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Medical Assistant Certification Exam

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
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  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The Tri-Care fiscal year is form...

2. Insurance that is meant to offset medical expenses resulting form a catastrophic illness is called...

3. The electrode site should be...

4. When the physician feels with fingers or hands to determine the physical characteristics oftissues or organs it is called...

5. Some clinical signs for head injury could be...

6. When performing a venipuncture -the tourniquet should be wrapped around the arm about three to four inches form where you are going to ..... for a vein.

7. A drug that produces sleed is called a...

8. Benefits that are made in the form of cash payments are known as....

9. Neoplasm refers to...

10. That which in natural and continous sequence -unbroken by any new independent cause - produces an event - and without wich the injury would not have occurred is called...

11. What license must a physician have to dispense -prescribe -or administer controlled substances?

12. To help classify bacteria into two groups;gram-positive and gram-negative is a special stain called...

13. When you wash your hands you should stand.....

14. Which of the following is used to take an infant's rectal temperature?

15. Use your index finger when you......... for a vein

16. The abbreviation for below or low is...

17. A system whereby large quantities of data can be accessed -searched -sorted -and arranged very rapidly by computer is called a............... system

18. The major artery that supplies the thorax is called the........ artery

19. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa results in...

20. ............ is the single most important sourse of HIV and HBV in the workplace.

21. The cephalic - medial cubital -and basilic veins are..................... used for venipuncture.

22. The patient with an infection may have...

23. 'HIV' means...

24. The risk of infection with HIV following one needle-stick exposure to blood form a patient known to be infected with HIV is approximately......

25. The primary anticoagulant additive EDTA removes calcium by forming insoluble or un-ionized calcium salts. It has an advantage of preventing platelet clumping and the formation of artifacts -therefore -good for the preparation of...

26. The medical term for tube feeding is...

27. When the patient is breathing with only the upper part of the lugs this is refereed to as...

28. With vital signs -any abnormal measurement must be immediatly reported to the ....

29. The word element PHLEBO means...

30. The abbreviation for toxic shock syndrome is...

31. An accumulation of air in the pleural cavity after the lungs collapse is known as...

32. The most important step in the performance of a venipuncture is...

33. A unilateral paralysis that follows damage to the brain is called...

34. A lancet is a small -sterile -needle like piece of metal used to make...

35. The area between waves is referred to as...

36. An obstruction of a coronary artery causing death of an area of the myocardium due to blockage of blood supply and oxygen supply is called...

37. The time established for filling law suits is...

38. Under the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 - Peer Review Organizations are responsible for the review for appropriateness an necessity of putting a patient into the hospital by a process known as........ review

39. hich of there lab tests monitos anticoagulation therapy?

40. ........................ values are increased in infections and inflammatory disease.

41. When doing a venipuncture th syringe or tube should be ....... the venipuncture site to prevent back-flow.

42. Awrong committed against another person or the person's property is a...

43. The medical term for a decrease in size or wasting is...

44. When Preparing a blood smear -the spreader slide must be made of...

45. What kind of environment do microorganisms grow best in?

46. High blood pressure is referred to as

47. An instrument used for auditory and sensory perception is called the...

48. A skilled nursing facility for patients receiving specialized care after discharge form a hospital is called...

49. Certain types of cultures -such as deep wound cultures could contain anaerobic pathogens. which of the following conditions is required for their growth?

50. The combination of sensors or electrodes used for lead # 1 is...