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Maya 3D Computer Modeling

Subject : it-skills
  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A black and white image that is used to give the illusion of a bumpy surface.

2. Imitates fill light - Doesn't affect specular - Imitates bounced light

3. The 3D view of your shot.

4. Naming all files in the same way so that they're easy to find.

5. Has sepcular - Used for really shiny objects

6. A container that has either a shader - texture - etc.

7. Combine color map with transparency map to create a label that can be applied to surface

8. Defines where material is transparent - AKA Scalar Maps

9. Create a primitive shape - add edge loops - edit edge loops/faces/vertices. Made up of faces - edges.

10. Rendering (taking pictures of) a whole sequence or "batch" of images.

11. Fakes true environment - Less time to calculate - Resembles true reflections - Image projected on virtual shape

12. Imitates rectangular neon light source - Light comes out of source area

13. Apply more than one material on object depending on position of ramp

14. Imitates sun - Position of light is irrelevant - Rotation orientation of light is important

15. Do not alter silhouette edge of object - Implied texture

16. When you don't parent 3D textures to the model properly and the object moves independently of its texture.

17. A small box so that the title doesn't get cut off.

18. Gesture thumb to right - index up - and middle towards you. Represents the axis: positive X is your thumb - positive Y is index finger - and middle finger is positive Z.

19. A texture that was taken from a file.

20. Mathematically most simple - No specular - Used for matte finishes

21. A CG term where an imaginary line sticks out perpendicular to the faces so that you can see the exterior of the model.

22. Off-the-shelf software that anyone uses.

23. The flow of how the edges are patterned around the model.

24. When you take all rendered images into a software and turn them into a single movie file.

25. Made up of isoparms (edges) - controlled vertices - patches (faces).

26. Software that uses graphics to click on/buttons instead of typed commands.

27. Includes translating - rotating - and scaling an object in (x -y -z).

28. Software written specifically for that studio.

29. Imitates light bulb - Omni-directional light rays - Fog

30. The starting box where you add details needed.

31. The box where an important action must fit so that nothing gets cut off.

32. A part of the software where you tell Maya that you only want certain lights to affect certain objects.

33. Where x - y - z all meet. (0 -0 -0) the very center of a shot.

34. The front - side - top views.

35. Imitates theatrical spot light - Can be focused

36. The darkest color an object will ever be.

37. Only through Ray Tracing - Requires at least two surfaces - Requires modeling inside and outside of glass vessels

38. Shows you the resolution of your shot and the aspect ratio of your render cam.

39. Textures that the software makes for you so that they render faster. 2D texture wraps around the model - 3D goes inside the object.

40. Has specular - Fall off differs from Blinn

41. A light used to simulate sunlight and works by rotation.

42. A light that is being emitted in all directions.

43. True reflections - Vector based math - Computationally heavy - More bounces = More power needed - Calculates refraction

44. Modified shape to specular

45. Image or color that wraps around the model.

46. The connection between a shader and texture.

47. Something that shows how light will affect a model (Blinn - Lambert - etc.)

48. Scaling all directions at once.

49. When one object is a parent object - one is a child object - and whatever the parent object does - the child does the same.

50. Do alter silhouette edge of object - Require higher tesselation of surface