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Medical Office Transcription Editing Skill

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. The patient's ____ were intensified at the end of the procedure.The patient's heart _____ were irregular.

2. The new scrubs for the office are ____.

3. The doctor used a ____ file to shave the patient's calloused heel.

4. The patient's ____ was cleansed with saline.

5. The patient developed ____ with rash over the lower abdomen.

6. The _____ of the abdomen revealed an unknown mass in the right lower quadrant.

7. The patient's serum ____vial was contaminated.

8. The clinic had an ______ of two nurses.

9. The doctor explained the ____ to foloow to get to the convention center.

10. The main office needs a new window ______in the front reception area.

11. The ____ of diagnosis is diagnoses.

12. The patient rates his _____ an '8' on a scale of 1 to 10.

13. There was a _____ order in the lab.

14. The new scrubs for the office are ____.

15. After an episode - the patient had ____ and thus had to be on a luqid diet.

16. Dr. Gatz _______ the damage to be $350.

17. The patient had ________ to the chart.

18. A ____ growth was removed from the patient's left eye.

19. The clinic had an ______ of two nurses.

20. An ____ condition for this disease is sweating.

21. The kindergarten students were told to place their nap____ on the floor of the gym.

22. The ____ discharge was colorless.

23. Exam of the lung revealed _____.

24. The plane ____above the clouds.

25. The artist's _____ displayed a wide range of colors.

26. Children's Tylenol is an effective OTC _______.

27. The doctor explained the ____ to foloow to get to the convention center.

28. The physician will need to ____ the adhesion on the patient's wound.

29. Exam of the lung revealed _____.

30. The nurse gave the physician a ____ hint about his sloppy appearance.

31. After an episode - the patient had ____ and thus had to be on a luqid diet.

32. The patient's ______ to cocaine caused her to lose custody of her children.

33. There was a _____ order in the lab.

34. Palpation of the lymp nodes denoted ____ nodes.

35. The artist's _____ displayed a wide range of colors.

36. Dr. Kim's _____ of losing his car keys made everyone laugh.

37. Thr physician had to remove the ____ from the patient's mouth.

38. The patient had a ____ over the appendectomy incision.

39. The ____ discharge was colorless.

40. There was fluid in the ____ cavity.

41. The patient had ________ to the chart.

42. An ____ condition for this disease is sweating.

43. The patient's ____ was cleansed with saline.

44. The patient burned his ____ on hot coffee.

45. The ____ of diagnosis is diagnoses.

46. No ____ were found in the patient's scalp.

47. Thr physician had to remove the ____ from the patient's mouth.

48. The doctor used a ____ file to shave the patient's calloused heel.

49. The patient developed ____ with rash over the lower abdomen.

50. The nurse gave the physician a ____ hint about his sloppy appearance.