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NCLEX Cardiac

  • Answer 50 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
  • Don't refresh. All questions and answers are randomly picked and ordered every time you load a test.

This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. During an Allen's test don't compress one artery _____ the other.

2. What are the nursing interventions for a patient in complete heart block?

3. What is defibrillation?

4. What is the treatment for atrial fibrillation?

5. What should be done immediately if a pulmonary embolism is suspected?

6. What are the treatments/ S&S of peripheral venous disease?

7. What things should you do to assess cardiovascular status?

8. Where is the tricuspid valve landmark on the chest?

9. What should you do if the PT value is 45 sec?

10. If you see a NA placing a patient with DVT in sitting position with legs dependent what should you do?

11. What are the nursing interventions for a pt. with ventricular tachycardia?

12. What are the nursing interventions for a patient in atrial fibrillation?

13. What are the steps for adult/child 1 rescuer CPR?

14. What condition can cause left sided heart failure?

15. Where should you place your stethescope to find the mitral (apex) valve?

16. Who would most likely have peripheral venous disease?

17. What is the correct way to insert an oropharyngeal airway?

18. What signals an elevated venous pressure based on the internal jugular veins?

19. How do you prepare a patient for Impedance cardiography monitoring?

20. What is the antidote for coumadin?

21. For which heart sounds should the diaphragm be used?

22. What drugs are most commonly used for angina?

23. What does an Allen's test determine?

24. What should you observe for in someone on bleeding precautions?

25. What are general guidelines to be followed by a patient who has an implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)?

26. What should you go when applying nitroglycerin ointment for angina?

27. How does the blood flow through the heart? (valves?)

28. What is the hallmark clinical finding associated with pericarditis?

29. In What time period is the greatest risk of sudden death from an MI?

30. What is a nursing diagnosis for arterial occlusion? Tx

31. Test ending in Gram=?

32. Where should you place your stethescope to find the tricuspid valve?

33. What are the signs and symptoms of left sided HF?

34. What is an aortic dissection?

35. If a victim is choking but can cough - speak - or breath what should you do?

36. What is the normal value for arterial pulse? Pulse amplitude? Edema? Reflex?

37. What should be taught upon discharge for someone going home on coumadin as a result of a PE?

38. What should you teach your patient about MRI?

39. What should you teach your patient about a cardiac catheterization?

40. What are the S&S associated with right sided heart failure?

41. When should a patient call their doctor after having an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) placed?

42. Where is the right ventricle landmark on the chest?

43. How should you palpate the carotid arteries?

44. What is the antidote for heparin?

45. What are the 2 types of pacemakers?

46. What is a good diagnosis for someone with right sided HF?

47. What is a therapeutic digoxin level?

48. What lab value is used to evaluate a patient on coumadin? What is the normal value?

49. What is the treatment for someone with right sided HF? How do you know working?

50. What is cardiac tamponade? Common causes?