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1. Hepatitis A
for gram positive - inhibits cell wall synthesis
spread by food - self limiting
acid fast - M=mycobacterium - A=acid - F=fast
2. IgG first to increase (second exposure
3. Inactivated vaccine
spontaneous abortion in cattle
salk - rabies
eliminates placebo
Comes from milk - (this is the only one not from an insect)
4. Semmelweiss
Steam heat under - denatures membranes - ineffective against prions
exposed to disease = body reacts - ie. measles - chicken pox triggers antibody production
Came up with washing hands before delivering baby and significantly reduced puerperal fever (aka childbed fever) - this can develop into sepsis - contracted by women after childbirth
5. Enterobacteria
Measles - mumps - rubella - Sabin
causes diarrhea
river blindness - flies - in Africa
rabies and hydrophobia
6. Guarneri bodies are inclusion bodies associated with...
metachromatic granules seen in diphtheria (pseudomembrane in throat)
toxin outside the cell from cellular waste products - heat labile - cook your food!
small pox (variola)
staph aureus
7. Lipofuscin are inclusion bodies associated with...
8. What are the 4 Koch's postulates
guarnari bodies
Helps IgG
for staph
1. find microorganism in people suffering from the disease 2. isolate and grow the microorganism in culture 3. should cause disease in a healthy individual when introduced 4. re-isolate microorganism from the inoculated people
9. Polio
parkinson's - aka paralysis agitans - shuffling / festering gait
Transmitted fecal-oral contamination - affects anterior horn (alpha motor)
serratia marcenscus
ncooked pork
10. What is seen with mononucleosis heterophile antibody?
11. Reed sternberg are inclusion bodies associated with...
12. IgA secretory antibody (mucosal antibody)
types I - IV - pneumonic = ACID (see future flash card)
Mucous membrane (saliva - tears) - buys time for the body to recognize the invader - breast milk
acid fast - M=mycobacterium - A=acid - F=fast
13. Commensalism
antisepsis - used carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instruments
TB (inactive phase) -calcium 'jail' around mycobacterium
2 populations living together - one benefits - the other is unaffected
14. Exotoxin
toxin outside the cell from cellular waste products - heat labile - cook your food!
active = body must actively make antibodies - passive = body receives antibodies from outside source
T-cell growth factor - made by CD4 cells - CD4 = T-Helper cell = 'quarterback' of immune system - directs response of immune system
Indicate how the organisms are named - (King Paul Can Only Find Good Spices) Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus - Species
15. Amphitrichus
16. What is the number one cause of impetigo and myelitis?
oral-fecal - colicky pain - lives in small intestines - most common roundworm ('ass' is round) infection worldwide - most common helminth world wide
staph aureus
Dicks test
proved bacteria 'causes' disease - Koch's 4 postulates
17. What will result if born without B cells at birth?
18. What causes Group A beta hemolytic strep?
discovered bacteriophage - an altered virus
proved bacteria 'causes' disease - Koch's 4 postulates
19. Enterotoxin
for gram negative and positive - inhibits protein synthesis - turns teeth gray or yellow brown
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
toxin that affects the intestines - ie. lipopolysaccharides can be enterotoxic
20. What do parasites eat?
Many furuncles (infected hair follicles) - 'a CAR load of furuncles' - #1 cause is staph aureus
BLCCSS (blocks) - Bacillus - Listeria monocytogenes - Clostridium - Corynebacterium diphtheriae - Staph - Strep
parkinson's - aka paralysis agitans - shuffling / festering gait
eats off living organism
21. Red purulent
Affects mitral valve (aka ashkov bodies) - Can = carditis - Sammy = syndenham's chorea - Suck = subcutaneous nodule - Ethyl's = Erythema marginatum - Polyps = migratory Polyarthritis
Ascholi test
fever blisters (cold sores) above the belt can be trigeminal aka gasserian nucleus
serratia marcenscus
22. Which vaccines are manufactured using chick peas?
Measles - mumps vaccine
Legionnaire disease - water droplets - pontiac disease
Major histocompatibility complex - Act as a post on surface (self vs non-self) - involve with tissue graft rejection and organ rejection T-cells recognize MHC I - B-cells recognize MHC I & II
Transfer of disease from animal to human - (ie anthrax gram + - sporulates)
23. What is the best test for water pollution?
bloody transfusions
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
plasmid DNA transfer via sex pilus - bestows antimicrobial resistance
Inorganic material
24. Trichuris trichura
25. Shistosoma japonicum in blood
franciella tularensis - rabbit fever
Infested waters - penetrates unbroken skin - host is snail - most common cause of death in helminth world wide - inhabits liver
developed smallpox vaccine
Strep pyogenes
26. Smallpox
'both' flagella are on both poles
antibody against a toxin - (artificial passive immunity) - purified antiserum from animals who have been given the toxoid
guarnari bodies
viral hepatitis
27. Herpes simplex
1. find microorganism in people suffering from the disease 2. isolate and grow the microorganism in culture 3. should cause disease in a healthy individual when introduced 4. re-isolate microorganism from the inoculated people
hepatitis associated with alcoholism
Cranial nerve V pattern
28. Transduction
bacteriophage transfers genetic material between bacteria - bacteriophage = altered virus
for staph
rheumatic fever
Chocolate agar aka Thayer Martin agar aka heated blood agar
29. Cell conjugation
antibody against a toxin - (artificial passive immunity) - purified antiserum from animals who have been given the toxoid
antisepsis - used carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instruments
bubonic plague
plasmid DNA transfer via sex pilus - bestows antimicrobial resistance
30. Babes Ernst Granules are inclusion bodies associated with...
Comma shape - massive diarrhea 'rice water stool'
Classified streptococcus
metachromatic granules seen in diphtheria (pseudomembrane in throat)
Can be in presence of absence of O2 - facultative aerobe = prefers O2 - facultative anaerobe = prefers no O2
31. Scarlet fever ak
Comes from milk - (this is the only one not from an insect)
eliminates placebo
atypical pneumonia - mycoplasms lacks cell wall
strawberry tongue
32. Fomite
Inanimate object is a vector - hapten partial or half antigen - does not stimulate immune response - needs to bind to protein to become active
genital herpes 'below the belt'
for serology test for all rickettsia except coxiella burnetti (Q fever) - antigen for test = proteus vulgaris
33. Mallory bodies are inclusion bodies associated with...
eliminates placebo
measles (rubeola / red measles) - on buccal mucosa - white / bluish spots
whooping cough
hepatitis associated with alcoholism
34. Yersinia pestis
ncooked pork
bubonic plague
'around' - flagella everywhere
Controls FDA - CDC - US Public Health Services
35. Encephalitis
all spread by mosquitos
Non specific - largest and heaviest - first to increase (first exposure)
strawberry tongue
fish - mouth - contaminated sushi - may cause pernicious anemia (B12) - yellow fin tuna most commonly has it
36. Don't let mono get you down'
I - Immune-complex mediated - IgG and complement [3 things = type III] = antigen + antibody + complement
pre-op disinfectant
Infested waters - penetrates unbroken skin - host is snail - most common cause of death in helminth world wide - inhabits liver
atypical lymphocytes
37. Case control study
small pox (variola)
Identifies risk factors
Can be in presence of absence of O2 - facultative aerobe = prefers O2 - facultative anaerobe = prefers no O2
spread by food - self limiting
38. West nile virus
serratia marcenscus
eastern equine encephalitis
direct uptake of free DNA
Allergic reactions - increases in Hodgkins disease (Reed-Sternberg cells)
39. Rubeola
discovered prions (acellular proteins which denature other proteins) - prions cause mad cow disease - creutzfield jacob - scrapie in sheep - kuru in New Guinea
heterophile agglutinization (Paul Bunnel) - Downey cell (don't let mono get you down) - monospot
eliminates placebo
40. Ascaris lumbricoides
41. Sterilization / autoclave
Steam heat under - denatures membranes - ineffective against prions
discovered penicillin
'around' - flagella everywhere
pre-op disinfectant
42. EPA
for gram negative and positive - inhibits protein synthesis - turns teeth gray or yellow brown
Monitors soil - air and water quality
ncooked pork
dead polio vaccine - by injection - done before Sabin
43. Downey cells are inclusion bodies associated with...
the purpose of opsonization is to enhance phagocytosis - (marks the target for strike)
In raw contaminated fish
Non specific - largest and heaviest - first to increase (first exposure)
44. Genus and species
salk - rabies
e coli in water purification - fecal contamination in water
Indicate how the organisms are named - (King Paul Can Only Find Good Spices) Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus - Species
Trichinosis - raw pork - lives in striated muscles - intercostals and diaphragm - diagnosed on x-ray especially gastrocnemius biopsy to confirm
45. HHS
toxin that affects the nervous system - ie. botulism - tetanus
C5B - C9
Controls FDA - CDC - US Public Health Services
1 congenital malformations 2 prematurity
46. What are the signs and symptoms of impetigo?
proved bacteria 'causes' disease - Koch's 4 postulates
1 congenital malformations 2 prematurity
Many furuncles (infected hair follicles) - 'a CAR load of furuncles' - #1 cause is staph aureus
Infection in children - honey crusted lesions around the mouth - #1 cause is staph aureus
47. What complements indicate a membrane attack complex?
C5B - C9
Mantoux test aka tinne test aka skin prick test - PPD = purified protein derivative - delayed hypersensitivity (Type IV) - Zeihl Nielson staining (acid fast) - gohn complex in lung
rheumatic fever
bloody transfusions
48. Poliovirus
anterior horn - lower motor neuron signs
Mucous membrane (saliva - tears) - buys time for the body to recognize the invader - breast milk
2 populations living together - one benefits - the other is unaffected
organic material
49. Symbiosis
heterophile agglutination test for mononucleosis - downy cell inclusion bodies 'don't let mono get you down'
2 populations living together - one or both benefit
toxin that affects the intestines - ie. lipopolysaccharides can be enterotoxic
rabies and hydrophobia
50. Epithelioid histiocytes are inclusion bodies associated with...
staph aureus
for gram negative - inhibits protein synthesis
'both' flagella are on both poles