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Massage Certification: Human Body
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1. Hepatic vein
Dorsal and plantar arteries of the foot
Nervous and endocrine
Blood from liver to the inferior vena cava
Cardiac output - volume - periferal resistance
2. Keritinocytes
Top part of face (attached to zygomatics)
Most abundant cell in epidermis
Lowest pp CO2
Ascending - Arch - Descending
3. Capillaries
Functional unit of the respiratory system
Irritation of the plural cavity by build up of extra fluid
4. Joint kinesthetic receptor
Held by billroths rods
Located within and around joints for protection from pressure/ excess acceloration and deceloration
Controls and regulates pituitary
Perforin and lymphotoxin
5. All ribs articulate with...
Costal cartilage
Secum - ascending colon - hepatic flexor - transverse colon - splenic flexor - descending colon - sigmoid colon - rectum
In nasal cavity cause air to swirl around
Attacks pathogens dissolved in body fluids
6. Positive feedback system
Response enhances stimulus
Pressure - flow - valves - muscle pump - respiratory pump
Coat alveolus and keep them from collapsing
Hormone of the skin
7. Albumines
For blood colloidal osmotic pressure
Ascending - hepatic flexure - transverse - splenic flexure - descending - sigmoid - rectum - anus
Removes RBC - WBC - stores platelets
Spidery middle layer of the meninges
8. posterior triangle of neck
Contributes to oppostioi of thumb & pinki
SCM - Trapezius - Clavicle
Ability to grow
Intracellular fluid
9. Thoracic duct drains into...
Fibular (peroneal) artery
Pyloric sphincter
Left subclavian vein
Drains into Brachiocephalic - In Anterior Triangle of neck
10. Sub-dural space
Saggital - coronal squamous - lambdoidal
Between dura mater and arachnoid layers - houses interstitial fluid
Spleen - lymph nodes
11. Each Actin has a _____ binding site
Contraction of muscle & respiratory pump
Enhance allergic - inflamatory & immune reactions
12. C7
Cardiac muscle fibers will contract more forcefully when fibers are stretched (the more you fill it with blood the better force of contraction)
Heaviest bone
Holes for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column
Anchors nuchal ligament
13. 3 parts of small intestine
Regulatory proteins that ewnable muscle finers to start or stop contracting
Duodenum - jejunum - ilium
14. Jugular Vein (external)
Drains into Subclavian - posterior triangle of neck
Some movement in a joint
Irritation of the plural cavity by build up of extra fluid
15. Actin
Found in sutures of the skull - saggital and lambdoidal
Thin filament (contractile protein)
Myosin heads/bridge gaps btw thin/thick filaments
16. Left Common Carotid artery
Mass of repair tissue that bridges the end of a long bone
Left side of arch - splits into internal and external
Death of tissue caused by blood blockage
Toward eachother
17. Natural active immunity
Cells attack other cells
When you get the disease and create antibodies against it
Makes up lower part of nasal septum
Originate on axial skeleton
18. Bony landmarks of anterior neck
Functional unit of the respiratory system
Lack of blood to an area - can cause hypoxia
Relay center for all sensory information going in/out of brain
7 cervical vertebrae - Hyoid bone - Thyroid Cartilage - Cricoid Cartilage - Carotid Tubercle
19. Primary Vertebral Curves
Solar plexus
Coat alveolus and keep them from collapsing
Sacral & Thoracic
20. Phrenic arteries
Supply diaphragm
Right subclavian vein
Muscles contract because the thin/thick filaments slide past eachother
Outer layer of the meninges
21. Epiphysis of bone
Caps the brain
Spongy/cancellous bone
Protects against muscle/tendon tears
Associated with speech
22. Necrosis
Dead tissue
Pulmonary arteries
Anastomoses connecting the cephalic and basilic veins
Puss filled cavity - must be drained
23. Motor neurons come from...
Protects muscle & associated tendon from damage due to over stretch
Inward movement of water fromblood stream into interstitial fluid / highest at arteriol end of capillary (filtration)
Connects pituitary & Hypothalmus
Anterior grey horn of S.C.
24. Organ that hangs off of secum
Capillaries to allow for gas and nutrient exchange
Pick up fat and bring back to CV system via lymphatics
Medial aspect of temporal lobe of brain
25. Shattered bone
Has A antiglutens
Communited fracture
In occiput
Closing of the fontanells of babies
26. Mandible
Celiac artery
Arteries that supply organs and have to ability to vassoconstric/dilate
Most moveable bone of the skull
Myosin heads
27. 96% of all elements in body
Common Illiacs
Blood diverted to the liver from the digestive tract
CHON - Carbon - Hydrogen - Oxygen - Nitrogen
Removes RBC - WBC - stores platelets
28. Thymus has
Inferior vena cava
Migrate to Thymus and mature
Hasselmans corpuscles
29. GTO
Has both A & B antiglutens (Universal Donor)
Connects pituitary & Hypothalmus
Protects muscle & associated tendon from damage due to over stretch
30. # of facial bones
Raises arteriol pressure & lowers heartrate
Back of hard palat of mouth
31. Metarteriol
Supply lower GI tract
Connects a capillary and a venule
Ascending - hepatic flexure - transverse - splenic flexure - descending - sigmoid - rectum - anus
Thin filament (contractile protein)
32. Supplies blood to stomach - liver - pancread
Located in Ethmoid
Celiac trunk
Rectus sheath
33. Diarthrosis
Freely moveable joint (all synovial)
Chemotaxis - adhesion - ingestion - lysis - ejection
34. Perpendicular plate & vomer
Make up the nasal septum
Axis - dens is point of rotation
Blood in pleural cavity
Function of skin
35. veins that have no valves
Atrial depolarization
Vena Cava & pulmonary veins
Abdominal aorta
Frontal - parietal - temporal occipital - ethmoid - sphenoid
36. External Occipital Protuberance
Lymph nodes - spleen - liver
(Adenohypophysis) produces 7 hormones
Base of occipital bone
37. Aerolar tissue
Transverse - internal & externals
Valve between ilium & cecum of lg intestines
Loose connective tissue
38. Drains most of the thorax - used as a bypass to the Inferior Vena Cava
Only movable facial bone
Bundle of individual muscle fibers (cells)
Azygos System
Connects pituitary & Hypothalmus
39. Stages of phagocytosis
Portal vein
Associated with speech
Blood in pleural cavity
Chemotaxis - adhesion - ingestion - lysis - ejection
40. Sarcomere
A section of each myofibril that is bordered on either side by z lines
Hepatic vein
Found in sutures of the skull - saggital and lambdoidal
Cell membrane for each muscle fiber
41. Merkel cells
Antibody injection
Has no antiglutens (universal recipient)
Air in pleural cavity
Touch receptors
42. Sliding filament
Caps the brain
Muscles contract because the thin/thick filaments slide past eachother
No point of contact with any other bone
43. Gyri
Celiac artery
Blood hydrostatic pressure - blood colloidal osmotic pressure
Muscles contract because the thin/thick filaments slide past eachother
Folds in the brain
44. At the arteriol end of the capillary which force predominates
Anti-inflamitory produced by Adrenal Glands
No point of contact with any other bone
Has A antiglutens
Blood hydrostatic pressure
45. Rectus Abdominus
Lymph nodes - spleen - liver
Skeletal muscles
Flexes vertebral column
46. Slowest flow of blood
Top part of face (attached to zygomatics)
Hormones produced in hypothalmus & stored in (posterior) pituitary
47. Unpaired facial bones
Right side of arch - becomes right subclavian artery & Right Common Carotid
Hepat Portal circulation
Vomer & mandible
Lymph nodules in ileum of sm. intestines
48. Supplies blood to the kidneys
Renal Artery
Mass of repair tissue that bridges the end of a long bone
Superficial vein on the ulnar side of the arm dump into the brachial vein
Protects against muscle/tendon tears
49. Myosin
Childhood osteomalacia
Veins 60% of blood at any one time
Thick filament (contractile protein)
Hepatic vein
50. Higehest pp O2 in...
Arise off of Subclavians - within Transverse processes of cervicals - brings blood to brain
Carotid arteries
Accepts the weight of the body & transfers it to the foot