seeking technical and administrative guidance on how LEED credits apply to their projects and vice versa. (USGBC) LEED interpretations are the result of a CIR and may determine how future project teams use LEED
Energy Star Rating
Montreal Protocol
LEED Credit Interpretation Ruling (CIR)
46. Part of the LEED rating system. within each LEED category there are prerequisites and credits. prerequisites must be met for building certification.
Nested System
Positive Feedback Loop
LEED Prerequisites
Rating system and Project size
47. Similar to a bioswale - a depression with vegetation that filters and slows down rainwater to reduce peak discharge rates
Carbon Footprint
Material Reuse
Install submeters & Select local plants
48. Predesign - Design - Bid - Construction - and Occupancy
Post-Consumer Recycled Content
Major Construction Phases
Climate Change
49. Guidance tool designed for use by building professionals to help manage indoor air quality in commercial buildings - which should be a part of indoor air quality management plans
Indoor Air Quality Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)
Stormwater Runoff
Custodial Effectiveness Assessments
% of total land are that does not allow moisture penetration
50. Enables project team members to work together from the project outset to develop solutions that have synergies and multiple benefits. the approach invests in design activities that increase the opportunity for integrated solutions with an eye to bett
On-Site Wastewater Treatment
United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
Carbon Overlay Tool
Integrated Process