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Media Writing And Editing Styleguide

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. For essential clauses -important to the meaning of a sentence and without commas. Use when referring to inanimate objects and to animals without a name

2. A person who gives advice - never advisor

3. To avoid any suggestion that someone is being judged before a trial - do not use a phrase such as arrested for killing. Instead - use arrested on a charge of killing. If a charge hasn't been filed - arrested on suspicion of - or a similar phrase - sh

4. Verb to stop the flow of something

5. Is the possessive form of the neuter pronoun

6. When referring to a man who has attended a school

7. Do not use the term teenaged

8. Refers to inhabitants of states and cities

9. Past tense when referring to executions or suicides

10. Indicates a state of reclining. It does not take a direct object. Its past tense is lay. Its past participle is lain and present participle is lying - when __ means to make an untrue statement - the verb forms are lie - lied - lying.

11. Means to make sure or give confidence

12. A listener or reader ____s something from the words

13. The correct word to introduce clauses - .e.g Jayne blocks the linebacker __ he should

14. Kisses

15. Should not be used as an adverb - use only as adjective. "I feel badly" - could be interpreted as meaning that your sense of touch was bad.

16. Do not use these titles just refer to person by first and last name.

17. Means to influence

18. A person who has acquired the full civil rights of a nation either by birth or naturalization. Cities and states in the U.S. do not confer citizenship.

19. The pronoun used for references to human beings and to animals with a name

20. The proper name for some trains and buses

21. Acceptable but use Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

22. To make an ostentatious or defiant display

23. A noun and adjective meaning someone or something first in rank - authority - importance or degree.

24. Generally refers to spatial relationships (not numerals)

25. Noun that means a fundamental truth - law - doctrine - or motivating force

26. Takes plural verb - use it to mean one or the other - not both - right: she said to use either door - wrong: there were lions on either side of the door

27. Lowercase - spell out the numbers less than 10

28. Denotes praise of the expression of courtesy

29. Preferred with numerals (instead of over)

30. Never okay - all tenses of a word meaning all right

31. A decentralized worldwide network of computers that can communicate with each other in later references the Net is acceptable - World Wide Web - like email - is a subset of the Internet. They are not synonymous and should not be used interchangeably.

32. Connotes success in argument and almost always implies an editorial judgement

33. Applied to a person residing away from the nation of which he or she is a citizen - or to a person under the protection of a specified nation.

34. Applies to various types of framework - the verb means to arrange on a rack - to torture - trouble or torment -

35. Is acceptable on first reference to avoid a cumbersome lead - but provide the full name in the body of the story - HQ is in Baltimore

36. Plural form of a standard

37. Correct spelling for one who deceives by using a false identity

38. Two people look at - can be used when the number of people being used is indefinite

39. Preferred term for an aviator or a handbill

40. Two words in virtually all uses - one word only when used as an adjective before a noun in a nautical sense: an underway flotilla

41. Assistance

42. Use with great care - Avoid any suggestion that the writer is making an allegation - Specify the source of an allegation (arrest record etc.) - Use alleged bribe or similar phrase when necessary to make it clear that an unproved action is not being

43. Only for ensembles of actors - dancers - singers - etc.

44. The way a message is getting out through the media such as a telephone or tv set

45. Not hyphenated when referring to electronic mail - hyphenate other e- terms such as: e-book or e-commerce

46. The preferred term to describe adherents of Islam

47. References to insurance

48. Takes a singular verb

49. To change

50. A picture - a criminal or oneself