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MCAT Human Body

Subjects : mcat, science
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1. A vertical plane which passes from side to side; it is at right angles to the midsagittal plane and cuts the specimen into anterior and posterior components (ear to ear)

2. A flat - smooth area (the articulating facet in vertebrae)

3. Organs and systems

4. A canal

5. They are extremely elastic and are located in structures with a degree of elasticity such as the walls of blood vessels (elastic arteries) - true vocal cords - and trachea

6. Dilates blood vessels and increases the permeability of capillaries - thus increasing interstitial fluid.

7. In the direction of the feet; away from the head

8. Consists of a group of cells performing a similar function

9. Ground substance - cells - fibers

10. Has free surface (apical) and an attached surface (basal)

11. Chondroitin sulfate - hyaluronic acid (more)

12. A slit between bones; between the parietal bones of the skull - the slit is the superior sagittal fissure

13. Mucosa of oral cavity - esophagus - anal canal - vagina; cornea of eye and part of conjunctiva

14. Add support and strength; three types include collagen (white) - elastic (yellow) - and reticular fibers

15. Toward the front of the body - belly side; volar or palmar side are used in referring to the hand

16. Toward the back (the dorsum) of the body; think dorsal dolphin fin

17. Regulates body growth and function via hormones

18. A pointed process

19. Transports nutrients - wastes - gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)hormones - blood cells throughout body; protects body against foreign organisms

20. Striated - voluntary

21. Enzymatically breaks down food materials into usable and absorbable nutrients

22. A hook - shaped process or eminence

23. Most numerous type; collagen bundles are strong and resist stretching

24. Retractile fibers; thinner than collagen fibers;

25. Protection

26. Cells lining lumen of digestive tract (stomach to rectum only); gall bladder; many glands (secretory units and ducts); uterus; uterine tube (ciliated)

27. Skeletal - smooth - cardiac

28. Migrate in large numbers into the interstitium during an inflammatory response

29. Packing and supporting material of the body tissue and organs; develops from mesoderm (mesenchyme); all consist of the components ground substance - cells - and fibers

30. Accumulate in areas in response to chronic inflammation

31. Nonstriated - involuntary

32. Composed of several interrelated organ systems

33. A cavity

34. Covers the external surfaces of the body and lines the internal tubes and cavities; forms glands

35. Several organs which function together as a unit for a specific purpose.

36. Epithelium - connective tissue - muscle - nerve

37. The outermost layer - composed of connective tissue with elastic and collagenous fibers - of an artery or another structure.

38. Occur in areas involved in allergic reaction

39. Supports body - protects organs - produces blood cells

40. At cell surface; Microvilli - cilia - flagella - stereocilia

41. Perpetuates the living organism by the production of sex cells (gametes) and future offspring

42. In the direction of the head; nearer the head

43. Toward the center of the body; toward the inside

44. Simple squamous - stratified squamous keratinized - stratified squamous nonkeratinized (moist) - simple cuboidal - stratified cuboidal - simple columnar - pseudostratified columnar - stratified columnar - transitional

45. Collagen (white) - elastic (yellow) - reticular

46. In the direction of the tail end of the body or away from the head end

47. Have eccentric nucleus with chromatin in a cartwheel pattern; found in lamina propira of gastrointestinal tract; function in protecting body against bacterial invasion by secreting antibodies (immunoglobulins - IgG) into the circulating blood

48. A groove

49. Very elongated microvilli

50. Secretion; absorption; lines surface