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Medical Billing Claims Basics

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. State based group of physicians working under government guideline to review cases and determine their appropriateness and quality of professional care

2. Accounts that are subject to charges from time to time

3. Federal Tax identification number - issued by internal revenue service -social security number used if employer doesn't have a EIN

4. Defined by Medicare as 'The determination that a service or procedure rendered is resonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury'

5. Money amount determined by dividing the actual charge of a service or procedure by a relative unit

6. Codes used by insurance compaines to explain actions taken on a Remittance Notice

7. Take what insurance pays

8. Billing for each item service provided to a patient in accourdance with insurance carriers' policies

9. Agreement between the patoent and the physician regarding monthly installments to pay a bill

10. Physician has a seperate PPIN for each group/clinic in which they practices

11. Amount charged by a practice when providing services

12. Listing of claims that have incorrect information such as posting error or missing information to process a claim

13. Fee that is charged for each procedure pr service performed by the physician -fee is obtained from a fee schedule - list of charges or allowance that have accepted for specific medical services

14. Electronic or paper-based report of payment sent by the payer to the provider

15. Statement of a patient's account history - showing DOS - detailed chrages - payments - day insurance claims was submitted - applicable adjusments - and account balances

16. Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier

17. Entity that recieves transmissions of claims from physicians offices - seperates claims by carriers and performs software edits to check errors -once completed claim is sent to proper insurance -physician pays fee for their services

18. Number assigned by insurance companies to a physician who renders service to patients

19. Federal Tax identification number - issued by internal revenue service -social security number used if employer doesn't have a EIN

20. Federal Employees' Compensation Act

21. Major surgical procedures that typically have a follow-up period of 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 days

22. Billing for each item service provided to a patient in accourdance with insurance carriers' policies

23. Early and Periodic Screenings - Diagnosis - and Treatment

24. Agreement between the patoent and the physician regarding monthly installments to pay a bill

25. Listing service in their order of importance by dates of service and values. Highest charge to lowest charge

26. Once claim is approved for payment Remittance Advice(RA) is sent to the provider and EOB is mailed to the policyholder

27. Reimbursement directly sent from payer to provider

28. Process of converting diagnoses - procedures - and services into numeric and alpha-numeric characters

29. Group 2 or more physicians and non-physicians practitioners legally organized in a partnership - professional corporation - foundation - not-for-profit corporation - faculty pratice plan - or similar assoc

30. Passed by the federal government to prosecute cases of Medicaid fraud

31. Amount corrected on a patient ledger due to an error or a difference in the amount billed by a practice and the amount allowed by the insurance company

32. Conditions - situations - and services not covered by the insurance carrier

33. Promote interest and well being of the patients and residents of healthcare facility

34. Insurance company that bids for a contract with CMS to handle the Medicare program in a specific area

35. Superbill or Encounter Form

36. Defined by Medicare as 'The determination that a service or procedure rendered is resonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury'

37. Using ICD-9 codes to hughest degree

38. Analysis of accounts receivable that indicate delinquency of 60 - 90 - 120 days

39. 1.Claims submission-transmission of claims data either electronically or manually to third party payers or clearinghouse for processing 2.Claims processing- thrid party payers and clearinghouse verify the information found and submitted claims about

40. Combing lesser services with a major service in order for one charge to include that variety of service

41. Traditional method ised by providers for submissions of charges to insurance companies -CMS 1500 -few plans accept encounter forms Medicare will only acccept CMS 1500`

42. Early and Periodic Screenings - Diagnosis - and Treatment

43. Procedure or services provided without proper authorizationor was not covered by a current authorization -denied - provider can't bill patient for charges

44. 1. Blocks 1-13=patient info 2.Blocks 14-33=physicians info

45. When two companies work together to decided payment of benefits

46. Private health insurance company or employer-based group insurance plan that pays claims for eligible participants

47. Specific time frames assigned to a code by an insurance comapny before additional payment will be made following a surgical procedure

48. Analysis of accounts receivable that indicate delinquency of 60 - 90 - 120 days

49. Passed by the federal government to prosecute cases of Medicaid fraud

50. When two companies work together to decided payment of benefits