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Media History And Culture People

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Exposed My Lai and its cover up - won Pullitzer Prize

2. Wrote The Alarm - was in an interracial marriage - led the International Working People's Association. He was convicted for the bomb attack on city police known as the Haymarket Affair or Haymarket Riots - Anarchist

3. Wrote McClure's Standard oil and the tactics they used

4. Abolitionist who wrote for The Liberator - was a voice for the women's suffrage movement - discovered Frederick Douglass - wrote for the North Star

5. CBS reporter - Zippo Segment

6. Author of comon sense - American Revolution

7. African American journalist who wrote about lynching - scared for her life

8. Susan B. Anthony's partner - started The Revolution/NWSA

9. Wrote The Alarm - was in an interracial marriage - led the International Working People's Association. He was convicted for the bomb attack on city police known as the Haymarket Affair or Haymarket Riots - Anarchist

10. Anti-communism - republican - 'list' of communists in the House and Senate

11. Started the New York Journal - Journalism of Action - yellow journalism

12. Founder of PR - Sigmund Freud's nephew - used psychology in his work - Torches of Freedom

13. Author of comon sense - American Revolution

14. Journal of Occurences (first wire newspaper) - American Revolution - Spanish American War

15. Miscegenation pamphlet - hoax

16. Wrote satire against imperialism and the colonization of the Philippines

17. Covered Watergate - worked for The Washington Post - edgy - dropout - didn't go to college - chased down sources in New Mexico

18. Tammany Hall - Nast - got the Irish vote - rigged election - center of conspiracy - Governor of New York - Democrat

19. Published 'Pentagon Papers' to the New York Times - RAND corporation

20. African American journalist who wrote about lynching - scared for her life

21. Vice president of The Washington Post during Watergate

22. CBS radio - Catholic priest who spoke against the KKK - admired Hitler-hated the Jews - wider range of audience

23. Miscegenation pamphlet - hoax

24. Created the concept of objectivity -third person - no sides - less personal - New York Times

25. CBS radio - Catholic priest who spoke against the KKK - admired Hitler-hated the Jews - wider range of audience

26. Suffragist - founder of the newspaper-The Revolution - partner was Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Seneca Falls convention - Part of the National Woman Suffrage Association

27. Radio journalist - CBS partner with Fred Friendly and made 'Hear it Now' and 'see it now' covered racial integration and the Korean war - combated anti-communism - did a report on Joseph McCarthy

28. Discriminated against Jews in Dearborn Independent - 'The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem'

29. New York World - Investigative Journalism - Tammany Hall - Yellow Journalism

30. Killed Emmett Till with L.W. Milam - confessed in an interview with 'Look' Magazine

31. New York World - Investigative Journalism - Tammany Hall - Yellow Journalism

32. 9/11 reporter - jumped on the bandwagon

33. American Women's Suffrage Association - Conservative - women's rights - Women's journal

34. Created the concept of objectivity -third person - no sides - less personal - New York Times

35. Suffragist - founder of the newspaper-The Revolution - partner was Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Seneca Falls convention - Part of the National Woman Suffrage Association

36. Tammany Hall - Nast - got the Irish vote - rigged election - center of conspiracy - Governor of New York - Democrat

37. Racist - hated the Irish - yellow journalism - cartoons - wrote for Harper's Weekly - founder of 'Watchdog journalism' because of his work against Tammany Hall - is considered the father of the American Cartoon

38. Founder of PR - Sigmund Freud's nephew - used psychology in his work - Torches of Freedom

39. Discriminated against Jews in Dearborn Independent - 'The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem'

40. Alabama Governor during the Selma March - led to Voting Act of 1965

41. African American Chicago boy - brutally murdered in the south - his mother put his body on display after He was killed - open casket

42. American Women's Suffrage Association - Conservative - women's rights - Women's journal

43. Alabama Governor during the Selma March - led to Voting Act of 1965

44. Susan B. Anthony's partner - started The Revolution/NWSA

45. Vice president of The Washington Post during Watergate

46. Deep throat - provided Bernstein and Woodward with information - FBI agent

47. Studied in a mental instituion - wrote for The New York World under Pullitzer

48. Killed Emmett Till with L.W. Milam - confessed in an interview with 'Look' Magazine

49. Wrote satire against imperialism and the colonization of the Philippines

50. Deep throat - provided Bernstein and Woodward with information - FBI agent