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  • Answer 22 questions in 15 minutes.
  • If you are not ready to take this test, you can study here.
  • Match each statement with the correct term.
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This is a study tool. The 3 wrong answers for each question are randomly chosen from answers to other questions. So, you might find at times the answers obvious, but you will see it re-enforces your understanding as you take the test each time.
1. Levothroid - Cytomel

2. INH - EMB - Rifadin - Streptomycin - Para - amno salicylic acid - Pyraznamide

3. Tugamet - Zantrac - Carafate - Pepcid - Axid - Prilosec - Prevacid - Acip Hex - Nexium - Protonix - Cytotec

4. Capoten - Vasotec - Zestril - Prinivil - Tenormin - Corgard - Inderal - Procardia - Calan - Cardizem - Catapres - Aldomet - Apresoline - Minoxidil

5. Lithium - Tegretol - Depakote

6. Risperdal - Thorazine - Prolixin - Trilafon - Haldol - Seroquel - Geodon

7. Pro - Banthine - Belladonna - Atropinesulfate - Atrovent - Spiriva - Ipratropium + Albuterol - Besnztropine - Trihexyphenydil

8. Valium - Clanazepam - Cerebyx - Keppra - Dilantin - Luminal - Mysoline - Mag. Sulfate - Depakote - Tegretol - Zarontin - Necrontin - Lamictal - Topamax

9. Magnesium

10. Kaoptectate - Pepto - Bismol - Lomotil - Immodium - Paregoric

11. Buspirone - Verapamil - Carbamazepine - Simvastatin

12. Zovirax - Virazole - AZT - HIVID - Violex - Famvir - Cytorene - Symmetrel - Flumadine - Tamiflu - Relenza

13. Oxybutinin - Hyoscyamine - Propantheline - Darifenacin - Solefinacin - Tolterodine

14. Cisplatin - Leukeran - Cytoxan - Mercaptopurine - 6- MP - Methotrexate - Bleomycin - Bactinomycin - Doxorubicin - Adriamycin - Diethylstilbestrol - Tamoxifen - Nolvadex - Testosterone - Unblastine - Velban - Vincristine - Oncovin - Camptosar - Hycamt

15. Tigan - Compazine - Zofran - Turecan - Reglan - Antivert - Bonine - Dramamine - Phenergan - Inapsine

16. Calcitonin - Etridronate Disodium - Mithramycin

17. Ritalin - Dexedrine

18. Aspirin - Persantine - Plavix

19. Tapazole - Propylthiouracil - Lugol's Iodine Solution - Radioactive Iodine^131

20. Fosomax - Actonel - Boniva

21. Tensilan - Prostigmin - Mestinen - Fosamax - Glucosamine

22. Artane - Cogentin - L- dopa - Parlodel - Sinemet - Symmetrel