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Medical Data Entry Medisoft

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. A remittance advice (RA) is similar to...

2. What type of patient statements are printed and mailed by the practice?

3. What step in reviewing a remittance advise comes after comparing the RA to the original insurance claim?

4. The______button removes a case from the system if the case has no open transactions

5. The provider's fees for services are listed on the medical practice's

6. The ten-step cycle that results in the timely payment for patients' medical services is the

7. Which of the following is the correct chart number for Daniel Ho?

8. What term refers to an individual who may not be a patient of the practice but who is financially responsible for a patient account?

9. A walkout receipt is also known as a(n)

10. What are claims with all the information necessary for payer processing called?

11. Capitation payments are entered in the

12. _____ stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

13. What contains the physician's notes about a patient's condition and diagnosis?

14. Payments are color-coded to indicate______status

15. A major advantage of computerized scheduling is the ability to...

16. If the patient's employer does not appear on the Employer drop-down list in the other information tab - it must be entered using the

17. NSF checks are also called

18. A _________________ is a company that collects electronic insurance claims from medical practices and forwards the claim to the appropriate health plans

19. The ____________ is the flow of financial transactions in a business

20. Capitation payments are entered in the

21. If the patient's employer does not appear on the Employer drop-down list in the other information tab - it must be entered using the

22. What type of patient has been seen by a provider in the practice in the same specialty within three years?

23. What contains the physician's notes about a patient's condition and diagnosis?

24. Which of these is a collection of related pieces of information?

25. In this type of billing system - patient statements are printed and mailed all at once

26. How many different methods of changing the date in the program are available in Medisoft?

27. hat type of report is used to compare the response time with the terms of the contract the practice has with the payer?

28. Which type of report lists the amount of money owed to the practice organized by the amount of time the money has been owed?

29. A ______________ is often started when patient payments are later than permitted under the practice's financial policy

30. The process of deleting files of patients who are no longer seen by a provider in a practice is called

31. Which statements show all charges regardless of whether the insurance has paid on the transactions?

32. What is established when the diagnosis and treatment of a patient are logically connected?

33. If a patient is being treated for injuries related to an automobile accident - information about the accident must be entered in the______tab of the Case folder

34. What is a physician who recommends that a patient see a specific other physician called?

35. What step in reviewing a remittance advise comes after comparing the RA to the original insurance claim?

36. What are changes to patients' accounts?

37. Under_______a flat fee is paid to the physician no matter How many times a patient receives treatment - up to the maximum number of treatments allowed per year

38. Which of the tabs in the Claim dialog box displays information about claims being submitted to a patient's primary insurance carrier?

39. The ____________ is the flow of financial transactions in a business

40. Every time a patient is treated by a health care provider - a record is made of the encounter. This record is known as

41. Once created - a chart number...

42. Which button in the Claim Management dialog box reprints a claim that has already been printed?

43. The use of computers and handheld devices to transmit prescriptions to pharmacies in digital format is called

44. The Type column in the Statement Management dialog box can contain either Standard or

45. In what kind of plan are payments made to the physician from a managed care company for patients who select the physician as their primary care provider - regardless of whether the patients visit the physician or not?

46. Most dates are entered in Medisoft using the ____format

47. Which term refers to the acquisition - access - use or disclosure of unsecured PHI in a manner not permitted under the HIPAA Privacy Rule - thus compromising the security or privacy of the PHI?

48. ______ allow two or more people to work with a patient's record at the same time

49. Most often - transactions are grouped into cases based on the_____for which a patient seeks treatment

50. Where are data saved in most medical practices?