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1. Loss of what muscles in Erbs causes the forearm to be pronated
Supraspinatus - infraspinatus - teres minor - subscapularis - SItS
Elevated 1 alpha hydroxylase mediated vit D activation in epithloid macrophages
Type 1 - inc mitochondria and myoglobin conc - inc OXPHOS leading to sustained conctraction
2. Which type of muscle fiber is hypertrophied during weight training
Serratus anterior - connects scapular to thoracic cage - abduction above horizontal position - injured in mastectomy - winged scapula and lymphedema
Phosphate is liberated from the myosin head
Type 2
3. hyperkeratosis with retention of nuclei in stratum corneum seen in psoriasis
Myosin releases bound ADP and is displaced on the actin filament
Fever - fatigue - weight loss - nonbacterial verruucous (Liebman - Sacks) endocarditis - hilar adenopathy - Raynauds
Precocious puberty
4. premalignant lesions caused by sun exposure - small rough - erythematous or brownish papules - cutaenous horns - Name and risk of carcinoma
Rigor mortis
Condyloma acuminatum - caused by HPV
Actinic keratosis - risk proportional to epithelial dysplasia
Medial forearm and arm to just under the axilla
5. Which muscle is the most common rotator cuff injury and What does it do
Cellulitis - s aureus - s pyogenes
Medial forearm and arm to just under the axilla
After a large meal or EtOH conspumption
Supraspinatus - abducts the arm before the deltoid
6. What antibody is less sensitive than RF but more specific and What is the HLA association
Sudden appearance of multiple sebhorrheic keratosis lesions indicating underlying lesions - GI or lymphoid
Anti - CCP - HLA- DR4
Ulnar deviation - subluxation - bakers cysts (behind knee)
Wire - loop lesions in kidney with immune complex deposition - death from renal failure and infxns
7. exotoxin destroys keratinocyte attachments in the stratum granulosum - fever - generalized erythematous rash with sloughing of the upper layers of the dermis - newborns and children
Staph scalded skin syndrome
2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine - appendix
Anemia - thrombocytopenia - infection - extramedullary hematopoiesis
8. What does IM reveal in pemphigus vulgaris
Antibodies around cells of the epidermis in a reticular or netlike pattern
Rheumatoid arthritis
Vitiligo - dec number in melanocytes
9. Depolarizaition causes what voltage sensitive receptor coupled to what other receptor to induce a conformational change In what structure - releasing what?
STD presents as a monarticular - migratory arthritis with an asynmetrical pattern - affected joint is painful - red and swollen
Asymmetric - swollen - red - painful joint - often MTP (podagra) - tophus formation on external ear - olecranon bursa - achilles tendon
Voltage sens - dihydropiridine R coupled to ryanodine recpetor - conformational change in the SR - releasing Ca2+
10. What are the thin lines along the Z line
Ewings sarcoma - aggressive with early mets - but responsive to chemo
11. Which muscle laterally rotates and adducts arm
Tibial - foot inversioon and plantarflexion; toe flexion - sole of foot is sensory
Anti Scl70 - anti DNA topoisomerase I antibody
Vertebral crush fractures - femoral neck fractures - distal radius (Colles') fracture
Teres minor
12. hyperplasia of stratum spinosum - associated with hyperinsulinemia (cushings - DM) and visceral malignancy
Ischial spine - relieve pain during delivery
Acanthosis nigcricans
13. Pain and stiffness in shoulders and hips - fever malaise and weight loss - no weakness - pts over 50 - associated with HA and jaw pain
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Polymyaglia rheumatica associated with temporal (giant cell) arteritis
Tear of the ACL
McCune - Albright syndrome
14. What is CREST syndrome and What antibody is it associated with
Calcinosis - raynauds - esophageal dysmotility - sclerodactyly - telangiectasia - anti centromere antibody
In pemphis vulgaris - separation of epidermis upon manual stroking of skin
Verrucae vulgaris
Boutonniere - swan neck - zthumb
15. pelvic fracture can cause injury to which nerve - and What are the motor and sens def
Femoral - thing flexion and leg extension - anterior thigh and medial leg
Ulnar nerve
Lesioned by midshaft fracture of humerus
Binds myosin head and releases actin filament allowing cross - bridge cycling and shortening to occur
16. bening cartilaginous neoplasm found in intramedullary bone - usually distal extremities
Ankylosing spondylitis - uveitis - aortic regurg and bamboo spine
Polymyaglia rheumatica associated with temporal (giant cell) arteritis
Ulnar nerve
17. malignant cartilaginous tumor in men 30 to 60 - Name and common location
Loss of medial lumbrical fxn; 4th and 5th digits are clawed - when try to open hand - pinky and ring finger stay clawed
Binds troponin C causing a conformational change leading to tropomyosin to move out of the way allowing for actin/myosin cycling
Pityriasis rosea
Chondrosarcoma - pelvis - spine - scapula - humerus - tibia - or femur
18. Where does cartilage loss begin in osteoarthritis
The dermis
Medial aspect
Flex the MCP joints and extend both the DIP and PIP joints
Tibial - foot inversioon and plantarflexion; toe flexion - sole of foot is sensory
19. What is below the epidermis
The dermis
Iliac crest
Ulnar nerve
20. normal melanocyte number with dec melanin production due to inactivity of tyrosine
Type 1 - inc mitochondria and myoglobin conc - inc OXPHOS leading to sustained conctraction
Lichen planus
Calmodulin - complex activates myosin light chain kinase
21. What kind of nuclei do basal cell tumors have
Embryologic - childbirth defect - cervical rib compression - atrophy of the thenar and hypothenar eminences - atrophy of interosseous muscles - sensory deficits of the medial side of the forearm and hand - disappearance of the radial pulse upon movin
Small cell cancer of the lung - improve with muscle use - no change with ACHE inhibs
AP depol opens voltage gated Ca channels - inducing NT release
22. What is the source of osteoblast cells
Mesenchymal stem cells in periosteum
Ewings sarcoma - aggressive with early mets - but responsive to chemo
Anemia - thrombocytopenia - infection - extramedullary hematopoiesis
Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR3) inhibits chondrocyte proliferation
23. What muscles of the shoulder form the rotator cuff
Supraspinatus - infraspinatus - teres minor - subscapularis - SItS
Iliac crest
Myasthenia gravis - autoAb against ACH receptors causing ptosis - diplopia - general weakness -
24. What are the motor defs of a proximal ulnar nerve injury
Dysplastic nevus
Osteopetrosis - abnl fxn of osteoclasts
Medial finger flexion - wrist flexion
25. What nerve is injured by a fracture of the epicondyle of humerus or repeated minor traumas
Embryologic - childbirth defect - cervical rib compression - atrophy of the thenar and hypothenar eminences - atrophy of interosseous muscles - sensory deficits of the medial side of the forearm and hand - disappearance of the radial pulse upon movin
Paralysis of abductors
Myosin releases bound ADP and is displaced on the actin filament
Ulnar nerve
26. What form of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia has multiple unilateral bones lesions associated with endocrine abnl and unilateral pigmented skin lesions - caf
Renal - pulm - CV - GI - 75% female
McCune - Albright syndrome
27. What does MLCK do in smooth muscle contraction
Xeropthalmia - xerostomia - arthritis
Ulnar nerve - adduction of thumb - extension of 4th and 5th fingers (lumbricals)
Phosphorylates myosin light chain which leads to cross bridge formation
28. On the palmar and dorsal sides of the hand - what dermatome covers the 5th finger and the lateral 1/2 of the 4th finger
Spindle shaped cells with multinucleated giant cells
Vertebral crush fractures - femoral neck fractures - distal radius (Colles') fracture
29. How is chondrosarcoma described
Median nerve - same fingers but not on the hand
Expansile glistening mass within the medullary cavity
The dermis
30. What supplies innervation to the thenar muscles
Onion skin - 11:22 - diaphysis of long bones - pelvis - scapula - ribs
Ischial spine - relieve pain during delivery
Erlenmeyer flask bones that flare out - narrowed foramina
Recurrent branch of the median nerve
31. Where is C5 dermatome
2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine - appendix
Infraspinatus - laterally rotates arm
Anti - CCP - HLA- DR4
Outer arm
32. What development failure can results in albinism
Fever - fatigue - pleuritis - pericarditis
Dorsal side of lateral hand - most of lateral surface of the thumb - no digits
NC migration
Down T tubule
33. What clinical features in vertebral crush fractures
Basal cell carcinoma - pearly papules - commonly with telangiectasias
Radial nerve
Acute back pain - loss of height - and kyphosis
Giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma) - double bubble or soap bubble
34. yellow when parallel and blue when perpendicular
Posterior cord
Fracture of surgical neck - dislocation of the humerus - intramuscular injections
Antibodies around cells of the epidermis in a reticular or netlike pattern
35. Through what pathway does NO work and What is the downstream effect
GC and cGMP and inhibition of MLCK
Ulnar - opponens digiti minimi - abductor digiti minimi - flexor digiti mimini
Adductor policis brevis
36. Flat discloration <1cm seen in tinea versicolor
Carbonic anhydrase II
Mosiac bone pattern - long bone chalk stick fractures - increased hat size or hearing loss due to auditory foramen narrowing
Age - obesity and joint deformity
37. What associations go along with sarcoidosis
38. first few weeks of life - grows rapidly and regresses spontaneously at 5 to 8 yrs of age
Strawberry hemangioma
Wire - loop lesions in kidney with immune complex deposition - death from renal failure and infxns
Medially rotates and adducts arm
39. What causes osteoporosis type 1 and When does it typically occur
Ulnar nerve
NSAIDs (indomethacin) colchicine
Onion skin - 11:22 - diaphysis of long bones - pelvis - scapula - ribs
Dec estrogen causes inc bone resorption - postmenopausal
40. What is the classic triad of reactive arthritis
Vit D def - dec Ca - inc PTH - dec serum phos - reversible when vit D is replaced
Conjunctivitis and anterior uveitis - urethritis and arthritis
41. interlacing trabeculae of woven bone surrounded by osteoblasts
Median - lateral finger and wrist flexion - dorsal palmar aspects of lateral 3.5 fingers/thenar eminence - ape hand - carpal tunnel syndrome
Outer arm
Osteoid osteoma
Seborrheic keratosis
42. Associated with M. pneumonia - HSV - sulfa drugs - B lactams - phenytoin - cancers and autoimmune dz - skin disorder and description
Erythema multiforme - can be macules - papules vesicles - target lesions -
Restrictive lung disease - bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy - erythema nodosum - Bell's palsy
Conjunctivitis and anterior uveitis - urethritis and arthritis
ACH esterase inhibitors - edrophonium test - improvement of sx after edro means the patient is underdosed
43. In longitudinal bone growth - what model is made first (and By what cell) and What is it later replaced by (and By what cells) - process name
Anti Scl70 - anti DNA topoisomerase I antibody
Rheumatoid arthritis
Cartilaginous by chondrocytes first - osteoclasts and osteoblasts later replace with women bone and remodel to lamellar bone - endochondrial ossification
44. What lesions causes Erb's palsy
Small cell cancer of the lung - improve with muscle use - no change with ACHE inhibs
Upper trunk of brachial plexus
Dry eyes - dry mouth - nasal and vaginal dryness - chronic bronchitis - reflux esophagitis and No arthritis
Dorsal side of lateral hand - most of lateral surface of the thumb - no digits
45. When do acute attacks of gout typically occur
Degenerative injury due to repeated use - tiny tears in the tendons and muscles - may be inflammatory - lateral epicondyle is tennis - medial epicondyle is golf
S100 - associated with sunligh exposure - fair skinned at risk - depth of tumor correlates with risk of mets - dark with irregular borders
After a large meal or EtOH conspumption
46. In which form is myosin light chain active
Common peroneal - foot eversion and dorsiflexion - toe extention - foot drop - foot slap - stepped gaint - anterolateral leg and dorsal aspect of foot for sensory
Recurrent branch of the median nerve
47. Where does the muscle contraction travel after leaving the motor end plate
Down T tubule
Strawberry hemangioma
85% - advanced paternal age - or auto dominant inheritance
Degenerative injury due to repeated use - tiny tears in the tendons and muscles - may be inflammatory - lateral epicondyle is tennis - medial epicondyle is golf
48. potentially fatal autoimmune disorder with IgG antibody against desmosomes
Pemphigus vulgaris
Tear of the ACL
Metaphysis of long bones - distal femur
Mosiac bone pattern - long bone chalk stick fractures - increased hat size or hearing loss due to auditory foramen narrowing
49. warts on genitals
Lesch - nyhan - PRPP excess - dec exretion of uric acid (thiazide) inc cell turnover - von Gierke's dz - 90% due to underexcretion - 10% to overproduction
Condyloma acuminatum - caused by HPV
Widespread skin involvment - rapid progression - early visceral involvement
Median nerve - same fingers but not on the hand
50. inc thickness of stratum corneum seen in psoriasis
EtOH metabolites compete for same excretion site in kidney as uric acid - causing dec uric acid secretion and subsequent buildup
Sudden appearance of multiple sebhorrheic keratosis lesions indicating underlying lesions - GI or lymphoid
Deep branch of radial nerve