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NASM Terms

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Makes up hamstring - near center

2. Heels are straight and parallel - not overly pronated - Neutral position - not adducted or abducted - Pelvis is level with both posterior spines in same transverse plane - Level - not elevated or portracted - Neutral position - neither tilted nor rot

3. Assess movement efficiency & potential muscle imbalances

4. Hypertension and congestive heart failure

5. Soleus - Lateral Gastro. Biceps Femoris

6. Kidney toxin- no usage

7. Internal Intercostals - Abdominals

8. The structures that make up the lumbo pelvic hip complex- lumbar spine - pelvic girdle - abdomen - and hip joint (LPHC)

9. .76 and .85

10. Low toxicity- possible kidney stones

11. Front of hip down side

12. Knee Adduction - Knee internal rotation - Foot pronation - Foot external rotation

13. Gastrocnemius - Soleus - Peroneals - Adductors - Illiotibial head - Hip Flexor Complex - Biceps femoris

14. Forward head and rounded shoulders

15. Going from aerobic energy to anaerobic energy production with to without oxygen

16. Nausea - constipation - kidney stones

17. Anterior tilt to pelvis (arched lower back)

18. Specific adaptation to Imposed Demands states that the body will adapt to the demand placed on it

19. Low toxicity- possible kidney stones

20. Masks V- B12 (which can cause neurological problems)

21. Standing Adductor Stretch - Lat Ball Stretch - Pectoral Wall Stretch

22. Increase heart rate - elevates blood glucose levels - redistributes blood to working tissues - opens airways

23. Contracts the muscle in response - Normal reaction to avoid injury - Senses Muscle Lengthening

24. Gastroncnemius/soleus - adductors - lats

25. Outer Calve

26. Hypertension - congestive heart failure - and peripheral edema

27. Mid/Lower Traps

28. Anterior tibialis - Posterior Tibialis - Vastus Medialis - Gluteus maximus - medius - Hip external rotators

29. Internal Intercostals - Abdominals

30. Apart of quads - small

31. Liver damage - flushing - nausea - gastrointestinal problems

32. Nausea - diarhea - fatigue - hair/nail loss

33. 1.) Alarm reaction 2.) Resistance Development 3.) Exhaustion

34. Training different part of the body on seperate days

35. Uppers Traps - low serratus anterior

36. Measures upper extremity agility and stabilization

37. Smaller muscle - just outside of longus coli

38. Muscles either fully contract or do nothing at all

39. 1.) Alarm reaction 2.) Resistance Development 3.) Exhaustion

40. Circuits

41. Muscle in neck from ear to collar bone

42. Layer of connective tissue that is underneath fascia - and surrounds muscle (outside)

43. Adductor Complex - Biceps Femoris - TFL - Vastus Lateralis

44. Ability to move the body in one intended direction as far as possible

45. Highest rate of oxygen achieved @ physical exertion

46. Up - Down - Neutral- Down

47. Alteration of parathyroid hormone levels - reduced bone mineral density

48. Deep Cervical Flexors - Serratus anterior - Rhomboids - Mid Traps - Teres Minor - Infraspinatus

49. Cardiotoxic effects- should not be taken unless in form of b12

50. Neutral or Up/Neutral or Down