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Media Vocab

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Placement of commercials on various online sites.

2. Movies that can be described in one line.

3. In the 1960s - FCC commissioner Newton Minow labeled American television a "vast wasteland" devoted to uninspired programming and crass commercials.

4. Media mainly used in computer networks such as the Internet.

5. A style of media with a distinctive style.

6. Lumiere brothers device that both photographed and projected action.

7. The ability to comprehand mass communication.

8. Aiming media content or consumer products at smaller - more specific audience.

9. Movies produced primarily for initial exhibition on theater screens.

10. A broadcasting station that aligns itself with a network.

11. Early weekly British Publication that carried ads.

12. Software that gets direct downloads by passing servers.

13. Online billboards placed on the side of the webpage.

14. Ownership of different media companies concentrated in fewer fewer hands.

15. Brief video episodes of television on mobile screens.

16. In record retailing - albums more than 3 years old.

17. Identifying and granting ownership of a given piece of expression to protect the creators interest.

18. Advertisers psycholographic segmentation strategy that classifies consumers according to values and lifestyles.

19. The illegal recording and sale of copyrighted material.

20. A communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs.

21. When local affiliates carry a network's program.

22. Online magazine.

23. Ads showing up in nontraditional settings.

24. A culture in which personal worth and identity reside not in the people themselves but in the products with which they surround themselves.

25. Total sale of broadcast airtime.

26. Creating space for creative artists.

27. The increase in ownership or media outlet.

28. Advertising that the consumer actively accepts.

29. Music custom selected by a disc jockey.

30. Recording and downloading of audio files stored on servers.

31. Papers - often in a foreign language - aimed at minority; Immigrant and non-english.

32. Film making using high tech cameras and digital filming.

33. Recording of one artists music by another.

34. How many people listening every 15 minutes.

35. Movies produced with full intention of providing several sequels.

36. Tying two seperate but related shots in such a way that take new meaning.

37. Granting equal carriage over phone and cable lines.

38. Online messages akin to billboards.

39. Sponsor-financing of movies to advance a manufactures product.

40. Specialty or niche division of a major studio designed to produce more sophisticated - but less costly - movies.

41. Societies maintained through this - unites us - defines our realities and shapes the way we think - feel and act.

42. A system in which studios published their own films - distribute them through their ow outlets - and exhibit them in their own theatre.

43. The culture that seems to hold sway with the majority of people.

44. The number of issues of a magazine or newspaper that are sold.

45. Connecting multiple sets of single location or building to a single - master antenna.

46. Used primarily for TV ads - requires ads to bring consumers to a theater or other facility.

47. Placing ads in public places such as store floors - at gas pumps - in bathroom.

48. A magazine provided at no cost to readers who meet some specific set of advertiser attribute.

49. A desirable - exclusive - and believable advertising appeal selected as the theme for a campaign.

50. Aiming media content at smaller - homogenous audience.