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Most Important Dates In Christian History

Subjects : trivia, history
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Catherine of Sienna letters

2. King James Bible

3. China church grows despite Cultural Revolution

4. Teresa of Avila writes The Way of Perfection

5. Augustine's conversion

6. Wycliffe Bible Translators formed

7. Back and Handel born

8. Vatican II

9. Moravian Baptism of Holy Spirit

10. Kierkegaard's attack on Christendom

11. Westminster Confession

12. Augustine's conversion

13. Syllabus of Errors

14. Justin Martyr first apology dedicated

15. Colloquy at Marburg

16. Iranaeus becomes bishop of Lyon

17. Council of Trent and Counter Reformation

18. Anabaptist movement begun

19. Cyprian elected Bishop of Carthage

20. Council of Nicea

21. Huguenot St. Bartholomew's Day massacre

22. St. Peter's basilica rebuilt

23. Latimer and Oxford Martyrs

24. John Knox returns to Scotland

25. Anselm becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

26. Fundamentals published

27. Anselm becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

28. Synod of Whitby

29. British and Foreign Bible Society formed

30. William Law's Serious Call

31. Chalcedon and Leo the Great

32. Christianization of Russia

33. Karl Barth on Romans

34. Xavier begins mission in Japan

35. Waldensian movement begins

36. Nero burns Rome

37. First Quaker Peace Statement

38. East and West split

39. Japanese persecute Christians

40. Joan of Arc martyred

41. Iranaeus becomes bishop of Lyon

42. Athanasius becomes bishop of Alexandria

43. Back and Handel born

44. Gregory the Great elected pope

45. Crusades launched by pope's speech

46. Westminster Confession

47. Zwingli and City Council at Zurich

48. Waldensian movement begins

49. Nero burns Rome

50. Calvin's Institutes 1st edition