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NCLEX Cardiac Medications

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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. headache and palpitation may be seen while taking

2. side effect: reflex tachycardia causing increased angina pain in patients with angina

3. dont take aliskiren (tekturna) if

4. Tachycardia is the body's natural response to...

5. rebound excitation causing angina pain or MI results from sudden withdraw of what?

6. Take ARBs with caution if..

7. antadote for digoxin

8. potassium level above 5.0 - type 2 diabetes with microalbuminuria are contraindicated to what?

9. take adrenergic neuron blocker while on MAOIs depressent

10. give last dose of diuretic at What time

11. take atenolol (ternomin) when

12. losartan combination with hydrochlorothiazide

13. inamirinone (inocor)

14. side effect of aldosterone Antagonist

15. Prototype drug of Alpha 1 Adrenergic blockers

16. centrally act alpha 2 agonist are...

17. if patient has rheumatic heart disease - tachcardia - or MI dont take what?

18. taking adrenerfgic receptor blocker with oral hypoglycemia agents can cause

19. taking adrenerfgic receptor blocker with digoxin can cause

20. Candesartan (Atacand)

21. taken sildanefil (viagra) with alpha 1 adrenergic blockers can cause what?

22. dilating the peripheral vessels will treat what?

23. Parazosin (Minipress)

24. Increase in bradykinin

25. take adrenergic neuron blocker with peptic ulcer or collitis

26. chlorothiazied (DIURIL)

27. Herbal ginseng increases...

28. NSAIDs may decrease...

29. direct acting vasodilator maybe given with a beta blocker to prevent

30. alpha adrenergic antagonist can cause...

31. common SLE like symptoms

32. adrenergic neuron blockers can cause

33. Dont give alpha/beta blocker if pt...

34. phosphodiesterase inhibitors increases or decreases cardiac output

35. gemfibrozil (lopid) - fenofibrate ( antara - lofibra - tricor - triglide) - fenofibric acid ( trilipix)

36. Captopril Administration

37. possible angina pain is...

38. take adrenergic neuron blocker if allergic to rauwolfa alkaloids..

39. aliskiren (tekturna) given with potassium sparing diuretic causes

40. SOB - edema - coughing at night is a sign of...

41. report rapid heart rate and increase in angina pain while on...

42. Direct Renin Inhibitor

43. beta adrenergic blocker

44. ARB that prevent stroke

45. cimetidine increases...

46. Ace inhibitors can cause a...

47. eplerenone (Inspra)

48. hydralaizine maybe given with What to reduce fluid retention

49. alpha/beta blockers are...

50. alpha/beta blockers in comibinational usage with oral hypoglycemic agents can cause what?